There is No Bottleneck In My Practice

Chapter 207: The fairy city melts into the wasteland, the body is practiced horizontally, and the tr

  Chapter 207 Immortal City Melts into the Desolate Realm, Practicing Physically, Seeking Truth and Entering Immortal City (Ask for a monthly ticket!!)

  Longevity Fairy City.

  The sudden fireworks in the sky, although extremely magnificent, but not many people in the fairy city know the real truth behind it.

  All the barren areas within the jurisdiction of the Longevity Immortal City are all self-destructed at the same time at this moment, and some special auras of heaven and earth that belong to the barren areas are also extracted into the Immortal City at this time.

   This is also due to the good intentions of Fengyuan and the two. Under the guidance of Chunyangzi and Lingxiaozi, the formation of Jindan real people is equivalent to forming a filter.

  The extra aura that appeared in the Immortal City at this time is what remains after removing all the conflicts between the wasteland and the Immortal City.

  The native monks in the Immortal City didn't know what there was in the Immortal City, but Jin Quanxiu was all too familiar with this aura.

   This is the place he has always wanted to go back to. Although the fairy city is good, the wasteland is where he returns.

   But then his face changed again, because when the wasteland self-destructed and merged into the fairy city, another part of the strange place also began to merge into the fairy city.

   To be more precise, there are a few more wormhole entrances in the fairy city, Jin Quanxiu can't see them, but he can feel the breath of the wormhole entrances, which reminds Jin Quanxiu of the beast tide in the wilderness.

   Could it be that the Beast Ze came?

  Actually, Jin Quanxiu did not guess wrong. Beast Lake is connected to thousands of barren areas. If you just destroy the barren areas under the Longevity Immortal City, you will not be able to damage Beast Lake at all.

   Connecting with Beast Ze was already in Fengyuan's plan, because if Beast Ze was not involved, how could the Qiuzhen branch really be fooled?

  Su Wu didn't dare to move at this time. He watched Fengyuan and his two set up a large formation in the backyard with his own eyes, and he suffered the greatest impact.

   Because of Kaiyuanzi's reminder to strengthen the horizontal practice method in his body, coupled with the qi and blood tonic that he had taken dubiously, at this moment, under the stimulation of a sudden extra breath, he actually digested it quickly.

   After a while, his physical strength became slightly stronger, and he couldn't help being overjoyed, but he didn't thank Kai Yuanzi, because the opponent's array arrangement was obviously not completed yet.

   Kai Yuanzi took out a jade box at this time, which contained the blood essence extracted from Fang Yuan who was imprisoned before and added special means.

  Kai Yuanzi and his two finally paid such a high price to set up the hunting ground. If the prey doesn't come in, wouldn't it be futile?

  The next moment, I saw Fengyuan and him making handprints at the same time. The blood in the hands actually emitted a dark **** light, and then directly vaporized, as if turning into an information wave, directly centered on Xiancheng, and spread outward at a very fast speed.

   After finishing all this, Fengyuan and the two breathed a sigh of relief. This blood essence was created by Chun Yangzi personally performing the secret method of soul control, with a skillful method.

  Even Fang Yuan himself didn't know that he had been forced to betray him unconsciously.

   And after the excitement passed, even Kai Yuanzi and Feng Yuan could not help but feel a little tired.

  Let’s leave it at that.

  They have exhausted all means, and then leave it to God's will, just wait for the result quietly. As for the end of the line of seeking truth, the matter of the fairy city has nothing to do with them.

  Because at that time the city lord was Su Wu, what did it have to do with them? Su Wu didn't know that he was still the scapegoat, but even if he knew, he would eat it like honey.

  If you want to become the lord of a city, how can you not pay the price? In the final analysis, he is just a mere Nascent Soul True Monarch.

   Facing Fengyuan Kaiyuanzi, he has no capital to resist at all, not to mention he still doesn't know anything about it now, and now he only has the excitement of physical strength in his heart.

He just wanted to express his thanks at this time, Kai Yuanzi shook his hand, "Su Wu, it depends on your performance, you must keep an eye on the fairy city, once there are outsiders entering, I will stare at them all, I would rather kill the wrong , don't let it go."



