There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World's Darkness so I Made One
08 Stories True and Healing Heroin (Age 9)
The secret society that fights the darkness of the world, Tianzhao, has decided to look for a healer to cope with the further fierce struggle, but by way of example, Mr. Tsuki and I narrowed the candidate down into two.
After the transplant mutation, Nenlikin has only instantaneous pain such that if he hadn't trained at all, he would have smashed his pinky toe into the corner of the tans. Since it was agreed that it was time for the Heavenly Components to be world-wide, I conducted psychic quality palpations from transplants around the world and looked for healing abilities.
As a result, there were many strange incidents on a global scale that were so suddenly hit by instantaneous pain that they hit the pinky toe of the foot into the horn of the tance. Sudden severe pain can easily be mistaken for physical discomfort. Sometimes only a few hundred or so cases were done where the point of occurrence fell apart. It has not even become a rumor of SNS, but there is a sense that it did something annoying. I'm reflecting but I don't regret it.
A healer falls into a category that is statistically rare.
The most susceptible to awakening are natural phenomenal systems such as flames, ice, thunder and wind. This is 90% of the total and so are Langhua and Shota-kun.
The remaining 10% are "other" such as healing or time stopping, fogging, physical strengthening, fluoroscopy, instant movement, and transparency. The use of mental energy is probably something else, but I haven't found anything other than me that is so rare. The healing ability is yet another area in a limited 10%, and only four examples have awakened to the psychic powers of the healing system in about a thousand and five hundred cases, including monkey experiments.
Out of those four examples, the next candidate for Heavenly Composition chosen by me and Mr. Tachigi was oddly both a nine-year-old girl. Mr. Tsuki's candidate resides in the UK and my candidate resides in Brazil.
His Excellency the Duke of Tachigi decided to withdraw from traditional stock and electronic money relations jobs because the electricity company's earnings and Zhongshan Tech's earnings have come in recently and are expected to increase and stabilize in the future. They seem to keep some stock, but they say they will quit buying or selling extra stock. Being busy in that relationship, he went from me to Mr. Tachigi's mansion one early winter day at noon in order to make the final candidate selection decision. The helper passes me by facepath, deposits the coat I was wearing, crosses the hallway where the red carpet was laid, and knocks on Mr. Tsuki's room.
"Go ahead."
When he opened the door with permission from Reiki's voice as usual, Mr. Reiki set a cute piece against the mirror inside.
Out of the question.
No, I don't care if it's just a piece to the mirror. What sucks is the outfit.
The perfect dress with a pink and white tone opens wide to the chest and back, leaving the thighs exposed without any hesitation from the miniskirt. A pair of high socks with a star-shaped pattern with small wings. A small wand with a large gem in its hand.
It is undoubtedly the cosplay of a magical girl. There's a 23-year-old adult woman! Magic Girl Kos! In a daily setting that's not a cosplay venue or anything! Everyday, where? Here?
What are you doing, Duke? You're not "go ahead"! You're not going to go for this at all! Why is it so flat to be seen dressed like this! No, that's who you were!
Twenty-three on the boulder. The magic girl is tight......
... That's not tight.
"There you are. You're here to decide the final candidate."
"Ah, oh………?
Mr. Tsuki doesn't mention his magic girl Kos at all and naturally goes on to talk about it.
I don't know, ten years old is supposed to be a slow outfit, but it usually looks good on me. Why? Cosplay-like foreign body, it doesn't feel like I can't. I'm dressed extremely naturally and wonder if this is normal if a sparkling magical world exists. If you look closely, your face looks a little different than usual, and you look young. Looks like he's changing his makeup. The interior of the room has also been transformed into a fancy, matching the outfit.
If you think about it, I'm an aunt when it comes to twenty-three years old from middle school, but from my thirties and forties, I'm just a little girl with hair on her kids. It's not too late to be a magic girl......?
I'm not sure anymore.
I'm confused. Mr. Kichigi winks at the pussy and flies a magical throw kiss. I got a direct blow from my constantly expanding mental defense penetration, and I almost had a heart attack.
Bruises! Bruise, Mr. Tsuki! Twenty-three, right? Why are you so cute? You're crazy!
It's amazing. Mr. Kichigi? It's amazing how shameful zero is so far what's amazing. I believe myself to be cute. And really cute. The magic girl looks good. Twenty-three years old. Cute. I would fall back in love with this.
I follow my nenlikin to restore my sanity, take a deep breath and undo the flow of the story. I didn't come here today to worship the magical girl Duke of Takigi.
"My candidate is this girl."
"I did this to her."
