There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 137 Comprehensive Adjustment

Weiming is preparing to comprehensively adjust the main business, development direction and framework structure of the Black Hole Group.

In other words, he no longer wants to put too much energy into lithography machines, chips, EDA software, high-end machine tools, or even real estate and urban sanitation.

Investing too many resources.

The effect is too slow.

Always as busy as a dog.

This situation must be changed!

Wei Ming even considered subtracting some companies and businesses. Unless major results have been achieved, there is no need to inspect them at all. They adopt a "sheep-herding" management style and may not inspect them for a year or so.

For example, Black Hole Garbage Recycling Company, in addition to processing the No. 5 garbage station every seven days (the No. 17 garbage station in the south of the city has been opened, with an additional capacity of 500,000 cubic meters, sharing 70% of Hangzhou's garbage disposal, it also only needs to go there every seven days. ), as well as river cleaning tasks, it is enough to clean 2 kilometers at a time every half month.

Because the tasks of handling garbage stations and cleaning rivers can often be combined and completed on the same day, the actual delay is up to one day per week.

At Black Hole Real Estate Company, Sister Xiao has rich experience, so you don’t need to worry about it. You only need to inspect once a month at most.

The second is to split up the bloated Black Hole Technology Company and establish multiple subsidiaries to reduce the confusion and difficulty of management... It is like a big family with more than a hundred people, crowded under the same roof, eating and living together, it is bound to There are many people with mixed opinions, and there are many conflicts and disputes. It is better to divide it into multiple houses to save worry and effort.

Wei Ming thought about it and found that it could be split into as many as seven subsidiaries (institutions).

They are:

Black Hole Lithography Machine Company

Black Hole Chip Architecture Inc.

Black Hole Chip Software Inc.

Black hole lab on a chip

black hole machine tool co., ltd.

Black Hole Parts Company

and the Black Hole New Materials Company, which is under preparation for establishment.

There are so many subsidiaries. Except for Black Hole New Materials Company, which requires Wei Ming to expend more energy, the other subsidiaries can be managed in a "sheep-herding" style.

And you don’t have to worry too much about problems like this.

As long as Black Hole Financial Company is firmly in hand, it can achieve absolute control over all subsidiaries.

That is to say, Wei Ming's main focus from now on will be on the two companies of Black Hole New Materials and Black Hole Finance.

Also considering that Wei Ming has lost interest in money.

Therefore, in fact, the direction he will be most responsible for in the future is Black Hole New Materials Company.

After the number of Phoenix machine tools increases to 10, he may focus more than 80% of his energy on this.

"Whether it is photolithography machines, high-end machine tools, or chips, what China lacks now is not talent and technology, but only time. As long as we give it three to five years, not to mention Black Hole Technology, other Chinese companies will We can also overcome them one by one. There is no problem that cannot be solved under the national system.”

"No matter how worried I am about the country and the people, I can only advance breakthroughs in these fields by three to five years, and they are not very profitable. Take the Tyrannosaurus EUV as an example. One unit sells for 2 billion. When it comes to strategic alliances, There is also a 10% discount, which means selling for 1.8 billion. After deducting more than 500 million in comprehensive costs, the profit margin is only 200%. 30% of the net profit must be used as a reward for employees to form a regular rule, and a year-end bonus will be deducted. Like that, I actually made about 800 million.”

"But if we are processing super iron, the cost of raw materials, labor, transportation, etc. are all borne by the customer. I earn a net processing fee of 100,000 per ton. I can complete a maximum of 10,000 tons of processing tasks in a day, and I make a net profit of 1 billion in a day."

"The process of processing super titanium and superconducting iron is exactly the same, but you can earn more."

You can easily earn 1 billion in a day, but you can earn 800 million after a month of hard work. Which one is more fragrant and which one is more attractive?

"Materials are king. No wonder developed countries such as Japan and the United States are increasingly unwilling to make low-profit complete machines. They mainly focus on upstream parts and materials such as chips, carbon fiber, and high-purity silicon wafers. The profit margin is indeed too high. Well, if you eat a mouth full of fat meat, you will naturally not be interested in vegetables and radishes. Capitalists who pursue high profits have little interest in combining meat and vegetables. "

Of course, Wei Ming is not belittling the importance of complete equipment such as EUV lithography machines and high-end machine tools. Nor should we underestimate these because of low profit margins. They are always the important tools and foundation of a big country and are indispensable. , indispensable!

