"Those who run fast will run fast. The top 100 people who arrive at the destination must all be our mecha department!" At the command of domra, the chairman of the mecha department, the freshmen behind him immediately roared as a response.

In Imperial College, the mecha Department has the highest requirements on the physical conditions of candidates. Eighty percent of the participants in the Imperial College's intercollegiate games come from the mecha department every year. Since the beginning of school and before the military training, under the organization of chairman domra, the freshmen of mecha department spend every evening in the physical training room. The physique of Thunder Dragon and the spirit of Tyrannosaurus Rex are the desire of every teenager who is eager to become a mechanic from the beginning to the end.

"In order to be the first, let's go!" with a loud roar and setting an example, chairman domra rushed out like a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Well, he's really a little Tyrannosaurus Rex from some famous Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Inspired by Chairman domra, other freshmen of the mecha Department crowded out the freshmen of other departments around them. At the beginning of the time, they blocked all the candidates of other departments behind them, and then rushed out for the first time.

"What a bunch of barbarians..." By domra's rear, chairman Brad of the warship command department felt the confrontation consciousness from the mecha department for the first time.

As the signature specialty of Imperial College, mecha department and warship command department are always competitors. They both want to bring the best students into the Department. From the head of the Department to the professors, the two departments have a faint sense of hostility. From top to bottom, the students have a strong sense of competition. Even as early as the beginning of their ten million military training sites, the professor who announced the military training news specially told them to defeat the warship command department and strive to be the first in this military training.

Before military training, Brad checked the historical achievements of the warship command department in military training: second in ten thousand years, which is all he can say.

The first place every year is basically in the mecha department. Most of those who graduate and enter the army are simple minded (relatively) and well-developed (absolutely). Is it strange that they don't take the first place?

So the professors said that if they want to compete for the first place, they just want to give him a higher goal. What they really need to do is not to lose too ugly, and to win in the advantage project. Before the military training, Brad made a survey on the conventional military training projects within the known scope, excluding some physical fitness related subjects. He focused on some military training projects that investigated the ability of layout and overall planning. The task of his trip was to "be the first in these projects".

"Just give full play to your normal level. What we will do in the future is not to rush and work hard. If you are confident in your physical fitness, please run forward as far as possible." He dusted the dirty shoes that Kamra had trodden on again. He gave the order calmly, so, following the mecha system, the future commanders also set out.

However, although the commanders set out early, they were exhausted very early.

Three hours after the departure, the mechanics department's repairmen began to catch up with the commanders one by one.

"Well! Don't underestimate the mechanic's physical strength. Every day he works with all kinds of machines. When the mecha is intact, it carries us. When the mecha is broken, we carry it. The girl with the worst physical strength in the mechanical department can carry the arm of a mecha! " More than a quarter of the freshmen in the command department of warships in succession, Qiu Lin, chairman of the mechanical department, cheerfully yelled at the students behind him:

"come on, we can be faster!"

"Roar!" The mechanics of the future roared in unison.

The freshmen of Imperial College are in high spirits on the special suspension lane for the military!

For young people of this age, the military is very mysterious. Ordinary people may not have a chance to be here once in their lives.

Entering imperial college means that you can get more superior teaching resources. These resources are not only more excellent professors and students, but also include future appreciation resources.

For example, Imperial College has many examples of students who performed exceptionally well in a certain extra-curricular teaching, were successfully recruited after graduation, and then made a rapid progress.

Military training is no exception: the troops that can establish military training plans with Imperial College are very powerful troops! Although those humble instructors are wearing ordinary instructors' uniforms, no one knows how many stars are in their real regular uniforms.

A lot of ordinary soldiers can't see a great person in their whole life. Maybe it's their instructor. Is this kind of feeling dull and cool?

Apart from the instructors, they even have the opportunity to directly contact the most front-end weapons of the Empire in military training!

As students majoring in mechatronics, warship command and mechanics, how can they not be attracted to this temptation?

They are now in the floating Lane full of sweat. Maybe it's the place where a senior general drives by!

it turns out that they think too much.

"What's this lane for? It's just for us to run. " A freshman of music department looks around as he runs, with obvious excitement on his face.

"Could it be a driveway to escort secret weapons?" Obviously, he asked a good question, and the next freshman of art department immediately took over.As a result, when the freshmen of other departments dream about the future, the squash Legion at the back is also running and gossiping. Because they are arranged in order and there are people around, gossiping is more convenient.

