All psychic training begins with basic training. Even if it's comical, you can use it all the time. In this way, the psychic protogroup is fatigued, rested and recovered. Then the superpowers grow stronger and tougher.

Initial psychic abilities are fatigued quickly with little duration or usability, so the foundation tray does not take up time. I don't have to sacrifice time for His Highness Lou to take a walk or take care of the flowerbed.

I borrowed a voltage tester from the factory in Castle Town under Grand Duke authority and measured it, and His Highness's initial voltage was 2.2 V.

1.5V for dry batteries, about 10V for billing when touched, 50V for people to die, 100V for general household power, 750V for denki eels, hundreds of millions of V for lightning, etc., so the initial value is neither high nor low? Stronger than one dry battery and weaker than two.

Electrical ability is a popular ability in creativity. There were still so many electricians when I did a psychic transplant experiment before. The scarcity of abilities is low. but there is no doubt that it is capable of being highly applied.

Lightning punch wrapped around electricity for simple use. Throw a spear of thunder or discharge it from the palm of your hand for application. If it's extreme, you can drop lightning, manipulate biological currents, move super-responsively fast, and blink with flash.

Thanks to the tester, His Royal Highness's growth rate could be accurately determined. Growth rate was 1.1x because it grew at 2.2V 2.42V 2.662V. Lasts about ten seconds for minimum output. Greater duration requires applied training.

If it grows 16 times, it will become 10V, and it will become a force that can never be used in combat, but whether it will be able to discharge flashy is a delicate point.

The maximum number of times a psychic is grown is roughly 20-40. There are only two people who grow more than 50 times.

In order to be able to generate your own electricity (100V) to cover your household's electricity, you need to grow 40 times, and you have to grow 200 times to produce lightning class power. His Highness Lou is unlikely to be the Thunder Queen.

It hurts that the growth rate is 1.1x. It was realistic enough because if it was about 1.5x it would be a thunder class power in 45 times... I'm not sure it's realistic to be able to get thunder out of your hand.

His Highness Lou is a man without talent, no study, no exercise, no art. His Highness is the great thing about being able to accept it and focus on supporting it, but he's still glad that he's awakened to his own, his own special power. I would use my abilities on my own hair - I was innocent of turning it upside down, pinching the bean bulb with my finger and flashing it without meaning.

I see. The strength of your abilities is not your problem. I enjoy the fact that I can use my psychic powers. I enjoy fantasizing about how to use it and actually try it. Perhaps psychic powers are the most fun to freshly awaken.

… but. The more fun things pass the faster.

His Royal Highness Lou also attacked the merciless reality.

His Highness had no growth on the eighth day after awakening. In other words, it grows three times and stops growing at output 2.928V.

His Royal Highness was not even talented in psychic powers.

"Uh no, it's 2.8. It's getting weaker and weaker. I knew 2.928 was the limit. '

His Royal Highness sat down on the bed in his private room and said cheerfully as he laid his finger on the electrode of the tester he put on his knee.

His Highness Lu's basic training was supervised by Mr. Tsuki at the end of the chat, but I was summoned to work in remote drilling for an unexpected growth head strike. I had it re-measured several times as if it was some kind of mistake, but the output was slowly dropping due to fatigue instead of rising the numbers. Mr. Tsuki examines the tester and shakes his neck to the side. It's not even a tester malfunction.

Truly, His Highness Lou has stopped growing on three occasions.

"What about growth pain? No growth pain, either?

'I don't have one. My soul's cracking and I'm inhaling chaos. I don't feel it. You mean it hasn't grown. "

'Yes…… right'

Indeed, it is a sensation characteristic of the psychic protogroup.

What are you going to do with this? Nah, "If you work out, you'll be stronger." He came to the growth limit before he got stronger. Hey. It's amazing how freely you can get static electricity out, but so what? Even if I use it in combat, I just pat it up. It doesn't last long enough to move appliances. The application would not work with the three basics either. Terrible.

I did think that this might happen.

Awaken to psychic powers that blow themselves up and die, psychic powers that just make your taste weird, psychic powers that are user-friendly and only harmful. Stopped growing just once. It fades after it grows. I thought there might be something like that. If you have infinite growth, nothing is wrong with having ultra-low growth.

It's not strange, but how can it really happen?

The only salvation is where His Highness is not recessed, but mine is more recessed.

Talent, talent, talent!

That again!

It always is. Reminds me of my physical education class when I was in elementary school. I couldn't go back up. The teacher supported me that if I worked hard, I would definitely be able to do it. That's what I thought at first. Because I wasn't the only one who couldn't do it, because there were more guys in my class who couldn't. But I could do more and more around me. I practiced more than anyone, but I couldn't do it. I don't know why I can't. I don't know how to do it. I think the iron bars, how to shake your body, the timing, have some tricks. I don't know the trick. I don't know if you tell me. I can't. I'm getting closer and closer to crying while I'm practicing. I'm the only one who can't do it. I'm trying, but I can't. Anger also gushes. Because the guy who hasn't practiced at all better than me is now able to do what he deserves. One of these days I'm gonna hate it, and I'm gonna remember to give up, and in an unpleasant way, I'm gonna step into adulthood, and, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, my God, oh my God! You're not gonna regret this! Now if you subsidize it with your mind, you can afford to go the other way up!

