The parade before the league, no matter from which level, Imperial College is the most impressive college. Different from the past, the freshmen of Imperial College have something that their predecessors didn't show.

It is a sharp to use sharp to describe the aggressive, from their eyes, people can see high morale.

The fighting spirit shown by them not only shocked the freshmen of the Military Academy who were directly facing them, but also the senior military officers who were used to seeing regular soldiers stopped their joking eyes. They finally began to face up to the team from the non military academy.

As if to prove it, the performance of Imperial College proved it again and again in front of everyone!

The first round of physical fitness test is the traditional long-distance obstacle run, which is not terrible. As a traditional military training project, almost all military academies take the long-distance run as the most basic training project, which is also the first test project. With the improvement of training difficulty, in the later training, although not every day will run as long as the test distance, every day's physical training will still have long-distance running project. After military training, the physical fitness of all the freshmen has been greatly improved. However, in this case, the long-distance running distance announced by the League magistrate is still astonished to many people:

150 km!

Not only the freshmen, to be honest, but also the instructors in charge of training them were shocked by this number.

From the moment of participating in the league, the instructor is not allowed to appear on the field. The freshmen completely control their own games, and the military department sends special League referees to judge the games, which is the consistent practice of the freshmen military training League. When the freshmen compete, the instructors are required to stay out of the field and have many years of experience in training freshmen for the league. When they hear this distance, the instructors jump on the spot:

"how can this happen! All previous fitness tests were 75 kilometers long! The test length for recruits will not exceed 100 kilometers! "

What's the concept of 150 kilometers?! One hundred and fifty kilometers is the distance that a serving officer has to sweat to run! Besides, it's already noon now. If you want to run 150 kilometers, you must run a considerable distance at night. Long distance running at night will further aggravate the psychological burden of freshmen!

On the spot, several instructors were sweating.

It's over! It's a mistake. In this training, they are all freshmen according to the test requirements of 100 kilometers. Now they have a sudden increase of 50 kilometers. Can those students do it? Should Can you do it?

A college sent five instructors. There were 35 instructors present. Of all the instructors, only two seemed not to be in a hurry.

Among these indifferent instructors, there are naturally five instructors from Imperial military academy:

"hum From the beginning, the physical training benchmark of the trainees we are responsible for is 150 km, and then it is increased to 180 km. Let alone running at night, the training day and night is a routine for our trainees. "

Standing in a small corner, the instructors of Imperial military academy exchanged a knowing look.

The first is never from the sky. The training intensity of Imperial military academy is always multiple than that of other academies. The ability to complete training and the perseverance to stick to it are the same for the freshmen who are able to stand in this competition field. As for the freshmen who have neither ability

They can't be students at Imperial military academy.

With strong self-confidence in their own students, the five instructors of Imperial military academy looked at five people in another corner without any trace: they were instructors of imperial comprehensive Academy. They didn't know which base they were from. They had never met these people. These people look calm. Is there something wrong?

Not only the five of them thought that way, but the instructors of other military academies also noticed the calmness of the five of them. They really muttered when they thought of the strong appearance of the freshmen of Imperial College just now.

In fact,

"it's over, it's over! The intelligence estimate is wrong. I don't know if I want to join the league. Our longest test distance is only 75 kilometers!!! "

Hearing the kilometer number announced by the referee, the four instructors on the spot were frantic and grasped. When they saw frafetal's calm face, they suddenly decided.

Yes Anyway, it's definitely the last one. What's the difference?

This kind of determination is directly reflected on the outside, and it becomes an understatement in the eyes of other instructors.

In the middle of a long night, the freshmen of Imperial military academy took the lead in running to the finish line. The first 50 freshmen who reached the finish line were all freshmen of Imperial military academy. The freshmen of Imperial military academy were also the first to all the members. After they arrived, they stood aside quietly and stood in line again. Although they had experienced a long race, they were not satisfied Military officials are not surprised by the quality they show at this time.Students from other military academies came back one after another. The freshmen from the military academies of Grande do and Dolan alpha were a little slower, but they all arrived before sunrise. As the two military academies with a large number of civilian soldiers, their performance is also highly recognized.

The only student who didn't arrive was Imperial College, which took part in the competition for the first time.

