“Done. The cultivation schedule looks good like this, right?”

“Probably, good.”

After that, we talked about how much land we were going to farm on using a map.

Keeping their abilities and training in mind, the cultivated area was increased to 1.5 times that of last year.

In the end, it was decided that a wall would be made to surround the farmland.

Only, it would be made so that it could be easily dismantled in the next winters.

There was an opinion that more magic would fill the earth were it returned to the magical land, so we decided to break the wall in fall, and cultivate again in spring.

…Since the planned cultivated area includes areas where we harvested most of the snow-strawberries, I hope they’re not thinking of gathering them this year once the land returns to the forest.

Apparently they went looking for more snow-strawberries last week, but were unable to find any more. As a result, I saw them preciously using snow-strawberry jam this morning, but I’m sure they won’t take it too personally.

…It might be better to find something sweet during spring.

“Then, you guys are all dismissed for today. Don’t stay up too late just because tomorrow’s a holiday though.”


Reno says that and runs to the back.

Recently, she had gotten into the habit of training to her limits on the 2nd floor.

Especially the night before a holiday, we’d always find her collapsed from using up her magic.

It was very difficult to deplete your magic until exhaustion, so I was honestly impressed.

Thanks to that, Reno’s magic power came second among all of them.

She might really be talented.

“Honestly, that girl. I’ll go look after her.”

“Please do, Kili. Don’t stay out of bed too long, okay Sui?”


Kili went after Reno, and Sui also left the room.

After becoming able to read the ancient language, she was reading books almost every night.

However, it’s not like she was greedily seeking knowledge either.

On some nights she would read books written in the ancient language, and on others she would read romance novels she borrowed from Milia.

Combined with her mature atmosphere, she gave off literary girl vibes.

Yet, she was the strongest out of all of them.

Her magic power was also the highest.

I had sealed her grimoire before, but I was beginning to think her inflated magic power remained with her, since she was clearly ahead of Aria and the rest who had trained to the max in this area.

Her connection to the grimoire was probably not entirely cut.

I might have to do something about that quickly.

“What will Milia do?”

“Hmm, I thought I would study together with Sui.”

“You’re enthusiastic as well.”

“I’m not sure when I’ll get it, but I had a lot of things I wanted to try out once I get my hands on an alchemy pot.”

Sui was currently using Kili’s hand-me-down pot.

The pot we found in the ruins went to Kili, so she gave the smaller one to Sui since she no longer had use for it.

I wouldn’t use them in any case.

Since Aria and Milia had refrained, I was planning on giving the pot we’d be getting in spring to Reno, but ultimately, I think it will go to Milia.

“…Lain. Is your curse alright?”

“I’ve told you before right? It’s nothing for now.”

“We’re all fine now, so it’s fine for Lain to do what he wants now, okay?”

“What I want, huh-“

Aria would always ask about my curse whenever we’re alone.

I know she’s purely asking out of concern for me, but since there’s nothing I would like to do, this question always puts me on the spot.

“Well, I’m currently enjoying teaching magic to everyone, so if it’s not a bother, I would prefer to continue staying here.”

“A bother! I’d never describe you as that!”

Reno and Sui both absorbed knowledge like sponges.

I never knew it could be this fun to teach someone.

This might also be a reason why my own growth had stalled.

“But, do you really have nothing you want to do?”

I was already done reading those we found in the ruins, so I was currently out of books.

In fact, most of the books in those ruins were just gossip magazines.

It was pretty fun reading some unknown celebrity’s scandal though.

The times may change just like the landscape, but humans don’t change much in comparison.

“Well, if we continue exploring the forest, I’m sure we’ll find some. Even if I’m unable to, Reno will surely find them.”

“…Yeah, I hope she does.”

We’ve already circled out places where we might find ruins.

There’s supposedly a library just a little deeper into the forest, so I’m looking forward to that.


Sorry for being so late.

Work is pretty hectic, plus my exams are close again, so I this irregularity might continue.

Please bear with it for a while.

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