  Liang Sheng's mansion.

  Just when Jin Quanxiu felt faintly excited by the aura of the barren land, Zhou Shen was the one who benefited the most at this moment. The sudden burst of aura of the barren land instantly resonated with the nourishing qi and blood in his body.

  He didn't have time to make any movements, so he could only sit down cross-legged and frantically run the horizontal exercises in his body.

  As time passed, there was a faint golden light flashing between the meridians of his physical body. At this time, Jin Quanxiu couldn't care less about the strange changes in the aura of the fairy city, and focused all his attention on Zhou Shen.

   Seeing that Zhou Shen's physical strength has been getting stronger, Jin Quanxiu immediately knew that it was a good thing, and at this time he was relieved.

  At this time, he was very grateful to Liang Sheng in his heart. Before that, he was still a little puzzled, why the senior asked Zhou Shen to add the method of practicing horizontal training, but now he has the answer.

  Is this the legendary power to deduce the secret?

   It's amazing!

  Jin Quanxiu didn't know the truth, which was even more frightening, because the Great Competition of the Immortal Dynasty was coming, and the holy land used heaven-defying means to block the secrets.

  Only Liang Sheng was an accident. Under the law of cause and effect of natal supernatural powers, let him know in advance what might happen.

  However, there may be changes in the calculation of Tianji. If everything goes according to the deduction, why are those powerful monks still struggling in the world of mortals?

  Here it is said that it is the realm of cultivating immortals, but it is actually just another world of mortals isolated from the mundane world and full of aura.

   Liang Sheng looked at the formation of the Immortal City, but did not react. He still lay leisurely on the reclining chair, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

  But the thoughts in his mind are running crazily, and the Wanshou Immortal City will be extremely lively in the future, especially those so-called "Western barbarians" in the Xihe Immortal Dynasty.

  The Western Manzis always like to conquer, but they are not monolithic internally. At this time, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Xian Dynasty Competition, many people are already ready to move,

  The only external **** that can fit the environment of the Xihe Immortal Dynasty today is the Longevity Immortal City after the battle.

  With the temperament of the western barbarians, how could Tianjiao not come? But the object of Fengyuan's plan is not the Ximanzi, but the truth-seeking lineage hidden among the Ximanzi.

  The two of them have passed their fate at this time, most of the barbarians are no threat to them at all, what they want is the luck of seeking truth.

  Dongsheng Xianchao, for seeking truth, hates it to the bone!

  It seems that Emperor Dongsheng and the others have disappeared, but someone will report to them all the outside world.

   And their behavior this time is to tell the upper echelon of Xianchao that they are the pride of Xianchao, who else but me!

   Liang Sheng didn't care about Fengyuan's plan, anyway, no matter what, under the current environment, with his strength, he is as stable as Mount Tai.

  Since this is the case, he is naturally ready to let nature take its course. At this moment, Zhou Shen woke up from his meditation, and his eyes flashed.

   Then he jumped up directly, with a look of joy on his face, wanting to share with Jin Quanxiu the joy of his further cultivation.

  But before he could open his mouth, a pile of qi and blood nourishing pills suddenly appeared in front of him, and Liang Sheng's voice came over.

   "This is the first time that the aura of the wasteland exploded. After today, there will be no such luck.

   While the aura in this barren land has not returned to calm, what else do you want to do if you don’t seize the time to digest this opportunity? "

   Zhou Shen couldn't help being astonished when he heard the words, while Jin Quanxiu didn't even look at him at this time, and poured tea for Liang Sheng attentively.

  What can Zhou Shen do in this situation? He could only sit down aggrieved and frantically stuffed the panacea into his mouth.

  Since the ancestor dared to take out so many spirit pills, it means that he can bear it, but Zhou Shen didn't find out afterwards that as his energy and blood became more and more abundant, his whole body grew bigger.

   It looks no different from a strong man like Fang Yi before, where is there a trace of the charm of Mr. Pian Pianjia?

  Jin Quanxiu turned a blind eye to this. He only cared about Zhou Shen's strength growth. He wished Zhou Shen could become stronger. What does it matter if he is ugly or not?

