There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 101 Sanctions List (Revised)

There is no other way.

Esmail has almost no other options.

In the end, there are only two tricks left.

One is to initiate a patent infringement lawsuit.

The other is to ask a certain country to help suppress Black Hole Technology.

But will these two tricks work?

Tyrannosaurus EUV uses a different technical implementation path and the working principle is the same, but it is not enough to infringe the patent. Even if a lawsuit is initiated, it will only interfere with the development pace of the other party and cannot exert a substantial impact.

As for sanctions and suppression, Black Hole Technology has issued a statement: within ten years, it will be banned from overseas markets. Customers who purchase Tyrannosaurus EUV are not allowed to transfer products to foreign countries for use and are not allowed to disclose technical secrets.

Therefore, it is not an overseas blockade and suppression of Black Hole Technology, but Black Hole Technology actively blocks overseas!

Even for this announcement, the senior executives of Esmail felt absurd and funny, but they were secretly relieved.

Because their market share is preserved, the company's business will not be affected by Tyrannosaurus EUV, because Black Hole Technology is stupid enough not to consider selling it to foreign countries.


Aren't they just as stupid?

If EUV was allowed to be sold to Chinese companies from the beginning, how could a company like Black Hole Technology emerge?

This terrible opponent was cultivated by themselves.

And don't be too lucky too early. With the powerful performance of Tyrannosaurus EUV, Chinese chip companies will soon be able to produce a large number of 7nm, 5nm, and 3nm chips. The terrifying production capacity will bring strong price competitiveness. At that time, these high-end chips will be as cheap as cabbage and sold everywhere, seriously disrupting the order of the global chip market and reducing the profit margin of the entire industry.

It won't be long before all chip companies in the Western technology system, including ASML, will face the end of declining profits and bankruptcy.

The death knell has sounded!

The remaining survival period may only be two or three years.


August 5.

After many days of boiling and reporting, Chinese public opinion has finally cooled down a little.

In addition, the first Tyrannosaurus EUV will be delivered to Longyao Company on August 15. At that time, the lithography machine will be divided into multiple modules, transported to the airport by constant temperature, humidity and pressure containers, and then transported to Shenzhen by cargo planes, and finally transported to Longyao Company's chip foundry by truck for chip manufacturing.

Considering that the lithography machine will inevitably produce errors during transportation, Black Hole Technology Company will send about 300 professional employees to follow and escort all the way, responsible for the on-site assembly and maintenance of the lithography machine, and provide after-sales service at any time.

Of course, Longyao Company has already paid the 4.5 billion yuan in payment, and Wei Ming's pockets have suddenly become much fatter.

In addition, in order to support Black Hole Technology, a "proud" domestic technology company, the Hangzhou Municipal Government not only granted it a ten-year tax exemption, but also exempted the lithography machine factory from ten years of rent and utility bills.

And let the bank authorize Black Hole Technology to borrow 10 billion yuan, with a loan interest of 0 and a repayment period of ten years. Even if it borrows 10 billion yuan at a time, it can be repaid within ten years.

The support is unprecedented.

The main purpose is to hope that Black Hole Technology can produce a few more Tyrannosaurus EUVs to meet the hungry needs of domestic chip companies.

"No problem."

Wei Ming nodded and said: "This year, we will strive to produce 3 units, next year we will strive to produce 20 units, and in the next five years, we will strive to produce 100 units."

"One hundred units?"

The leader staggered and was shocked by the number: "One hundred units, which is enough for all domestic chip factories. In the future, all chips used in China will probably be 7 nanometers and below."

For example, washing machine chips, air conditioner chips, car chips, and even chips in children's toys are all 7 nanometers and below. There are no backward chips above 10 nanometers, and all of them will be submerged and eliminated.

By then, the problem facing China is not that the chips are too backward, but that there are too many high-end advanced chips, which have led to the cabbage and ordinaryization of all. Even the 100-yuan machine used by the elderly may be advanced chips with a running score of more than 500,000.

At that time, there may be many domestic chip companies that release videos to sell pity and ask for help, saying tearfully, "Help us, buy some high-end chips and go."

What a happy trouble.

Xu's villa.

On an empty concrete ground.

In front of Wei Ming, there is an SUV model parked. It has a high chassis, a tough shape, an iron-gray paint job, and is full of muscles. It looks very domineering.

"Great Wall Power-3000, military quality, level three bulletproof capability, 800 horsepower engine, a total production of 1,000 vehicles, and a price of 5 million per vehicle. The license plate is also ready for you. Three 8s and three 6s... This is the reward promised to you."

Xu Chuxia, who wears a pair of sunglasses on her delicate face, a floral shirt on the upper body, and khaki wide-leg pants on the lower body, is charming and charming. She introduces the whole goblin to the man with a smile.

"My reward is to give me a car?"

Wei Ming opened his mouth, with some disappointment that was difficult to conceal. He had been busy in the factory for more than a month and completed the task ahead of schedule. The reward he wanted was not this.

"Okay, don't look so disappointed~"

The girl took his hand and shook it twice: "Except for that, haven't I given you everything that should be given to you? And you have already been recognized by my dad and the Xu family. Let's get engaged in early October and hold a wedding at the end of the year. Then, do whatever you want."

"End of the year wedding..."

Wei Ming felt in a daze. Isn't it a bit too fast, but getting married at 27 is not too fast. Is it also a bit too slow, saying goodbye to his virginity career so late? He has read a survey, and many boys generally get married at the age of 15. He has been in love once or twice, and it would definitely be embarrassing for him to talk about it.

Moreover, given Xu Chuxia's family background, marrying him was definitely regarded as a lower marriage. He was lucky enough to be favored by such a eldest lady because of his ancestral graves. He should feel satisfied.

"By the way, there is something I must remind you." Xu Chuxia suddenly said solemnly.


"Inside information, you have entered a certain country's overseas sanctions list, ranking very high, and you have entered a secret target list. As long as you go abroad, you may be arrested, so no matter what country overseas you are, you will be arrested." Don’t go abroad, stay at home, there will be people to protect your safety at all times.”

"You targeted me so quickly?" Wei Ming was a little surprised.

"of course."

Xu Chuxia held his hand and said: "Don't underestimate yourself. The Western technological myth and the last technological barrier have ended in your hands. Some of them may hate you to the core. They will make you irrecoverable at all times. If you are caught by them, they will sentence you to at least 10,000 years in prison. "

"In 10,000 years, I don't know if a certain country can survive for such a long time."

Wei Ming shook his head. This is a sentence for a heinous crime. He just committed EUV. Is this also a violation of the law?

"From now on, please stay by my side honestly. I will keep you safe at least until you are a hundred years old." The woman wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the face.

"Oh, thank you then."

Wei Ming patted her snowy back, but his eyes became calm and deep.

I reposted this chapter. Hey, people are too sensitive and dogs are too active. There are simply no standards.

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