Unknown planet Imperial College military training base

under the arrangement of instructor frafetal, the freshmen of Imperial College are carrying out their military training in an orderly way. After the shooting project, instructor frafetal gives all freshmen a big surprise!

"Next, each of you will be assigned a mecha." The instructor's first sentence shocked all the freshmen.

Mecha It's mecha! In addition to the special conditions at home, these freshmen have not touched the mecha! Even the freshmen of mecha are the same!

"The method of using the mecha will be explained automatically by the mecha system after you enter. Under its guidance, you will learn how to operate the mecha initially. Practice is the best way to learn. In the next 10 days, you will drive the mecha to complete at least 100 matches on the system platform, and the final result will be the result of your operation project."

The freshmen are surprised again!

If the previous "surprise" is "surprise", then the current "surprise" is "surprise".

Everyone would like to meet the mecha, but when driving the mecha to fight, many freshmen murmured on the spot. And then when they make complaints about their trainers, the inner voice is even bigger.

, is this really a machine?

All the freshmen are embarrassed.

No wonder the freshmen all have this expression, which is totally different from the handsome mecha in the image. The shape of these mechas is a simple splicing of a pile of steel! It looks like the robots of the old age, which have been discontinued!

It has to be said that the simulation system under the military network system is really vivid. Even in the virtual space, people's eyes are still vivid with psychological activities. The instructor found the disappointment in the eyes of the freshmen at that time.

"Don't look down on this mecha. It's called the heart of mecha." For most of these freshmen who will not go to the road of joining the Army (but many of them will marry soldiers), the instructor is relatively patient with them: "the mecha is actually from the robot. This is actually the model of the early generation robot, but the size has been magnified several times. Under the model of the early generation robot, due to various human requirements, the mecha is developing in all directions I'm here.

For example, heavy machine armour for protection, for example, sniper machine armour for assassination. Like human beings, machine armour has many development directions because of its different functions. The mecha fighters in your mind drive is also a kind of mecha. It's just a mecha focusing on combat capability. " The instructor said a long passage. Seeing the confusion in the eyes of the freshmen, he realized that these children didn't really know the meaning of this passage.

For these children, their life has not started, the future is an endless road, they can freely imagine.

Instead of going on, he gave a more detailed introduction to the mecha that would be assigned to the freshmen.

"In the system, the first time to use the system for mecha learning People will get such an initial set of mecha. " Almost speaking the word "soldier", the instructor quickly changed the word before saying it. Fortunately, the freshmen didn't realize that what they are using is actually a military system: "in the continuous operation of users, it will change according to the needs of users, and finally become the most suitable mecha form for users. This step is also a key step for customized mecha. Although not everyone of you will get customized mecha in the future, now you have a ready-made opportunity to know what kind of mecha is most suitable for you. "

Sure enough, all the new students are eager to have a try!

Seeing the children's exultation, the instructor gave the instructions in good time, and the freshmen immediately threw out their children Line up and head for the mecha group.

"Welcome to the initial mecha. Next is the operation time of the mecha. If you want to skip, please press the R key." Just with the help of the instructor, they climbed into the inner cabin of the mecha, and the explanation began quickly. They had to concentrate on the console in front of them. Although the appearance of this mecha looks very simple, the console inside is very normal, just like the mecha console in everyone's imagination. It is full of complicated buttons. I don't know what material is used. The touch of those buttons is very good.

At that time, a freshman carefully touched one of the buttons. His strength was a little stronger, and then one of the buttons was accidentally hit by him.

"Congratulations on your first step!" With the calm mechanical sound of the mecha system, the freshman was stunned to find that the mecha under him had already walked with great strides. Because his fingers had been pressed on the button, the mecha walked faster and faster, and finally he had run up. When he was about to hit the wall in front of him, the wall suddenly disappeared. The freshman and his mecha And then it disappeared.

"It seems that some students have mastered the correct way of running and can't wait to start training this afternoon." Looking at his back, the instructor squinted: "the rest of the students, please master the preliminary operation mode of mecha as soon as possible and enter the training ground.""Once you enter the training ground, you will be soldiers. You will face your opponents of the same level as yourself. When the system determines that your level can be promoted, your mecha and you will be upgraded together. When the system determines that your situation cannot fight, you will return to this room with your mecha for maintenance."

