Pai is a scouting robot, whose main mission is to search, detect, identify and attack hostile targets. Pai is small in size, and uses a variety of stealth technologies in the production, so it has high stealth.

At this point, he was at the top of the line. Although it doesn't look different from him, the built-in detection wave of his body has spread out layer by layer in a wavy shape with his body as the center, and the terrain within a radius of 1000 meters is displayed in the brain of Pai.

Pai is sharing the image data collected by himself to his peers through LAN.

All the evidence is to prove a fact: This is a very desolate planet. The soil is barren and barren, with no trace of other human activities at all.

In this case, the emergence of the young human is more abrupt.

Without adults around him, how did he survive in the harsh environment of the planet? In the information sent by Pai, alpha noticed the existence of a kind of beast, which is a huge beast outside his database. They live in groups on this planet. They are absolutely carnivores.

Alpha's light screen is shining with wavy blue light.

The more and more urgent warning sound in the body no longer reminds him all the time. At this time, it is only 8 minutes and 4 seconds before the self destruction system officially starts.

At this time, Pai suddenly said: "suspicious target is found at 800 meters in the direction of 10 o'clock ahead! Risk factor 1! Is it necessary to clear the suspicious target? "

"Go and have a look." Put the doubts about the young human into the task queue temporarily, and Alfa's attention at the moment is completely attracted by the suspicious target found by Pai:

it's a robot!

Alfa has been judged that there is no advanced productivity on the very backward planet, suddenly appeared a robot, how can he not care?

The five robots immediately reached the target with the fastest speed.

From the moment the robot entered the explorable range, Pai immediately scanned it thoroughly from the beginning to the end, from the outside to the inside.

“…… The body of the target robot is completely forged from fine steel, which is the mainstream material of the first generation robot. It was abandoned as early as the birth of the second generation robot 780 years ago. "

"There is no weapon inside or outside the body, excluding the possibility that the opponent is a combat robot Internal parts show severe wear... "

While advancing at full speed, the team will report the results of the second scan to other robots. So, as early as the beginning of seeing each other, alfa and his party had a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the strange robot.

However, when they really see each other, they crash for 0.1 millisecond.

Although I have known for a long time that this robot is an antique, it is too antique.

It's totally different from alpha line, which has the same color. There's no metal in the whole body of this robot. It's a patchwork.

Even the mechanical arm is missing one side. I don't know who repaired it. The missing arm is replaced by wooden material.

This is also

It's completely beyond the scope of logical calculation -- the robot led by alpha thinks the same way.

At the foot of this ridiculous garbage assembly that people can hardly call a robot, there is a slightly newer vegetable basket stuffed with a big ball.

His leg also fell off. Although he was very old and broken, it could be seen that the reason for the fall was not that he fell off while walking, but that he was forcibly pulled off by external force.

The robot's torn limb was found not far away. Alpha carefully looked at the tooth marks on it and determined that the murderer was the large beast in the image sent by us before.

The robot was attacked by wild animals, but the other party soon found that the prey was not delicious at all, so they threw him here.

"Let's get out of here." He threw his mechanical stump to the ground, and Alfa's emotionless voice sounded again.

Even if they are all robots, Alfa can't sympathize with him at all. Such elementary robots should have no intelligence at all. They just exist as machines, and they can't communicate at all.

However, something more out of the scope of alpha logic happened -

"good day, hello."

Just as alpha turned and left, an untimely greeting came from their feet.

The unique sound of the robot is that garbage like robot!

Alfa stopped at once.

The model of this robot is too old. There is no network in the body, and it can't communicate with other robots by brain waves. He can only talk with his own kind through the human means of sound.

"Hello, are you a robot, too?"

A broken limb doesn't make the robot feel pain, so his voice sounds very calm."Yes." Alfa turned around and looked down at the robot that was almost scattered on the ground. The position of the other side's voice was the head. Compared with other parts of the body, the head of the robot was the most complete.

Alpha feels a little strange.

He thought that a robot with no intelligence could communicate with himself. This is very strange!

"Hello, my fellow. I haven't seen you here before. Did you just come here?" Not only can he actively communicate, his logic is very clear.

"Yes." Alpha answered him truthfully.

"I have lived on this planet for 500 years, and all the information here is stored in my brain. Because my hard disk is not big enough, only a part of it is stored, and another part is stored on another hard disk and put in other places."

"You can have all this."

He said such a passage. Because of the unique hardness of the robot voice, his speech sounds flat, without any emotion or tendency.

But Alfa recognized his potential.

"Give me such valuable information. What do you want me to exchange?"

They may not be able to hear ipsilon, but alpha, who has the most contact with human beings, immediately hears from each other's words that they want something from themselves.

"I hope you can take care of a human for me when I'm broken." No matter how skillful he was, he was always a robot. He was very honest and said his exchange terms.

"A human named mugan is four years old, seven months and three days old. You can extract his image data from my hard disk later. I hope you can take care of him instead of me when I break down. "

It's still a very cold mechanical sound, but it sounds different from the usual mechanical sound.

"He's a very caring human and won't waste a lot of your energy."

"Are you here with other humans? If so, please give Mugen to other human beings. If not, you need to find a human to be the master, right

"Mugan will be a good host. He's the best human I've ever seen."

As the robot continued to speak, there was more and more noise in his voice. If what he said at the beginning was very logical, what he said next would be illogical.

It's something that only human beings can say - Alfa thought, leaning his head.

"Please." Finally said a word, the broken robot motionless looking at alpha.

The red light disappeared from the part of his eyes, and he didn't make any sound for the rest of the time.

In human terms, he's dead.

In robot terms, he's broken.

"It's just that there's no oil." After picking up the broken robot and checking it, alpha said to ipsilon, "put away all the things on the ground and let's go back to the original place."

"Yes." Ipsilon gave him a sullen reply, and then dutifully put away all the parts of the strange robot on the ground, even the vegetable basket on the ground.

The four robots made a quick return.

It's only three minutes to start the system.

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