"How are the kids this year?" In the dark room, suddenly a voice, a female voice, sounded soft and clear.

"It's no different than in previous years." The second one is a cold male voice, which is just like a robot.

"Ha ha! Look, there's a little fat man over there! He's broken the horse This time it's a young man's voice, laughing, his voice sounds very pleasant.

Point out the freshmen who have noticed one by one. Three people comment from time to time. The room is very busy for a while.

"Enough! Courno! You are one person, please don't talk to each other A majestic female voice was inserted from it. As soon as the voice came out, the young man's laughter stopped immediately.

Without a light on, the only source of light in the room is the display screen. There is a whole wall in this room, which is made up of the display screen. A whole hundred pictures show the scene in the playground at the moment from all angles.

At the moment, there are seven people and nine pairs of eyes in this room, watching the freshmen's performance through the monitor:

whether it's the scene of the Thunder Dragon cub foolishly riding on a Trojan horse, or the scene of other freshmen being scared into prototype escaping from the terror room, or even the scene of the glasses examinee peddling game currency All this was filmed by the covert monitoring system, and then faithfully displayed in front of the examiners.

Yes, at the moment, the seven people in the room are the examiners of this freshman entrance test.

Er Seven? Eighteen eyes? Did you miscalculate something?

Cough! No mistake, one of the examiners has three eyes! You've also seen this race before. They are the three heads who drive fast restaurants in the universe!

"Oh, I like this little fat man^_ ^He looks very suitable to enter our cuisine department The man named kurno who just stopped talking is the three headed candidate. Two heads are male and one is female. He is tall, with flat chest and lower body It's hard to tell his / her gender by wearing loose clothes.

"Well! Are you sure you want him in the cooking department, not the kitchen? " A petite woman next to him retorted: "I think he's going to the mechanical department. He's very patient and focused. A Trojan horse weighs a ton. He can easily install the repaired Trojan horse back. His patience and strength have reached the standard of entering the mechanical department. "

"I'm strong and suitable for the cuisine department! My kitchen knife is also very heavy^_ ^But kurno laughs again. He chats with his colleagues here, and his / her other two heads are not idle. He has already transferred xiaoleilong's wish through his / her brain: "yo! It seems that xiaoleilong likes delicious food. He applied for our department^_ ^”

“…… Volunteering can only be used as a reference. " The Petite Female examiner of mechanical department calmly replied to him / her.

"But it's also the most important reference, isn't it?" Kurno is still smiling. His three heads turn to one side at the same time. He / she goes to talk to the examiner next to him: "blue, who do you like?"

The examiner he / she spoke to was a man in his thirties, wearing a pair of glasses and a mess of red curly hair almost covering half of his face.

"Screen 18, with glasses." He pointed out the screen in a nutshell.

"Oh, oh! I also noticed that this freshman, after taking advantage of his own subjects in the shortest time, would brake decisively. In the next time, he would sell the remaining game currency at a high price to the freshman who was not thoughtful enough to use up the game currency in advance. This freshman is very economic minded and suitable to come to our economic department. " The person who answered him was a fat examiner, with bare head and no hair. I don't know whether he was born or shaved on purpose. Wearing a white robe, he looked like a ball.

"He's fit for the medical department." The curly hair examiner spoke again. Although the number of words was small, the tone was very strong.

From the beginning, he only focused on a few games that met the requirements of his department.

As a professor of medicine, he is most concerned about the game: clip, baby, baby!

A game coin can be used for one minute, within one minute, but you can use the remote control button to control the clip in the device to clip the doll below. No matter how many dolls you clip within one minute, it belongs to the player!

The clip used in the device is very loose. If you want to clamp the doll successfully, it seems that you can only rely on God's blessing.

In fact, many people are convinced that this game is a game of character and luck.

However, this is not the case: this game seems to be a test of luck game, in fact, the test is the player's ability to control the machine! The more dolls you pick up in the specified time, the better the person's ability to control the machine!

The ability to quickly adapt to the machine, master the machine in the shortest time and start to use it only appears in 20% of people. This 20% of the people will be divided into medical science department, mechatronics department and Mechatronics department.

Among the 20 percent who are able to be admitted, not everyone is suitable for the medical department. In today's era, medical students are not only through manual surgery, but also with the help of mechanical force. The operation ability of micro machinery is the ability required by this major.It is this ability that is tested by the game of clip doll.

The glasses examinee picked up four dolls in one minute, and the system determined that the score was 40, which seemed very low, but if you see the scores of other freshmen, you don't think so.

Among the examinees who have played the "clip Doll" game, the glasses examinee is the only one who clip the doll. Except for him, all the people in front of him have no scores. Because this game is too difficult, so this game has become a game that no one patronizes.