Have it no matter what the cost!

But he just wants to make a lot of money easily by relying on new materials. Doesn't Wei Ming have a higher pursuit?

Doesn't he want to create some more powerful guys?

Where was the dream he had secretly buried in his heart when he looked up at the stars?

Of course those are still there!

The long-term plan in Wei Ming's mind has not changed, but some minor adjustments will be made in the process of achieving the goal.

"And for that goal, photolithography machines, high-end machine tools, and chips can all play a role. They are laying the foundation for that goal, not detours and useless efforts."

"It will take about two years to reach saturation of the photolithography machine production capacity. The output of Phoenix's high-end machine tools will reach more than 500 units per year, which will not only meet the internal use of the Black Hole Group, but also be sold or leased in large quantities to those related to the Black Hole Group. Better domestic companies can comprehensively improve their technical strength and competitiveness. Within three to five years, they will be able to catch up with and surpass the entire Western developed world and occupy all high-end manufacturing fields, leading to comprehensive price cuts or cabbageization.”

"Then we will attract a group of domestic suppliers and partners who are valuable for cooperation, establish a new alliance, and tap into a brand new outlet."

There is no doubt that this outlet is the sea of ​​stars!

There is little point in struggling and competing on the surface of Blue Star, and no matter what product you make, the market will be saturated one day, and then it will decline and become involution.

Including materials such as super iron, which are in short supply today. When demand drops in the future, supply exceeds demand, and the processing fee of 100,000 per ton drops to 50,000, 30,000, or 10,000, it may not be able to attract many customers because of the quality of super iron. Extremely high, it is not a consumable product, and the total market capacity is limited.

The only place with unlimited development prospects is the sea of ​​stars.

"In the past two years, we must first lay a solid foundation and make up for all shortcomings. After two years, the time will be basically ripe to pool talents and resources to realize the grand plan!"

Starting from January 10th.

According to Wei Ming's vision and plan, Black Hole Technology Company was divided into six companies, and two new companies, Black Hole New Materials and Black Hole Finance, were established.

Black Hole Lithography Machine Company is solely responsible for Pu Weicai.

Black Hole Chip Architecture Company is solely responsible for Li Yi.

Black Hole Chip Software Company is solely responsible for Ling Chao.

The black hole chip laboratory is headed by Tian Hui.

Black Hole Machine Tool Company is headed by Chen Mintao.

Black Hole Parts Company is under the sole responsibility of Qi Xiong.

Black Hole Finance Company is headed by Shen Xiaolei and Wang Yunfang (Wang Yunfang, who initially followed Wei Ming, was transferred back).

Black Hole New Materials Company is personally in charge of Wei Ming.


Black Hole Real Estate Company will continue to be in charge of Sister Xiao.

Xu Chuxia continues to be in charge of the Black Hole Garbage Recycling Company.

So, after some major adjustments.

In addition to the Black Hole Chip Architecture Company that Li Yi is responsible for, there was a certain amount of turmoil and unrest. After a lot of talking and making assurances, the employees were finally appeased. Other subsidiaries such as Black Hole Lithography Machine and Black Hole Machine Tool have no plans to dismantle the company. All plans are very supportive and satisfactory.

Because Weiming announced that after the independence of the subsidiary, all employees, except the management, can share 30% of the net profit generated by each subsidiary in the market, deducting all costs; for the main management, an additional grant will be given A 5% net profit reward allows them to serve the company loyally.

If the subsidiary has no revenue performance, the parent company will bear all strategic losses, and employee benefits will be adjusted according to price increases, and there will be a guaranteed two-month year-end bonus every year, so they can work peacefully.

In this way, those with good performance will be generously rewarded, those with long-term losses will be covered by the parent company, and a stable and high level of remuneration will be maintained, so that everyone can feel at ease.

Therefore, Wei Ming's comprehensive adjustment went very smoothly and was declared completed in just a few days.

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