There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 127 Undersea Base

In fact, with Xiaohei’s current processing capabilities, it is impossible to complete the processing task of 100,000 tons of super iron within a month.

At most, about 30,000 tons can be completed, with an average of 1,000 tons per day.

But now that I have received the order, I must find a way to complete it.

How can it be done?

Enhance Xiao Hei's abilities.

As long as Xiaohei's gravitational radius is doubled, its processing capacity can be increased eight times, that is, the super iron processed per hour can be increased from about 100 tons to more than 800 tons.

"Then I have to let Xiaohei swallow more than 10 billion tons of matter."

If it is swallowing sea water.

With Xiaohei's swallowing capacity of more than 100,000 tons per second, it can be completed in a little more than a day.

But the movement was too great!

The blue light beam is more than two hundred meters long, penetrating the sky and the earth, illuminating an area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius, and can be easily detected by space satellites.

A bit like the planetary engine in a certain movie.

In addition to the "Missing Foreigners Incident in the East China Sea" caused last time, if Wei Ming wants to swallow the sea water again, he must avoid a similar situation from happening.

"Can I let the metal body swallow the rocks and soil under the sea?"

Wei Ming thought of a way: "The operating range of the metal body is about 200 meters. The average water depth in the East China Sea is very shallow. Below the sea water dozens of meters deep is the continental shelf rock formation. I let the metal body swallow the rocks 200 to 100 meters deep under the sea surface." There is fifty meters of rock left on top of the rock formation. No matter how powerful the high-energy light beam is, it is impossible to penetrate such a thick rock formation. This prevents the light beam from being exposed. "

"After a large hole is dug out of the seabed rock layer, a large amount of seawater is introduced into the hole to swallow the seawater instead, increasing the efficiency of swallowing. I wonder if this plan is feasible?"

The eyes of military experts lit up.

This plan is really good.

The average water depth of the continental shelf of the East China Sea is only 72 meters, and it is only 20 to 30 meters near the coast. The water depth in most sea areas is only 60 to 140 meters. To be honest, the water depth is too shallow. Any movement will cause a lot of noise and attract surrounding attention.

If the metal body is swallowed up in the rock formations under the sea, and the light beam is difficult to break through the rock formations tens of meters thick, everything is under the sea, and there is minimal movement, then naturally it will not attract attention.


Some military experts came up with a bigger idea.

"Since we have to dig a hole under the sea, why not dig a submarine channel under the ledge that is more than 200 kilometers long and reaches the Ryukyu Trough? This channel is between 200 meters and 150 meters below the sea surface. Most of them are under the sea. Within the rock formation, there is an opening at each end. The western end is connected to the Zhoushan Military Base, and the eastern end is more secretive, with a diameter of only about 20 meters. "

"At that time, our submarines will not need to go to shallow waters that are easily detected, but will go directly to the undersea channel and rush into the deep water area! By taking advantage of surprise and winning by surprise, the survivability and deterrence will be greatly improved!"

"This can't be done!"

Another expert said noncommittally: "Today's radar detection technology is very advanced. Radar satellites in space can see problems. This submarine channel cannot be hidden and will be leaked out very quickly. It is difficult to keep it secret. Once In the event of a conflict, all the opponent needs to do is block the east end exit, and that's a trap."

"Yes, the high-tech era is already an era of military transparency. It is very difficult to achieve surprise."

This senior strategic expert said: "To dig a submarine channel, it is better to dig a large submarine base, which is located near the Zhoushan military base and is located at a depth of 200 to 100 meters below the sea surface. It covers an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers, half of which is suspended in the air and half of which is filled with seawater. "It has multiple undersea attack channels, a large number of submarine berths, strengthened defense facilities, and the ability to withstand nuclear attacks, creating an extremely strong undersea fortress."

"Even if the end of the world comes, this submarine base can maintain normal operation and survive for a long time, so its value is far greater than that of an undersea channel."

"I also agree with the undersea base plan. We can use this undersea base to conduct some alien survival simulation experiments. This will have a great scientific reference effect on future exploration of alien planets and can accumulate a lot of valuable experience."

"I support it too."

Among more than ten experts, seven or eight supported the undersea base plan.

Wei Ming had nothing to say.

On December 3, after receiving the construction plan drawings, he boarded the 10,000-ton giant ship again, holding the metal body in his hand, and began his operation.

Target: Continental shelf rock formations under the sea surface, start devouring them.

Since the swallowing target is illiquid rock, Xiaohei can only process more than 10,000 tons of rock and soil per second.

It was busy until December 6th, when the devouring capacity increased to more than 30,000 tons.

In the end, the powerful high-energy light beam broke through the more than 30-meter-thick top rock layer. Combined with the pressure of the seawater above, a huge hole with a diameter of more than 50 meters collapsed, and a large amount of seawater poured into the hollowed out underground space.

The flow rate exceeds 30,000 cubic meters per second.

Simply in the corresponding west, south, and north directions, Wei Ming used high-energy light beams to break through the upper rock layer and create three large holes with a diameter of more than 50 meters.

The flow of seawater into the underground space exceeded 100,000 cubic meters per second.

With the addition of so much seawater, Wei Ming achieved the goal of letting Xiao Hei swallow tens of billions of tons of matter in just one day.

However, Wei Ming basically completed the submarine base planned by military experts.

The coverage area is over 10 square kilometers.

Hundreds of stone pillars have been reserved as load-bearing supports.

In addition to four large openings in the upper rock formations in the east, west, north and south.

Four additional 10-kilometer-long strike channels have also been expanded at a depth of 300 meters in the seabed rock layer (the ends have not yet been opened) to facilitate strategic submarines to go to sea for strikes.

It will be very simple to transform the submarine base in the future: first block the openings in the four rock layers above, and then pump out the seawater in the submarine base - Wei Ming can also come over to help pump out the water, and then turn it into a waterless underground space. Let the construction team enter through the passage in the middle of the island, and with an estimated investment of tens of billions, the construction of this submarine base will be completed.

3D radar scan screen.

All the experts looked at the giant hexagonal underground cavity under the island, and they were all excited.

"Under normal circumstances, such a huge project would require an investment of at least two to three hundred billion!"

"It is clearly an underground city. If there is not enough living space for humans in the future, you can consider an underwater city like this."

"We placed an order for 10 billion super-iron materials. We originally thought 100,000 per ton was a bit expensive, but we didn't expect to pick up such a large submarine base without spending a penny."

"That young man brought too many miracles, which is a blessing to our country."

"It's a pity that there is no way to crack the mystery of the metal body. Today's young people are too wary. If they can crack all the mysteries and study the metal body thoroughly, it will be a very good thing for him personally and for the country. Realize It’s a win-win situation, but he just doesn’t want to.”

The expert spread his hands helplessly.

After swallowing more than 10 billion tons of matter.

Wei Ming found that Xiaohei was indeed much easier to use.

View range 0.2 nm.

The gravitational radius is 30 cm.

The scanning radius exceeds 3 meters.

The distance that can be released outside the body exceeds 300 meters.

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