With a long "Yo", kurno laughed again: "it's a pity that this freshman's first wish is also our cooking department. It seems that his precise hands prefer to operate all kinds of cooking equipment. You know, it's more and more difficult to be a good cook nowadays. All kinds of cooking equipment emerge in endlessly, and chefs also need to operate machinery^_ ^"

" don't you think so? Your excellency With that, kurno's face, which belongs to the female, turned to the rear and said, "Mr. President, who are you most concerned about?"

The man known as the president sat at the end of the room. He was dressed in black and his hair was black. If it had not been for kurno's words, he looked up and showed his pale face, people would not even know that there was a man there.

"My God! When did you sit there, Dean? I, I didn't find it But the Petite Female examiner panicked.

The palm, as pale as her face, stretched out from the darkness and pressed down, indicating to the female examiner not to panic. "The president" spoke.

He is a very handsome man, can not see the age, temperament gentle, but the whole person seems to have a kind of unspeakable dark atmosphere.

"I don't want to disturb you because you're chatting so much." His tone is also very gentle, but his voice is cold.

"The first time I used this method, I wanted to see the effect at the first time, so I came."

Petite Female Examiner: = = / / / you said for a long time, but still didn't say when you came

"Let's just look at the results." With that, he stood up and entered a line of instructions into the central system, and the current score ranking of each game item was displayed on each screen.

"What The first to see the results of the Petite Female examiner can not believe the cry.

So far, the number one candidate is completely beyond their expectation!

"Olivia Augustus, which one is this?" All the examiners have transferred out the information about the freshmen they have paid attention to, but none of them has this person in the information on their desk.

"The freshman took part in the game later. When you first discussed it, he didn't start the game yet." The dean said, and showed Olivia's information in front of many examiners through the light screen of smart brain.

"He is one of the few freshmen who read the instructions before going to the game, and he guessed the intention of the game very early. In the next game test, he played very well in every item, and his physical fitness reached the rare s level. Not only that, in addition to his strong body, his mind is also very good."

Slowly stretched out an index finger, the president pointed to his brain position: "super millionaire this game, he played five games, two of which are close to full score, the last game system increased three difficulty, he just began to lose."

"This freshman is coming to our command department! No one is allowed to rob me! " The silver hair examiner, who had been sitting quietly and didn't speak, stood up: "strong body! Smart brain! Also has the rational analysis ability! That's all the qualities a good warship commander needs! "

"How can that be?"?! What does a warship commander want with such a strong body for?! Our mecha department needs such talents! With such a strong body, Olivia was born to be a man who wanted to fight in the mecha! " The momentum is not inferior to him. Another examiner of the mecha department also claps the table and looks at the long face of the examiner of the warship command department.

"This, so powerful?! I never won that game... " The Petite Female examiner put out her tongue.

"So in the end, you have to shrink in the warehouse to repair things^_ ^"Kurno said again. What he said is still irritating. What's more irritating is still behind:" I'm sorry, Olivia is not interested in warships and mecha. He likes to make desserts at home^_ ^"

looking up the online volunteer application form Olivia filled in at that time, he showed it to other examiners with a smile:" first volunteer: cuisine department, reason for applying: I hope to restore his hometown cuisine with mugan, and open a candy store. "

"What a sweet dream (づづ╭づ╭づ╭づ╭づ╭╭づ╭╭づ╭づ╭╭づ╭╭.

"Who is mugan?" It was Geller, the instructor of the warship command department, who was the first to notice the name. He was also the first to search for Mugen's information.

As a result, the humble Mugen boy was finally noticed by these big men.

The freshmen's comprehensive evaluation results are ranked according to the average score. Olivia is ranked first, but mugan is not in the front.His score is very average, comprehensive score is not much, just in the middle of all candidates, very humble place.

He didn't look disappointed like other tutors. Geller opened the details of Mugen's report card. This time, what he showed in front of all the examiners was the specific results of each game project of Mugen.

This time, all the examiners present were shocked -

super power king: 100 points, full score is 100 points;

Super Tycoon: 100 points, full score is 100 points;

guessing Champion: 100 points, full score is 100 points.

Although there is no outstanding place in other scores, and even two scores are very low, there are actually three full scores in a row!

"No way!" The first thing she called out was the Petite Female examiner. Her name was Lanfu. All the game equipment used in this exam was developed and manufactured by a group of technicians in the mechanical department under her leadership. She knew the programming that it was basically impossible to achieve 100 points.

Human's ability is limited, but the future development is infinite, should not appear full score this kind of achievement - this is the original intention of all the machinists!

However, at this time presented in front of her is the full score of three adverse days!

Biting her lips, Lanfu didn't speak. She quickly called up the relevant video records, and then clearly saw how the teenager named mugan got three suspicious 100 points.

==///After watching mugan's game, everyone's expression was like this.