  Afterwards, the development trend of the Immortal City was exactly the same as what Liang Sheng said. The unique atmosphere of the wasteland gradually merged with the Immortal City.

  It is impossible for monks in Xiancheng to exercise their bodies as easily as they did on the first day. Although many people in Xiancheng don't know the meaning of the appearance of the wilderness breath, there are still many lucky people who tempered their bodies by mistake and strengthened their strength.

  For example, some monks surnamed Zhou...

   Liang Sheng didn't say anything about it. This happened not once or twice. What's the origin of Zhou's family this week?

  The illegitimate child of heaven and earth?

   As for Zhou Shen, who was specially prepared, he has made even greater progress. Jin Quanxiu has hardly stopped smiling these days, and the corners of his mouth almost reach the ears.

  However, when the Zhou family mistakenly bumps into someone who has made great progress, they naturally keep silent to the outside world. Only the Zhou family knows about the opportunity, and that is the Zhou family's deep blessing.

  How could they tell others, that would be self-defeating.

  However, when the aura of the wasteland was poured in, the concentration of the aura in the fairy city also skyrocketed. Under such circumstances, the monks in the city also began to practice even more frantically.

  Where did such a concentration of aura ever exist?

   And Su Wu also began to sit in the Foreign Affairs Office in person, constantly sending his subordinates to inspect the entire fairy city, and Liang Sheng's mansion did not let go.

  At first, Zhou Shen was a little worried about whether he would be exposed, but after the investigators treated him as nothing, he realized that the ancestor had covered his aura, and the other party couldn't find him at all.

  However, the City Lord's Mansion has been searching the Immortal City so frequently since then. At first, some monks were worried about what happened, but they gradually got used to it.

until one day…

  The barbarians appeared again in the city.

   This time, Ximanzi was not as upright as Fang Yuan's two brothers, but sneaked into the Longevity Immortal City secretly, hiding in the dark and not knowing what he was planning.

  But with such a thorough search of the City Lord's Mansion, they couldn't hide their tracks at all, and were directly caught by the monks of the City Lord's Mansion.

  When Fengyuan and Kaiyuanzi got the news, they appeared in the prison directly, but after controlling their souls, they looked disappointed.

  The other party is not a remnant of truth-seeking.

   Sure enough, Seeking the Truth is still extremely cautious, after all, according to Fang Yuan's memory, they also sent back news.

   Fortunately, Chunyangzi made a timely move, and the follow-up situation of Xiancheng has not been leaked, so the truth-seeking line may still be hooked.

   It's just that they couldn't come over so quickly. Although the other party is not from the truth-seeking line, they still encouraged Su Wu.

   Next, the search for the true lineage still needs the cooperation of Su Wu, and when Kai Yuanzi left, he quietly said a word to Su Wu.

   "The leader of the Ximanzi is Yuanying Zhenjun, but most of his cultivation has been banned by him..."

  Su Wu's eyes lit up when he heard this. This obviously implied that he would increase his chances. After all, beheading a Nascent Soul in the golden age is to plunder the other party's fortune.

  So Su Wu didn't hesitate. Since the other party is useless to Feng Yuan and the other two, it might as well be a stepping stone for him to step up to the sky.

  That night, the leader of the Ximanzi Yuanying fell and died. The monks in Xiancheng knew nothing about it, and Su Wu arranged for the foreign affairs personnel of the city lord's mansion to inspect more closely.

  Because he found that after killing the Nascent Soul, his cultivation speed seemed to have increased a bit. Although it was inconspicuous, it was at least good news.

  As long as he can accumulate more, he will eventually gain a lot. Thinking of this, Su Wu's eyes lit up.


  Dongshengxian Dynasty.

  The capital of spiritual songs.

  Ling Xiaozi had already sent a message to Emperor Dongsheng about Fengyuan's plan to transform the Longevity Immortal City.

  Although this is not a major event, it will affect the fluctuation of Xianchao's luck after all, and there are no mistakes in the result.

  Fengyuan who survived the catastrophe also left an impression in Emperor Dongsheng's heart at this moment. Every Tianjiao who survived the catastrophe, especially in the period of the Xian Dynasty Dabi, is even more precious.