"Marshal, madam said: he won't prepare breakfast for you until the students of Imperial College come." Slightly bow, the Guard officer will hear from the next room instructions to his boss.

His voice was not big or small, and other officials in the room could hear him with sharp ears.

"Ha ha..." Everyone's face is the same helpless expression.

Similar situations have been playing in this room since the rules of the game were announced yesterday.

"It's not fair to imperial college students! Midnight will be cancelled! " ——In a word, the midnight snack is gone.

"My wife said she was watching the game and didn't want to go to bed." ——In a word, the warm bed is gone.

And so on, they listened to the full ears, but also funny, adults had to eat the food prepared by the camp cook. It's really hard for my wife to have nutritious meals in the army when she comes along.

"are you too strict with the students of Imperial College? I don't know who suggested this question... " One of the generals sighed as he ate the bad supplements.

Due to the gathering of senior military officials this year, marshal temporarily asked each officer to write down a competition topic. This topic must be within the league, which can be slightly higher than the original difficulty, but not too high. The final winner was selected by drawing lots.

As a result, the first physical fitness project was drawn to the 150 km endurance race. Not to mention the one in their family, even the officials themselves felt that this topic was unfair to the students of Imperial College.

Everyone's eyes fell on the president of Argos one after another: it must be Argos who is responsible for this immoral problem! This kind of topic is a piece of cake for Imperial military academy!

But for the freshmen of Imperial College

Thinking of this, everyone pretended to look at the dean who was sitting at the end:

the first sunlight had been cast through the window, and the sunlight was shining on him, enveloping his whole body in the halo, making his expression invisible.

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled:

"coming! The freshmen from Imperial College are back! " The speaker was general Condon, who was the next head of the marshal. The middle-aged man, who had always been steady, lost his manners at this time. He even threw the nutriment he was eating into lieutenant general yolan's plate.

Lieutenant general yolan, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, didn't frown this time. Seeing the direction of general Condon's hand, he also stood up. For the general, who has always held himself high, this has been a very impolite performance.

Everyone looked at the corner of the finger pointed by general Condon, and then they saw the scene that shocked the two generals:

the freshmen of Imperial College came back, not one person, not a few people, but everyone!

They are all together, although the team is not as neat as it was when they started, and although many of them have been carried by their classmates, they came back together!

It's totally different from the image of Imperial College's students who are always elegant. At this moment, these Freshmen's signature white uniforms are soaked with sweat. They look embarrassed. Everyone is on the verge of running out of lamp oil.

"1-2-3-4 -" the student in charge of calling the password was hoarse, but he still yelled with hoarse voice. He had to shout like this, because everyone was running at his command and insisting.

The physical strength has been completely exhausted, and many people are on the verge of fainting. They just instinctively follow Dobby's slogan,

at this time, even if dobby takes them to jump off the cliff, it is estimated that many people will jump with them.

For them, Dobby's voice at the moment is the light in the dark, his broken voice like a bellows, guiding the direction of the whole team.

What happened on the first day of the military training laid the tone of this military training. The shock of the scene that the students of the Department of wallflower came back in order still floats in their minds. At that time, many students secretly imagined how they would feel if they were in that group of people.

Bathed in the eyes of everyone shocked, it must be a special pride, special fart feeling, right? Feel proud and proud of being in the collective.

The wallflower Department demonstrated the strength of the collective for the freshmen, and then frafital's ancient training method consciously or unconsciously deepened the importance of the sense of collective honor.

In this case, no college military training can make freshmen realize the weight of the word "collective".So, when you know the first exam item, what you see in your mind is the scene you saw on the first day of military training.

"Run back together like a wallflower, and scare everyone!" ——That's what all the freshmen at Imperial College thought when the start-up bell rang.

However, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is not so simple.

The long distance of 150 kilometers is beyond the physical reserve for military college students. For these ordinary college students, it seems to be an impossible task.

Even if they have good wishes, even if they have worked hard, but after 100 kilometers, there are still people who can't stick to it any more.

At this time, the strongest students in the team resolutely stood up, picked up the fainted students, and they continued to run forward.

No one thinks this is wrong.

"I want everyone to see how handsome we are when we come back together" - it's not a wish of two people. Almost everyone in this team thinks so.

Reserved as Brad, he also recited a medical girl.

As powerful as dobby, he even carries two people on his back!