After a long day's discussion, Doug, who was drowned by a group of newborn spittle stars, finally couldn't help it:

"it's not a special lane for senior officials, nor a weapon escort passage. This floating lane is for transporting food." Doug couldn't help looking at mugan, who was listening to everyone's gossip with a smile in the back row. He thought that this guy didn't deliberately put himself in the middle of the team, did he?

But Doug didn't look back for a long time. Although the progress of wallflower department was slow, it was also moving forward after all. Besides, his words just aroused other people's appetite, and immediately all the new students around looked at him.

How do you know the way to deliver vegetables? That This classmate, which department are you from? What's your name? " Only then did the people around Doug realize one thing: who is this man? Why don't you have any impression?

Like mugan, he chose to live outside the school by himself. He always sat in the last row in class. Even the students in his department could not remember Doug's name and appearance, let alone the students in the other two departments.

"My name is Doug. I'm from the food department." Hesitated, Doug introduced himself briefly.

"Doug? I remember. I'm Donna from the music department!"

"I'm Jones from the music department!"

"I'm from the art department, and my name is Yar."

Doug was a little dizzy when the new students around him introduced themselves one after another.

"Doug's weakness is that he can't remember faces! Next time, if he can't remember your name, don't get me wrong. Just introduce yourself to him again

y (^ o ^) y "is mugan's intervention from the back.

"Well! No wonder Doug ignored me every time. I thought he was very aloof! Well, I'll repeat my name every time in the future! " This time, I was talking to a freshman in the food department. As a person who remembers Doug's name and appearance, but has never spoken to Doug, he suddenly realized when he heard mugan's explanation.

His ears were a little red. Doug secretly turned his head to see mugan. At the moment when mugan's eyes crossed, he quickly turned his head back, but at the same time, his ears were even more red.

After finding out his name, Donna and his family began to ask the questions before, and Doug explained them carefully.

"There are many kinds of lanes now, which are generally divided into public, private and military. The control of public suspended vehicles is not very strict,

however, private lanes and military lanes have strict control on vehicles entering and driving.

All levitation vehicles have license plates, don't they? Another function of these license plates is the read-in function. Private and military suspension lanes are equipped with license plate reader along the way. Any vehicle that is not within the scope of authority can not go on the road at all. If it is a military lane, the consequences are more serious, and it is likely to be cleared as an illegal invasion. "

With that, Doug pointed to a spot above the driveway: "that's the reader."

He also pointed to a little bit of the edge of the reader, where there was a row of small holes. If Doug didn't point them out, no one would even notice them: "those are laser bullet holes. If illegal vehicles enter this passage illegally, laser bullets will be launched from inside until the intruders are completely eliminated."

Smell speech, all freshmen are shocked -

"that, that we..." Donna was stiff on the spot.

"There should be information to read in the wristwatch in our hands, so we should never lose this wristwatch during military training. Once the wristwatch is lost, we should report it to the instructor immediately." Doug said to him seriously.

"So it is. On the first page of the instructions for military training, this question was mentioned with special emphasis." mugan didn't know what Doug said. After listening to Doug's words, he said that he was very educated.

"The reason why this floating lane is provided for food transportation is because of the model of the reader, which has additional food identification function." So far, Doug finally gave his own judgment.

"I see. I can't see it at all! But how does Doug know? " Sighing at the top of his head, Jones said he still can't tell the difference between this reader and other readers: nonsense! He had never seen a reader before!

This kind of equipment can only be configured for military channel and private channel!

Doug scratched his nose for a while and said, "my family sells reading instruments, so I know a little bit about it..."

It's only then that everyone suddenly realized.

"However, the density of laser bullet holes here is very high, the reader is also the latest model, and even the logistics channel will be equipped with such advanced equipment. It seems that this military base is at least more than four stars."

"Wow Looking at the dense bullet holes on the top of their heads, the freshmen of wallflower Department said that they had gained insight again."So, the kind of scenes in the movie that run from the public channel to the military channel and run away quickly..."

"It's all deceitful. He'll be shot as soon as he comes in." Doug pushed his glasses expressionless.

The team booed, everyone said: watch is very important, must not lose.

After discussing the function of this passage, the topic of wallflower department soon turned to the food here.

"It's said that in previous years, freshmen of the food department would be sent to cook in the canteen. I don't know what the canteen of the four-star base is like?"

"Well? Will you send the food department to cook? So this year we trained together, can we cook together? "

"It's great to cook together, maybe we can steal some food ~"

in a neat line, running at a constant speed on the military suspension driveway that can't see the end, the teenagers of the Department of wallflower finally met the first student left behind in front of them at four hours and thirty-five minutes.

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