There Was No Secret Organization to Fight with the World's Darkness so I Made One
04 Stories One Wing Already
"Hey, thanks for coming to see me. I'm sorry to show you such a mess."
When he took Langhua to Ota General Medical Hospital and put an ig in his pocket to go for a dance, Shigeji hung his legs in a bandage and slept in bed. She speaks clearly and has a good complexion, and looks better than I thought.
A private room in a special ward away from the general ward, with a spacious clean bed covered in white and a large TV. Classics were quietly flowing from antique record players placed on small desks at windows.
Shortly after he was called in for surgery, he was supposed to be in the general ward, but when I was contacted, he arranged for me to be transferred to a special ward that was more comfortable, generous in nursing, and less accessible to people.
The cost of hospitalization is out of the funds for secret association activities that His Highness Lou is financing for me. The benefits of the White Secret Society Tianzhao are generous.
"How's it going?"
"All six months. She has to be admitted to the hospital for two months. If I were thirty years younger, I would have been spared to avoid it. Damn, you don't want to get old, do you?
Shigeji laughed at Kiza. Doesn't make any difference if the car calls you. I'm fine.
When I gave him the book with the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal (probably illegible) in English, a newspaper for his spare time that he had asked me to buy on the phone, Lamp Hua, who was pale and trembling behind me, came out and said before he was afraid.
"Ah, that! Oh, I'm sorry, because I said that because of me. Sorry, that was frivolous."
Shigeji tilted his neck wonderfully to the lamp Hua, who lowered his head deeply.
"Like that?
"Eh, he said it would just be a mouthful... if it was a bad hit, if it was a bad hit, maybe, shh, maybe he was dead"
"Oh, you know what?"
Shigeji laughed at Eagle Deep Fried so that it was inversely proportional to the lamp Hua who seemed uncomfortable. You really don't seem to care at all.
"I have nothing to worry about. The old man, instead of living better, thinks better about dying. It may be difficult for young people to understand, but that's what it is. Non has lived long enough. Old fashioned, short. If you can use this life to save your life, that's what you want."
"Mr. Naruma............!
Shigeji gently said, stroking the wrinkled hand on Langhua's head, hiding it under her ass so that she could not see the book I gave her - "The New Edition/The Secret to Long Living - To Cheer Up a Hundred Years Old".
I don't think you want to live so bad. I'm sorry. I bought it in the first place. It's too late to hide it.
To prolong Shigeji's long-established, short-lived life, I relieved a reluctant ig and allowed him to heal only a little. If the patient, who was as fractured as he thought, was at full speed shortly after the dancer arrived, he would be suspected of bouldering. Ig's recovery is little by little. Still, it would look like an amazing miracle recovery, but it would be deluded because people who are five or six times more resilient than ordinary people seem to be rare but real.
Then, Langhua went to visit Shigeji every day. I'm sure I have time on summer vacation, but I couldn't help but seem to get annoyed by the guilt.
In order to give handmade beads and statues of Buddha in small pieces as the best sincerity of Langhua-chan, the hospital room became more and more a burial venue filled with Buddha space, and he laughed a little carelessly.
The two, who had the worst atmosphere in the first meeting, settled into a relationship there, even though they were not close.
As always, Langhua didn't seem to like the sissy liar, but the burden of putting her sissy in danger of her life with her own words and the fear of what if the same happened again made her refrain from putting it on the table.
Shigeji is also shigeji and not blunt based, so he seems to have absorbed such a complicated mood of Langhua and tried not to throw up too much lies in front of Langhua.
Still, nothing has fundamentally changed because I won't quit the long story of an old man who won't lie about his luxury watches and bespoke suits.
A week after I was hospitalized, I returned from summer camp and took Shoutaku, who had sunburned, to visit Shigeji, who had amazed the doctor in charge and repeatedly raised the discharge schedule.
The hospital room seemed to have just misplaced it, there was no sign of Langhua, instead there were more brand new handmade incense furnaces. Even the room smells thin and smells like incense. Lantern Hua is really no offense...?
And some unrecognizable, pale girl sat shallow on the bed and let her legs hang out.
"Hey, thanks for the dance. I'd like to meet you, Shoutaku Takahashi?
"Oh? Yeah, but how did you know?"
"I'm still proud to have eyes on people."
Shigejiji laughs furiously, and Shota-kun has a light, respectful eye. I'm telling you the name and characteristics, so you can tell by the first shot. Are there any other boys in high school who dye their hair red and hang lighters and chuckamans?