If it is said that the first 100 kilometers are supported by their physical strength, then the last 50 kilometers are a competition of willpower.

"Qi -" knew that he had finally crossed the finish line, and dobby was relieved. At that time, he wanted to change everyone's running into walking through the command, but he couldn't speak any more.

"March - go!" The two students standing next to him found this situation. They yelled out instead of dobby and trained together for a long time. They have formed a certain degree of tacit understanding.

Even if tired to the extreme, but several months of hard training has been a variety of password matching action engraved in everyone's blood, the password, the running team in three seconds after static.

Then, under the guidance of the command, they walked to the vacant seat next to the dorano military academy.

"At ease! attention! Back hand stance Dobby, who finally recovered, immediately issued three instructions. After the sound of friction between his body and clothes, they immediately stood up straight.

Even if the spirit has reached the limit, even if some people are carrying others, their posture is still so beautiful.

In the face of this scene, the three referees in charge of the adjudication of this project were shocked. You look at me, I look at you. They clearly know the established facts, but they don't know how to adjudicate.

The freshmen of Imperial College were the last to arrive, but anyone who saw them arrive could not think that they were losers.

"These children are incredible!" He had already stepped out of the room and stood on the reviewing stand again, looking down at the white freshmen who were obviously tired but still standing up with pride, Admiral Rosse said with admiration.

"No one gave up the game, no one left behind, that is to say, those who use the back have to carry back those who can't stick to it I admit that they are proud even though they are defeated. " With a straight face, lieutenant general Joram said with reserve.

"They are the last, but I think they are the winners." On one side, general Condon sighed.

"I agree." One of the generals echoed general Condon.

"I think so, too." He's a second mover.

"This It's against the rules. Even though these freshmen are really great, they are still the last

For a time, the senior officials on the reviewing platform argued for their own reasons and found the basis for their support.

Marshal Rosse finally silenced all the voices.

"We are just guests. There is another referee in the military League. Let's listen to their verdict! In this respect, we have to trust experts. "

After a word, everyone shut up.


only three referees in the field discussed head-on for a while, and finally the first referee announced the result of the first competition:

"the first place is Imperial military academy."

There was no unexpected verdict.

"Second place, Colton military academy."

This time, Colton military academy finally surpassed imperial Defense Academy.

"Third place imperial Defense Academy."



Starting from the first place, the referee announced the place of the college in turn.

“…… And seventh, Imperial College. "

Here, the referee finally made his own judgment. According to the results of the competition, no matter how good Imperial College's performance is, they are still the last, but they are not the losers.

Instead of "last place", the referee used the term "seventh place" here.

For the first time in the military League.

There was silence.

Everyone has nothing to say about the referee's decision.Yes, Imperial College was the last to arrive, but they were not the last. They won the respect of everyone else in their own way!


on the contrary, the freshmen of Imperial College were stunned when they heard the result of the seventh place. Naturally, they didn't know the difference between the seventh place and the last place when they participated in the League for the first time. In their opinion, the seventh is the last!

The freshmen didn't hold back. They secretly looked back at Mugen in the last row. With Mugen's eyes, they looked at the instructor in the distance.

"Salute On receiving mugan's signal, dobby gave the password again.

Suddenly, all the freshmen's expressions became serious, and their palms extended to their heads. They saluted the instructor from the bottom of their hearts!

Standing on one side of the instructor collective accept the Imperial College Freshmen salute.

Realizing who the children really wanted to salute, the other instructors couldn't help staggering a little. The five instructors of Imperial College then stood in the position of receiving the salute.

Under the brim of the military cap, the eyes of the instructors were bright, especially frafital's.

His efforts are not in vain, these children really understand what kind of team he wants! Now, with the help of these children, the rudiment of the army he wanted is displayed in front of people. Hope to see these children in him! I believe everyone else has seen it!

"Salute." With his right hand raised, the five instructors, under the leadership of frafetal, showed the same respect to their students in the distance.

"That's all." It's a command again. Just like what happened just now, the freshmen and instructors of Imperial College stand back to their original positions.

His hands first hung on both sides of his trousers. Frafital slowly put his hands into his trousers pocket. His hands shook hands into fists in his trousers pocket, and his fists trembled slightly in the place where no one noticed.

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