When I flapped the paper folded from my pocket into a bird mould with my mind and landed it on the table, unfolding it and returning it to a single piece of paper, Mr. Tsuki snapped his fingers and removed the paper from the void.
Uhm, simple and good performance. I'll do it. I knew this kind of trick would be better with time suspension.
"How do you decide?
"I don't know about darts."
"OK, take it and stand. Now, yes, two fights."
We took a certain distance from the dartboard that Mr. Tsuki was putting on the wall of the room and lined up on the side. There are four prepared darts arrows. Two red markings on the feathers, two arrows on the feathers, and two blue markings on the feathers.
The rules are simple. Those who stick their arrows closest to the center of the target win the judgment after the two end of the four pitches together.
Giving way to the lead at Lady First, Mr. Tsuki said whitewashingly as he remembered, with the darts' arrows in his hand.
"Let's ban psychic powers this time."
"Never mind."
"But maybe something will happen that I just think I've used my powers. But if you haven't, it's safe."
"……… Copy."
I mean, if you don't find out, you're not a squid. I have no objection. My uncle wouldn't be mad if it was a squid sama on both sides of the deal.
I speak to Mr. Kichigi, who is trying to throw the target with the motion of entering the hall.
"Mr. Tsuki."
"I wonder what it is."
"Mr. Tsuki is the cutest guy in the world."
"Ugh, right?
No, you can't. It doesn't work. Psychological battle, failure. I thought it would be crazy to light up a little bit.
Mr. Tsuki laughed happily but was not upset, and threw his first pitch in a streamlined motion...... and the arrow stood in the middle of the dot.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I didn't see the arrow flying trajectory. Suddenly.
"Hey, you definitely stopped for now and went for a direct stab with your hand. It's against the rules. It's against the rules!
"I didn't do that. Do you have proof?
Questioning him, the Duke of Magic Girl soaked up.
Ho? Right, right, I mean, you're the one.
Fine. If that's what you're going to do, I have an idea.
"Next time I'm going to take a video. Look, if the video unnaturally interrupts or disappears, I'll consider it a squid."
Put the smartphone in shooting mode on the vase at the table and show the dartboard, while entering my first pitch.
I don't know how to throw darts. I've never played this kind of stylish game before.
But that doesn't make it a handful.
Create a cylindrical passage from arrow to dartboard with your mind. Protect with mindfulness except for one point around the dartboard. Of course, Mr. Tsuki's arrows are excluded from protection.
And heh! My arrows protect me with my mind, too, and throw an ejection at Mach 12! The arrow lands in the middle of the dot in an instant! Shockwaves go wild through cylindrical passages!
Of course, Mr. Tsuki's arrows were shattered and scattered.
Ha ha, you idiot! I crushed Mr. Tachigi's reflex nerve at a rate that he couldn't stop in time! Look at this powdered dart! If you can fix it with a time stop, try to fix it!
Seeing the remains of the powdered and transformed arrows, Mr. Tochigi showed upset at the boulders.
"Hey, hey, hey, my arrow shattered!? Absolutely used your mind, didn't you, disqualified, disqualified!
"I'm not using my mind. I'm a very strong shoulder."
Mr. Tsuki held his head in a cluttered excuse. This kind of excuse for elementary school kids is more valid because it's debatable when you weirdly pinch your reason on someone who's smart.
"Well, fine. The next time I show my strong shoulder, I'll measure my muscle strength."
"Come on!
Mr. Tsuki sighed as he gave up and entered the second pitch.
The second shot thrown unconstitutionally stands at the edge of the dartboard critical. Have you given up?
"I won."
"What are you talking about? Can't you see my arrow is stabbed in the center?
When I checked the arrow stabbed on the dartboard when they said it, it wasn't my blue arrow that was poking deep into the center, it was Mr. Tsuki's red arrow.
What a replacement. It's pointless because I'm shooting it in a video where I stopped time and switched. I thought it was over when Squid Sama was discovered... but when I saw the video, both the arrows that were crushed with Mach throws and the arrows that were crushed were red arrows from the beginning.
Shit, they did it.
I already switched them before I threw Mach! I believed it was my own arrow, and I crushed Mr. Tsuki's arrow with Mr. Tsuki's arrow.
Is that upset I saw the shattered arrows acting? The smartphone only takes dartboards. I can't prove it even if it was switched when I was throwing. It was far-fetched.
On the rule, "those who are protruding their arrows in the nearest center of the target win". Whose arrow matters and it doesn't matter who threw it.
Last pitch. This determines the battle.
What to do. Pull out the central arrow with your mind...... no, no, that's so obvious. There's no way an arrow could fall off a polo without wind. The replacement has been sealed by video shooting.