Just as the instructor said this, a mecha appeared out of thin air in front of everyone. It was the freshman who had just taken the lead in running out. However, his mecha was completely different from before: the snow-white fuselage turned into burnt black, and the black bullet holes were attacked.

"Just like this student, very good. He showed you the correct return posture." Looking at the embarrassed freshmen climbing out of the mecha, the instructor squinted, and then told the other students to continue learning.

Mugan was the last one to enter the mecha.

Unlike other freshmen who climb in as soon as they get close to the mecha, mugan stands at the foot of the mecha for a long time.

At this time, mugan thought of his robot father a.

Using the shape of the first generation robot as the template, the initial robot is very similar to robot a in appearance. The appearance of a group of initial mecha in a row reminds mugan of the scene buried in his memory long ago: the remote star with nothing but the desolate star in the place where he was born.

that's as like as two peas before the arrival of uncle, and his father's life before his father's life.

Mugan was too young at that time. He didn't remember the scene at that time, but he knew that the robots had the same appearance as his father, but because of the lack of memory, he couldn't remember the scene at that time any more.

To this day.

When he saw these initial robots standing in front of him, he suddenly felt like "going back to the past".

The new and clean mecha in front of him reminds him of his father.

Maybe at the beginning, dad was one of the robots who accepted the selection. He didn't know his future and was waiting for someone to come for him?

Mugan turned over and climbed into the mecha.

"Hello, my name is mugan." Before the beginning of the system explanation, mugan said hello first, and then he focused all his attention on the system explanation.

No one has compared him for a long time. Mugan doesn't know how terrible his concentration is! It's a kind of concentration power almost comparable to that of the machine. When the mecha system finished explaining, and was about to ask whether to do it for the second time, mugan nodded heavily: "I've remembered it. Let's go for a walk?"

His questions were obviously beyond the scope of the system's question bank, and the system did not answer Mugen's questions.

The buttons in his hand cooperate with each other, and mugan operates the mecha.

Under the operation of mugan, the initial mecha raised his left foot like a thief, then gently put it on the ground. After standing firm, he raised his right foot.

Mugan's mecha is not outstanding among a group of mechas. Even compared with some students, the movement of this mecha is clumsy. However, five minutes later, mugan's mecha can walk very continuously and skilfully around one mecha after another. The movement of mugan's mecha is very flexible.

Briskly out of the queue, the robot stretched out his right hand behind the companions than a goodbye gesture, and then stride toward the unknown ahead.

"We're leaving. Don't worry. I'll try to protect you." Just before stepping out of the room, mugan said excitedly.

“…… Yes Mugan didn't know. At this time, what he heard was a reply that was absolutely out of the scope of the system.

Frafetal admitted that he had lost sight.

He saw hope in mugan, but he always felt that mugan's performance was too pure.

An idealistic child growing up in a greenhouse - this is his initial evaluation of mugan.

This child has a natural charm and is good at discovering the advantages of his companions, just like the moon. Although it is dazzling, it won't overbearing cover the light of other people around. Everyone is willing to be with him and obey his command.

But -

his background is too white.

One day, the dark side of the child will not be seen.

Therefore, although he acknowledged mugan's ability, frafetal was not optimistic about mugan's ability to become a leader. However, mugan's performance again and again overturned his inherent idea:

in the shooting training, mugan really let go of the established goal because of his soft heart, resulting in the tragic death of the plot characters. But in the following time, he played an unimaginable power of action, just like the most experienced hunter, he found out all the people involved in the incident and shot them one by one.

The target death toll on mugan's report card, like its color, is bloody red.

In ten days of incessant pursuit of so many people, the child's hands are covered with blood. But until this moment, when frafetal saw him, his eyes were still pure white."Is it false? That's great... " Mugan's smile at that time was deeply engraved in frafetal's heart.

He doesn't care about the so-called virtual task of pursuing and killing thousands of miles. What he cares more is that the villagers in the story are virtual. Because they are virtual, there is no death at all.

The child's logic Very strange.

After shooting training, mugan formally entered the sight of instructor frafetal. At this time, for example, after mugan was transported to the training ground in his mecha, everything he experienced was in the eyes of instructor frafetal.

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