"Why is Sago about to cry or get angry from earlier? Are you okay? '

"You're probably sympathetic to His Highness Lou and then backwards guile"

'Really? Hey, do you? Are you hitting Cabraghi's prediction?

"Eh, ah, well, yes."

"Ooh, wow! Kabragi really knows about Sago. Why don't we get married already? I want to see Cabraghi's wedding dress."

'My apologies, Your Highness. Because I've decided to show my wedding dress only to one person in the world.'

"Hih! I like that!

His Highness Lou is excited and bored to cover his face with both hands.

I thought it was going to be moody overnight. It's going to be a wedding. What the hell is going on? Now I think I can get fire out of my face even if I don't have the ability to fire it. Please stop executing me publicly.

But His Highness Lou is too fond of love banas. No, I'm only seventeen, and if I'm not in a position with the country, is it normal if I still consider myself a high school girl?

His Royal Highness Lou is not really talented. And I really don't care about that. I want to enrich my country greatly, I want superpowers, I have that kind of greed, but I'm fine without it. "Know what's enough."

After watching His Highness Lou for the past three weeks, I was surprised to be really pleased with the whisper. Eating sweets, blooming flowers in flowerbeds, saying hello in the hallway at different times. His Highness Lou is honestly delighted that most humans take for granted, get used to it and stop feeling anything.

He's amazing. He's much younger than me, and he's not as smart as he says he is. But he has something much more important than his brains and overflowing talents. It may have been an extra help from above to give you psychic powers.

'I will return to that, but with His Highness Lou's power, it will be tough to fight the darkness of the world. Just to be clear, I don't think you're going to be targeted by the darkness of the world to devour psychic abilities because they're no different from ordinary people. "

'That's right. Good ~, you're not good at fighting me. I don't like the pain. I'm scared. I'm too scared to keep being attacked and defeated by monsters who come out infinitely for life. With the two of you, that amaterath? Is that it? I think it's amazing how you can fight. Really.'

His Highness Lou shook and said fearfully. It sure is horrible when you say so. When you wake up to your superpowers, you become targeted by monsters who gush infinitely and prey on you (albeit by choosing time and place). If you're brittle, you'll go crazy under stress. It doesn't have to be brittle to become unstable.

Then, for a few days, I also tried His Highness's Applied Training Challenge, but the guiding foundation was too low for me. His Royal Highness's final spec for generating power is "Get electrostatic coarse electricity out of your hands for up to ten seconds" and finish.

However, it was not that His Highness Lou, who had no talent, was thoroughly devoid of talent. It went great with the PSI drive.

Originally the PSI drive draws power from the psychic's blood and has the ability to amplify it from several to ten times. The Demon King's Special Attack Infectious Attack feature can also be attached as an option, but leave that aside.

The amplification rate of His Highness Lou when he sets his blood on the PSI drive is estimated to be tens to hundreds of millions of times higher. The dry battery becomes lightning.

Amplifying it with a PSI drive would be as powerful as a weak stun gun. When I used the general-purpose PSI drive in a light mood, I blackened one of the rooms in the Duke of Tachigi's mansion and wiped out all the appliances in the mansion. Of course, the PSI drive broke. It's catastrophic.

I'm really sorry that Mr. Tochigi, who called in haste, rushed for a series of time stops in seconds and looked enlightened without anger or grief when he saw the scene. Oh, I'll make it up to you later... forgive me...

Well, there was so much going on, but the real ruin fabrication went well.

Successfully lay down the circumstances and borrow the wisdom of the experts, sprinkle appropriate mold strains and settle them, or make crop bones and place them in worn clothes against the tidal wind.

The task of carving the inscriptions of the ruins with mindfulness saw hell lightly. I don't know how many times I've thought of quitting on the way. Anyway, the relief that I carved into the tunnel over the course of a month is only going to have to be seen in a minute or so during the event. I know. But that minute is a precious one that hundreds of millions of relics around the world love treasure hunts and the men didn't want. That's all I worked so hard for.

Plans, arrangements, execution, abandonment (of Chris' reading-proof measures) and ancient site fabrication work took six months in total. However, I am proud to say that it has reached the scale and quality required for the time spent.

The season is early summer.

The location is an ancient site of the Principality of Marineland.

The main participants were Shoutai Takahashi (Koji), Langhua Lotus (Koji), Christina Nazine (Koji) and Kyosuke Miyama (Old Man).

Ancient Site Event, now open.

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