"……… Hello"
Following Shigeji, the blue-white-faced girl also greeted me blushing as she looked at me with poor red hair with a slight vigilance.
Is it about the senior year of elementary school to tell from height and physique? She has hair fastening on semi-long dark hair and thin pigmented skin. Your face looks sunk in the shadows but not badly made. You'd be adorable if you laughed. I could see a figure of BG (Burning Girl) in combat clothes peeking out of his pink hospital clothes pocket, and Shoutaku's face was drawn to me. He seems to be a fan of psychics. It's just not an FK figure. It would be better.
"This is Hino Shadow. She's been in the hospital for a long time in the next room. Here."
"…… Hinoshima Sanjo (Mitsuko). I'm Nakaichi."
Encouraged gently by the gracious sigger, Sanjing named him in the first place. Was it one of them?
I was hoping that if I could go somewhere because I couldn't talk about psychic relations with outsiders, but Sanjing sat down and started talking about psychic powers. However, as far as is generally known.
"So that goes on, but I think it's my idea, it's still bloodline. There's like a psychic lineage, and that's what's hidden. Progeny of the Yin Yang Master, I guess. Do you know there used to be an organization called Yin Yang Dormitory in Japan? That's what happened, but that yinyang dorm is what protects the country from monsters, er, in places like the current Ministry of Defense -"
Sanjing, who had finished greeting her, suddenly rapped and spoke to Shigeji. Shige is listening to Nikonico like he is dealing with his granddaughter. Shota-kun is laughing at the inconspicuous content. I'm half laughing.
Can middle school students today grandiose stories like this that used to be nothing but painful delusions? The boundary between reality and fiction is quite blurred. It's a good time...... no, it's something I changed into a good time.
"- So, I'm confident that old mankind who can't use psychic powers will be destroyed by newcomers who use psychic powers."
"You're better at using it than you can't use your psychic powers. You know that, don't you? When you say natural elimination, the world is weak so that creatures can perish and strong creatures can flourish. I mean, it should be. BG, FK, TL, IT, you saved Tokyo twice, didn't you? If you hadn't come psychic on the feather tea stool case, how many hundreds would you have died? The police were too incompetent to handle it at all, weren't they? Not only in Tokyo, but also in Marineland. And yet it's weird that you have to hide who you are and fuck off. You have to be more praiseworthy and grateful. And yet, already, the jealousy of a weak creature who says strange things about intelligence leaps, foreign operatives, secret experimental units, and all that, ha-ha-ha, is really evil is ugly. You should just destroy the old mankind."
Sanjing finished her remarks quickly.
I waited for the following words to say, "It's a lie, it's a joke," but the story was over.
It was serious.
Yah, yah... what is this kid, a doomsday theorist? Fucking psychic lovers.
"That theory means you'd better die too."
Can't stand it anymore, Shota-kun barged in as he handed Shige a box of super water polo buns for the tournament.
Sanjing nodded with a shady face.
"Nothing's fine. I want BG or FK to destroy me if I'm going to be locked up in a hospital for the rest of my life."
"I guess FK doesn't want that."
"What do you know about FK? I dyed my hair, and you think that's cool? Kitty!"
Sanjing threw up spicy.
You've been in a strange situation. This is... He's the one who made a fool of himself.
He took control of Shoutaku with his hand, who was genuinely angry with Nakaichi's opponent and tried to say it back, and Shigeji opened the box of super water polo buns and offered it to Sanjing.
"Fair enough, you should still eat this and settle down. It's Lady First, Shadow of the Sun. Take the biggest one."
"It's all the same size, isn't it? Are you shitty?
"No, no, there's 180 IQs for Non."
Saying something, Sanjing took one super water polo bun, and the nurse with the face called me out of the room for a check-up. When he left, the nurse gave him a tongue at an unseen angle to ridicule him, and Shota-kun was floating blue muscles on his forehead.
Waiting until the footsteps were completely distant and deafening, Shota-kun asked suddenly as he threw two super water polo buns together and into his mouth.
"Oh, my God. That fucking kid. Oh, my parents aren't showing fire properly?
"Fire? No, I don't know that, but forgive me. That girl,"
Yeah, in advance, Shigeji told me about her past that Sanjing told me about.
Hinoshi Sanjing is the daughter of the director of Ota General Medical Hospital, and she has lived in the hospital ever since she became conscious. I have a congenital disease called grassy spot disease, and if I do nothing, grassy dextros grow from all over my body into a literal vegetative state. You think the side effects of the medication are reducing the symptoms, and the muscle strength and strength are reduced, and you can go to school very much?