  If Fengyuan can really stand in the end, then Dongsheng Xianchao will benefit the most, and the Holy Land will never be stingy with its rewards.

   What's more, it was the reward of the Golden World, and Emperor Dongsheng was looking forward to it, so he not only supported Fengyuan's transformation of the Immortal City, but also secretly increased the transmission of a little immortal energy to the Longevity Immortal City.

   This investment is totally worth it, not to mention that they are still planning to seek the truth, but it is a pity that they are blinded by the secrets now, otherwise he will add some more chips for Fengyuan.

  Now all he can do is to make the fairy city more attractive. There are remnants of truth-seeking hidden in the Western barbarians. How long can you bear it?


  Xihe Xianchao.

  A certain hidden island.

  This place seems to be deserted and uninhabited, and there are few people, but suddenly a giant bird appeared, and then fell suddenly, with a whine, and then a hand supported it.

  The giant bird was in sharp contrast to the height of ordinary humans. The next moment, the sloppy old man who was supporting the giant bird grinned.

   "Today is a blessing."

  The next moment, the giant bird's feathers fell off instantly, and then the invisible blade cut, and rootless water appeared in the midair, which was cleaned in an instant, and then it was roasted by flames, and the sloppy old man actually drooled.

  The next moment, the giant bird was roasted until it was golden brown. The sloppy old man didn't think it was too hot, and he just took a bite, his expression was full of satisfaction.

  It smells so good!

   Sure enough, the giant hornbill still wants the delicious food in the demon saint realm, and the old man eats it more and more delicious, but he suddenly frowned and looked to the east.

  How can the truth-seeking line be so stupid and want to go to Dongsheng Xianchao to make trouble? Isn't it enough to suffer before?

   This is obviously a trap.

  But after he sighed, he stood up, looked at the barbecue in his hand, and finally gritted his teeth and threw it down.

   "I was really stupid back then, but if I lost the bet, let's admit it, Tianmingzi, you old bastard, you can really call people..."

   Muttering a few words, he stopped wasting time and disappeared in place. The giant hornbill barbecue that fell on the ground was still smelling like meat, and soon there were monsters gathering. After confirming that there was no danger, he ate wildly.

   This is the instinct hidden in the blood.


   Eat, eat, eat! !


  Longevity Fairy City.

   Just as the sloppy old man left from Xihe Xianchao, Su Wu also led people from the City Lord's Mansion at this time, and surrounded a certain house in the city.

  In the house, there were a few people who frowned tightly. They didn't expect that they would be discovered by the monks of the Immortal City as soon as they arrived in the Longevity Immortal City.

   "Let's disperse. As long as one of us completes the investigation mission, we will be successful. If anyone of us is unfortunately arrested, everyone should know what to do. If it is safe, wait for the opportunity to contact our hometown. Take care of yourself!"

  One person in the room looked around and spoke. As soon as he finished speaking, the others nodded and rushed out in different directions.

  The person who spoke was facing directly in the direction of Su Wu. He has the highest cultivation level, so of course he needs to shoulder greater responsibilities.

  As soon as he came out, a cruel look flashed across Su Wu's face. In the past few days, the other party was the first person who decisively chose to break through, and his cultivation was even at the realm of Yuanying Zhenjun.

   This time, it seems that I have met the right owner!

  The next moment, Su Wu directly issued a signal in his hand, and Feng Yuan and Kai Yuanzi suddenly raised their heads in the city lord's mansion, with joy flashing in their eyes.

  Facing Su Wu's breakout, he didn't expect Su Wu to be so decisive, so he no longer pretended to be himself, and shot with all his strength, just hoping to escape as soon as possible.

  The moment he made a move, Su Wu retreated crazily, but he was still hit by a huge force, a faint light flashed on his body, and 90% of the force was instantly removed.

  But Su Wu did not breathe a sigh of relief, on the contrary, he was very grateful that he had decisively sent a signal for help just now.

  He looked at the person who broke through, his eyes were full of fear.

  The power of transforming gods!

   Recommend a long-lived article by a veteran author, it’s so well written!



  (end of this chapter)

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