It's a good thing to say that super power Wang may have a problem with robot bugs, but he's lucky to catch up with the game at the time of bugs;

however, the next super tycoon will have no bugs. This game is originally to test the examinee's computing ability. In order to increase the difficulty and prevent the examinee from getting full marks, there are several options that deliberately end up with the calculation On the contrary, Olivia, who is good at computing, is also defeated by these traps. On the contrary, mugan, who is unimpeded all the way, defeated zhinao?!

If at first the examiners were willing to believe that mugan was counting, no one would think so after he avoided several pitfalls perfectly.

"This guy From beginning to end Are they all hoodwinked? " Professor of mechatronics, Ms. Li, said dryly.

"Yes, absolutely." The first time I didn't go against Ms. Li, Geller agreed with her.

The crowd was speechless.

When they finished watching the performance of mugan junior in guessing the champion, they didn't know what to look like.

Guess boxing this game machine also don't know who think, no one knows it is test examinee which aspect ability, in short, it appeared in the examination of a ring inexplicably.

During the test, the examiners need to check the operation of each device. Of course, countless people have tried the boxing guessing game, but the game is completely irregular. Even if the same person plays the game several times, his performance is different. There is no general fluctuation range, and there is no regularity at all.

So we can only think of the existence of this game machine Maybe it's just a pure test of luck. If you can get full marks in this game, it can only show that this person is really lucky.

"I'm going to take him to the lottery. Don't stop me." This is said by a chubby economic examiner, copper.

No one refuted him, because everyone's mind is almost the same as him, that is: this little guy named mugan, his luck is too bad!

"Oh Luck is part of ability, isn't it? " But the president suddenly said: "when I was young, I went to carry out the task. I encountered a very dangerous situation. When I had to choose a direction to escape, I chose the left."

"And then I survived."

As a result, the examiners were silent. Up to now, almost every one of them has experienced a time when luck is needed. They believe what the Dean just said.

Luck is a kind of ability.

However, after this incident, we feel that the average score can not represent all, and the examiners began to carry out their scores with great interest.

At that time, they found something interesting:

"someone got 70 points in the game of clip doll!" The first one to call this out is Lanfu, but the first one to notice it is gohman, a professor of medicine who always pays attention to the game.

"Well? Isn't this the little Thunder Dragon? Next to him Isn't that Olivia and mugan? " The corner of a screen to the largest picture, an examiner called out.

As he said, it's the little Thunder Dragon, Olivia and mugan who are nervously close to the clip doll machine at the moment.

"Now! Down! Clip Standing next to the little Thunder Dragon, Olivia commands loudly. With his action, the little Thunder Dragon carefully controls the clip, and then carefully puts down the clip. Then, under the pressure of three people's sight, a toy chicken is clamped up.It almost fell off several times in the middle of the way, but in the voice of Olivia's constant command that the little Thunder Dragon should not stop and continue to clip, the little Thunder Dragon really didn't hesitate at all, and then it was successfully clipped out.

Small Thunder Dragon in clip doll this game score, at this time add ten, became 80 points.

"Well Is it cheating? " Lanfu carefully looked at the man in black next to him: the Dean has an enigmatic face, and can't see what he is thinking! She likes little Thunder Dragon and doesn't want him to be punished.

"This Thunder Dragon cub's game currency was used up in the process of repairing the Trojan horse. Mugan and Olivia gave him his game currency now, which is cheating." However, mulansha, the examiner of the life breeding department, snorted coldly. In the process of cultivating plants, her efforts were wasted many times by herbivorous dinosaurs, so she didn't like the heavy herbivorous dinosaurs.

"There is no rule in the examination rules that you can't lend your own game currency! That glasses examinee also peddles own game currency Lanfu doesn't agree.

"So that glasses examinee is also helping others cheat." Mulanza continued to hum coldly.

"It doesn't matter. It's his ability." Finally, the Dean settled the dispute between the two examiners.

"It's the examinee's ability to make people willing to help themselves unconditionally. You see, besides him, if other people want game currency, they need to find someone to buy it at a high price. "

The president's words were humorous, and Lanfu laughed on the spot.

"It's a very valuable capability, and we don't have to suppress its development."

"In addition, this freshman has another valuable ability. I wonder if you have noticed it?"

Smell speech, all the examiner's eyes again focused on the screen: the little Thunder Dragon on the screen has used up a coin, there is another coin left, he does not know what to play, so he turned to Olivia and mugan. After Olivia gave a suggestion, he went to play without hesitation.

"Aware of their own ability is not enough, open-minded to accept other people's advice, and once accepted the proposal, will unreservedly trust the proposal, wholeheartedly implement in the end, this is another very valuable ability of the examinee."

"This year, there are wonderful students in our school --" the president smiles.

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