Growing up in a closed ward with TV, books, and the Internet on behalf of friends, the conversationalists are always nurses and doctors. Inevitably, he grew up, or became a smart little character who couldn't even try to grow up. And pessimistic.
"I want to cure you with Ig-kun's abilities, but can you do something about it?"
"No, I can't have a congenital disease."
I shook my head at Shige's suggestion.
The healing of igs is not effective for congenital diseases, which are born diseases, because the principle is still not well understood, but it is basically a "return to normal conditions". Resuscitation of the dead and congenital diseases are among the few exceptions to Ig's universal cure that does not even cure cancer.
"Uhm, but. It's too early to be pessimistic about life at that age. I think if we get better friends, we'll change our minds."
"Why is Shigeji holding such a kid? Doesn't sound like you're gonna die alone, does it? Leave me alone."
"That's not why. That girl resembles Nan when he was young. You can't throw it away."
But, well, it's not like I don't have a clue what Sanjing's shady, backward looks like either.
That's what Langhua was like before she joined the secret society. He was abused, no one could help him, he suffered, he suffered too much, he blew it off in a weird direction. After joining the secret society, it became bright, but until then, it had a dark atmosphere that seemed to disappear.
When I was remembering the old lamp Hua, Shigeji clapped his hand and said.
"Oh, yeah. I don't know about inviting Hinoshi-kun to Heavenly Lighting. I like superpowers so much, I'd be happy to invite them. Though there seems to be a lot of potential in Non's view?
I answered immediately.
I sympathize with your background, but it would be too dangerous to give psychic powers to such a child of thought. It's going to destroy humanity.
"No, it's hard to understand, but the hidden ability..."
"But now, even if I don't, I wake up acquired."
"Is that so………………"
Shigejitsu became soggy.
Even for me, I have a desire to do something about Sanjing, who is sending the saddest youth I've ever met. Yes, but ideas are too much for boulders first.
Depending on the type of ability to wake up and the rate of growth, it can really destroy humanity. How darkly sorry for the dark expansion, which begins with the mind of the members of the Dark Fallen Secret Society.
Shige started to think about it, so Shota-kun and I left the hospital room after putting aside only the dance items.
And the next day.
I was summoned by Shigeji to say no to Shota-kun, who was going to the district pool with me, and visited Ota General Medical Hospital again.
As he entered the hospital room, Shige told him to close the door tightly, reaching out only from the bed and closing the window before cutting out.
"I'm talking about Hinoshi. I've been thinking about it since then."
With this, Leo will be able to establish himself as the fourth faction in the current three-ways succession war.
"I wonder if Hino Shadow needs to know more about reality. People interact naturally, the significance of maintaining society, and the content varies. There are only a few people in the ward who are caught and dealt with, and if there is no experience of challenge or achievement, there will be a negative effect on personality formation."
"……… oh."
Rarely, Shigejiri says something matomo.
I thought I was going to say something weird again, so I put myself in a diagonal position.
"What we need is a full success experience," Ng concluded. The world should experience that reality is not all sad. You must not lose the hard reality, you must know that there are good things to do if you live, that you should live positive. "
"Of course."
"Um, thank you for agreeing. So Noon thought. I don't know exactly what to do. Hinoshi-kun has a desire for ruin, but at the root he seems to have a very strong longing for the psychic. Otherwise, the more you praise the psychic."
"But Hinoshi-kun has no psychic qualities. I have no prospect of becoming a psychic. I want to break this reality. I have a plan for that. Can you help me?
Stop questioning the admissibility of cooperation before you say the content of the proposal. If I'm gonna say something fucked up again, I'll dismiss it.
I answered carefully.
"Depends on the content"
Shigeji nodded and spoke of a proposal to keep.
"Oh, that's better. No, it's not hard. I also figured out how to tell Takahashi and Lotus Michi who they are and get them together, but that's not the best idea. Look, Hinoshi-kun doesn't have superpowers. But if you were able to have psychic powers, that would be a big, life-changing confidence. And we're psychics. They have diverse abilities and are often able to do so. Aren't you saying that there are also silo things and artifacts that PSI drives? Then it would be possible to use many of those means to illuminate Hinoshi-kun as if he had woken up to superpowers. Even if you don't have the truth psychic powers, it's the same as what you think you have. Then defeat an easy to understand enemy with an awakened psychic ability and gain a sense of accomplishment.
In a nutshell, you put a match pump in the shadow of the sun. "
You're lying, Shige!
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