There is Room For the First Wife

Chapter 268: 1 is worse than 1

Remember for a second【】

As soon as Zhao Lingfeng's words fell, Mo Bei couldn't help but say, "You don't like this woman, right? Does she have a husband? Isn't it good for you to be like this?"

Zhao Lingfeng stared at Mo Bei unbearably, why did everyone think he liked Lady Lu.

He was not in the mood at first, but after being told by one or two of them, his eyes would always fall on Lady Lu. To be honest, if she didn't have a husband, he really wanted to marry her as his eldest lady, but others did. mate.

"What nonsense are you talking about, she's really nice, you only see her asking for money, why don't you see when she doesn't accept money? You know that she treats those who have no money, divides them Don't you accept the text?"

This time, Mo Bei was surprised: "she still has such a good time?"

As soon as Mo Bei's words fell, Zhao Lingfeng didn't have time to speak, and a cold and cold voice came from behind.

"Who are you talking about?"

Zhao Lingfeng and Mo Beiqi turned their heads and saw Xie Yunjin looking at them both with cold brows.

The two of them were a little guilty at the same time, and they didn't dare to say this for a while.

Xie Yunjin said coldly: "Two big men are like two long-tongued women. My wife is treating your wounds inside. You are talking about people's right and wrong outside. I really doubt if she stayed in Baohetang. necessary."

As soon as Xie Yunjin said it, Zhao Lingfeng couldn't help but open his mouth to explain: "Xie Xiucai, we didn't say Madam Lu was bad, did we?"

Zhao Lingfeng didn't know how to pick it up, and Mo Bei said, "Did you know that she took 5,000 taels for a barbed arrow for my master? Is this greed for money? Does the barb arrow cost five thousand taels of silver?"

Xie Yunjin couldn't help but think of the person he had seen before. He raised his hands with dignity, and it was the noble and extraordinary aura carved into his bones.

Xie Yunjin knew that person was a noble person after seeing him once before.

It turned out that because of Chen Ying, he hated that guy.

Although he still hates that man now, his emotions are not so strong anymore.

Xie Yunjin looked at Mo Bei and said coldly, "Five thousand taels is more? If I knew about it, and it was less than ten thousand taels, I would never let her draw an arrow."

This time, Zhao Lingfeng and Mo Bei stayed together.

I thought Madam Lu was ruthless, but now I know that this Xie Xiucai is even more ruthless than his wife.

Xie Yun looked at Zhao Lingfeng and Mo Bei with a warning and said, "I don't want you two to talk about my wife behind your back in the future. It has nothing to do with the two of you as to how she behaves and how she behaves. She is my wife, as long as I understand it. Just who she is."

After Xie Yunjin finished speaking, he left, and went to the front to help shopkeeper Li entertain the patients.

Mo Bei couldn't help but murmured: "It turns out that this family is all greedy for money. It's terrifying if one mouth is either 5,000 taels or 10,000 taels."

Zhao Lingfeng glared at Mo Bei fiercely and warned: "Don't talk about Mrs. Lu in the future. It doesn't matter what she is like, it doesn't matter to you, it's good if they are willing to help you. If you have the ability, don't bring people here next time."

Mo Bei instantly closed his mouth. Although he said that the woman was greedy for money, he still believed in her medical skills, and so did the master.

That's why after General Wang broke his arm, he quickly sent people over.

Mo Bei thought for a while, and felt that he should not say it. If he told the woman to hear it, what would he do if he didn't bring someone to him in the future.

"I see."

Lu Jiao's arm surgery had been going on for two hours. This time Qi Lei did a good job. Although she felt dizzy and nauseated, she persevered to the end and cooperated very well.

When the operation was over, Lu Jiao used a bamboo board to fix the arm that was being reattached, and then gave the injured patient antibiotics.

Thinking of antibiotics, Lu Jiao was a little silent. She had very few antibiotics left in her space. If antibiotics could not be made, it would be troublesome to perform operations in the future, and it would be easy to get infections after surgery, which would be very damaging to patients.

Lu Jiao was silent. In the room, Qi Lei thought the operation had failed, so she couldn't help but nervously said, "Master, did the operation fail?"

Lu Jiao shook her head: "No, the operation was successful. I thought of antibiotics, which will be gone soon. I'm afraid it will be troublesome to do the operation in the future."

Qi Lei immediately asked: "What is the situation of the mine you mentioned earlier?"

"Potash mine."

"What are the characteristics of that potash mine, we can ask someone to help us find it."

Lu Jiao thought about it and remembered that it was recorded in the books she read before that potash mines are distributed in the northwest or southwest of China. If there is a general area, maybe such potash mines can be found.

"Potash mines are actually salt lakes, dry salt lakes, which should be found in the southwest or northwest."

As soon as she said that, Qi Lei's eyes lit up, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "I'll tell Lingfeng and let him arrange for someone to look for it. If we find the potash mine, we can make the antibiotics you mentioned, so that in the future, the patient will get sick. It will be much more convenient for you to suffer.”

Lu Jiao nodded, stopped talking, and turned around to check the patient's postoperative condition.

His temperature, pulse, breathing, and blood pressure are now back to normal.

Lu Jiao looked at Qi Lei with a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, the operation on the injured person is successful, and there will be no worries about life."

After speaking, she turned and walked out, taking off the mask on her face and the gloves on her hands as she walked.

Although Qi Lei hadn't had several operations with Lu Jiao, Lu Jiao had already taught him post-operative care.

Outside the door, Zhao Lingfeng and Mo

^0^ One second to remember【】

Seeing Lu Jiao coming out, Bei asked nervously, "How is it? The operation was successful, is there any problem with his Lu Jiao glanced at the two and said, "The operation was successful, as for the arm. Whether it can be restored to its original state depends on it slowly. If it is well conditioned, it may recover well. If it is not well conditioned, it is impossible to return to its original state. "

Lu Jiao's words were already a relatively positive answer. The two were overjoyed. Even Mo Bei forgot to mind the fact that Lu Jiao received five thousand taels of silver. He smiled happily and said, "That's good, that's good."

Such a broken arm was actually picked up by this lady Lu. The key is to listen to her words. This arm is well conditioned, and it is not much different from the original.

Mo Bei was once again shocked by Lu Jiao's medical skills. At the same time, he believed one thing in his heart. Most of the strange people are arrogant and arrogant. Madam Lu is very skilled in medicine. She should be regarded as a genius doctor.

This time, without using Lu Jiao's exit, Mo Bei looked at Zhao Lingfeng and said, "Remember to give Madam Lu's five thousand taels of silver to her."

Zhao Lingfeng looked at him strangely, didn't he dislike others in every possible way before, saying that they were greedy for money by charging 5,000 taels?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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