"Dear Ollie,

I'm officially enrolled today. The head of the Department invited us to have some delicious snacks. He said that we can make such snacks in the future, and I will try my best to learn how to make them for Ollie. In addition, dad and their steamed bun shop opened today. Because the shop is not very good and there is no Mengmeng to sell steamed buns, the business today is not very good. Only 20 steamed buns were sold. But uncle said that he would get better in the future. He has already said hello to all the nanny robots around him. When those robots come out to buy food materials every day, they will buy steamed buns from the shop at home. At that time, the family will have money, and I will bribe the Dean again. "

“…… Uncle alpha cheated again. He must have blacked out all the brains of the robots nearby. " After reading the letter, Olivia turned to Mengmeng behind her.

"Olivia, please don't move. I can't dress your wound like this." The bandage that had just been wrapped was loose again. Mengmeng quickly put out a paw and stepped on Olivia's back.

Olivia was in pain now, too. The corners of his mouth were tight, and he stopped laughing. However, he never let go of the letter. He read the words several times and almost recited them. At this time, Mengmeng announced that he could get up.

Instead of rushing to put on her coat, the first thing Olivia did was fold up the letter paper, and then carefully stuffed it into the drawer of her desk.

It's been three months Olivia thought.

Until today, Olivia has been in school for three months. Only today did he receive a letter from mugan on the first day of school.

All signals are intercepted, and only the intranet is allowed to be used at the specified time. Only the most original paper is allowed for the communication between relatives and friends, which is received by the school and distributed after careful inspection. The students were supervised more strictly than the prisoners, and Olivia spent three months in seclusion.

Three hellish months.

The first half year of Imperial military academy is the military training period. During this period, all the freshmen will be divided into several teams for collective training. According to their performance and final wishes, the Academy will organize a unified examination. Different from Imperial College, the division of Imperial military college is mainly based on the college's decision. Students can choose the department according to their own interests and abilities, but the final result will be determined by the college according to the candidates' military training performance and examination results.

There is no cuisine department in Imperial military academy. After repeated consideration, Olivia chose the Department of Mechatronics for herself: first, mechatronics is the most interesting thing for teenagers of this age; second, Olivia is very good at driving Mengmeng spacecraft; third, the mechatronics Department attaches great importance to individual soldier ability, which means that all departments seem to have the least contact with each other Yes, that's very much in Olivia's favor.

It's an accident to know mugan. It's a wonderful accident. Except mugan, Olivia is not interested in meeting other people of the same age.

"Olivia, your classmates all look more annoying than you used to be!" For Olivia's classmates, Meng Meng said so.

Olivia hit Meng Meng on the spot, but after that, he thought deeply: the people in this school are really more and more annoying than themselves!

President Argos personally sent him to school that scene, many students have seen, for Olivia's identity guess how all have, in his final identity has not been determined, Olivia fulfilled his wish in the turbulent tide of military freshmen to maintain a lone ranger identity.

But this kind of solitary life is coming to an end.

The night before yesterday, a new man died.

It was a Thunder Dragon. He was very strong. He did well in the first few training sessions. Because of his good character, he had a good relationship with many students in his class, including several students in Olivia's dormitory.

Strong body, brain is not stupid, popularity is also very good, is such a student, he died.

Every year, many students in this college are killed. During training and tasks, people may be killed. For these deaths, the college does not have to pay any price. According to the concept instilled in the students by this college, from the first day of entering this college, they are reservists, and their lives have belonged to the Empire.

Valuable deaths will be rewarded, their families will receive sympathy and "pension" from the Imperial military academy, and worthless deaths will only send a notice. All the parents of the Imperial military academy students are soldiers, and they know the iron rule of the school,

the death cause of the thunder Dragon freshman belongs to the latter -

suicide, which belongs to worthless death .

This is the reason that the college announced to the public, but Olivia is very clear about the real cause of death of the freshman.

After entering school, he began to change. People become more and more dull, unresponsive, not to say, later, the whole person and when he entered the school, he was already very different.

Growing up in an orphanage, Olivia was no longer familiar with the situation: he was bullied.Olivia, the bully, could easily see that it was the four freshmen who shared his bedroom: Hollande, Gaia, Abel and Paul.

Four very domineering carnivorous dinosaurs. Although they are still young, they are very strong.

However, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Olivia didn't want to be part of the group at all.

"It's boring here. I really want to graduate early." Finally, with a look at the drawer where mugan's letters were, Olivia looked at the big corner rolling around on the bed.

"Big horn" is Olivia's crescent moon egg hatched on the way to the food department examination. When he was forced to send to the Imperial military academy, mugan stuffed it to Mengmeng.

This lucky little crescent moon emperor is now raised by Olivia, and has the majestic name of "big horn".

After three months of careful breeding, big horn has Olivia's calf height.

"But it's still a little thin. It doesn't look delicious at all." With big horn's two small claws, Olivia picked it up. If Olivia had something to do with it, she padded its weight, and then she was not satisfied.

Don't understand Olivia's trouble completely, big horn just licked lovingly, Olivia grabs his hand.

After Olivia put it down, big horn immediately turned out a ball of paper from under the bed and took it to Olivia's hand.

It's a paper ball game - Olivia knows what big horn is doing. According to its meaning, Olivia threw out the paper ball in her hand. Big horn ran towards the direction of the paper ball falling. It ran too fast, and it hit the wall heavily. But even so, the little guy was very happy. He quickly took the paper ball off the wall and ran back to Olivia. He put the paper ball into Olivia's palm, Big horn is waiting anxiously for Olivia's second throw.

Old paper ball is Dajiao's only toy. Throwing paper ball is also Dajiao's only game with Olivia.

For Tai Kok, the most enjoyable time of the day is now.

Dajiao is a very lively cub. It's a little naughty but not too much. As long as Olivia doesn't let it touch anything, it will never touch anything. When Olivia and Mengmeng come back late, they would rather lick their paws than eat Olivia's food in the house. It's really self-control for a cub who eats everything.

The food coming out of the canteen is fed to Dajiao. Olivia gently follows Dajiao's back with her fingers. The clear and palpable meniscus is too thin.

"As thin as Olivia you are." Mengmeng interrupts.

"Shut up Olivia roared fiercely. He roared loudly, but only he knew what he thought.

I was trapped in this small dormitory since I was born. It's very similar to my childhood

There is too little food and the range of activities is too small. During the day, a dragon must be very afraid when it is in the dormitory.

Touching the little guy's thin back, Olivia made a decision.

"Let's take big horn out for a while."

There is half an hour between the end of a day's training and the time required to return to the dormitory. During this time, take the big horn and walk around the grass near the dormitory. You should Are you OK?

Olivia and Mengmeng sneak out of the bedroom with Dajiao on the same day when the desire to make Dajiao happier exceeds their vigilance.

Olivia's chosen place is the woods near the dormitory. As he passes by every day, he is relatively familiar with the terrain here. At this time, most of the new students will not come out, just to let big horn roll on the grass for a while.

The only thing to watch out for is the professor who checks his bed at any time. However -

seeing big horn running around on the grass, Olivia finally chose to put this problem aside for the time being.

When he left home, big horn became the only color in Olivia's college life. Big Horn's happy playing time was the only time for Olivia to relax?

So, with Olivia's connivance, Dajiao developed the habit of walking in the woods near the dormitory before going to bed, eating grass and hushing. In less than a month, it grew up a circle, and its back was no longer a bone to feel, but fat.

Big Horn's courage is also the same as the flesh on his body, quietly fattened up a circle.

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