What are we gonna do?
What am I supposed to do?
Let's use force moves.
I had an earthquake with my mind before I threw an arrow. It was a slight earthquake with a seismic intensity of about three, but only the arrow of Mr. Tochigi, who had stabbed him in the center because of the shake, drops polo. Mr. Tsuki quickly hid under the table the moment he began to shake, so his reaction was delayed. The earthquake stops perfectly in seconds and throws an arrow just before Mr. Tsuki does anything. The appropriately thrown arrow came off, but the only thing stabbing me in the dartboard is my blue-signed arrow.
It is indisputably, totally, my victory. Hey, looks like natural disasters have taken their side by chance!
Mr. Tsuki, who crawled from under the table, looked at the results of the dartboard and guessed. He wields a magical stick and protests violently.
"Do you have this crazy thing? Shall we watch the news? There's no earthquake alert coming through anyway!
"It's an earthquake directly beneath the Takigi Mansion. The source of the earthquake is about a meter deep. Don't worry about the tsunami from this earthquake."
Mr. Kichigi laughed in a way that I didn't think was my excuse. Once you laugh, you can't stop laughing, and even trying to keep your mouth down with your hands leaks laughter. I hear he got into a bump.
After a while, the laughter subsided, Mr. Tochigi said, rubbing tears in his eyes.
"You have no choice. You made me laugh, and you can win by Sasuke now."
All right, that's settled.
After Shota-kun, the Heavenly Component decides on Igbuddy Ngunak Mugu, a nine-year-old girl who lives in Brazil!
Igbudi Ngunah Mugu, nine years old. Commonly known as Ig. She is a little girl living in a one-country orphanage in Brazil. When I was two years old, the former dean picked up where I was debilitated and trembling in the cold under a tree at the edge of a forest off the village and welcomed me into the orphanage family. It seems that the former Dean, who is also a named parent, came from this minority, and this is the name.
It was good to the point where he was picked up by the current debilitating death and connected his life, but the former director of personality and reputation died from illness, and the orphanage management was taken over by the current director of the abdominal black. For the next seven years, Ig has lived as a target of abuse in an orphanage. Trapped in a small room, with little food, emotional education, etc., the director is forced to play with other children. No, it is toyed. Originally, he was weaker than a small, peer-old child, and he had no energy or skill to defy the violence of children who had earned a great name from the dean to the frightened Ig.
It must have been the Buddha or the Truth of Fire that I found and woke up with the ability to heal when I was flying my mind around the world to see the right Nenlikin transplant destination. Gaia is whispering to me to save Ig.
But even though how much is abused, Ig still belongs to the orphanage. I can't force you to kidnap me either. Even though it's impossible to track him down if he kidnaps him with his mind, he's never been able to save him with a positive attack method. It is not a good thing to beat evil with wrongdoing. I flew to Brazil on a plane to save Ig.
Take the train and taxi, travel fast using your mind when you are blind, and arrive from Japan to the orphanage where Ig is in one day.
The sudden Japanese visit was also welcomed by the current Dean, who was apparently a gentle aunt. With the undercover that I like the Brazilian countryside and plan to move around here next time, I guess I was lucky enough to give him cash, food and new clothes as a greeting. It should be noted that the official Brazilian language is Portuguese and I do not speak it, but the current director has learned English and speaks English, so there is no problem with communication.
When the director said he definitely wanted to pick up the cash because he flickered it as a support for orphanage management and liked it at first glance as he peered his horrible face through the window. Good golden crawl, I guess they thought. Be happy now at best.
I headed into the room where Ig was imprisoned under the guidance of the floating dean, and I went inside and held up my frightened, trembling little, slender body in the corner of the room with the utmost kindness. Ig wasn't given a single blanket and his body was out of cold. But if you hold it in your arm, it does convey the beat of life.
I only knew Ig's background through a week or so of intellect gathering.
However, when I actually hold it in my arms, it raises my loving taste sexually. With such a small body, with no one on your side, you're trapped in a small room. Ig has been working so hard.
From now on, I'm on your side. A new family.
It was an invitation to healing ability, but the healing ability doesn't have to grow at all from now on.
"It's all right now."
You didn't understand what I said in Japanese. But the will came through.
Ig shed a polarity and a grain of tears from the faded eyes of the light, weak in my arms, best of luck, clinging.
I leave the orphanage beating the dean's cheek every second with my mind.
That's how the heroine of tragedy, the proud Primate Eye Kinuzaraceae Common Marmoset - - the palm-sized monkey, Igbudi Nguna Muguchan (, 9 years old), became a safe constituent of Tianzhao.
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