There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 144 A natural outcome

The waste-to-energy plant in the west of the city was built to generate electricity in just five months.

It can process more than 800 tons of combustible garbage every day and generate more than 20,000 kWh of electricity.

When operating at full capacity, it can process up to more than 2,000 tons of combustible waste per day and generate more than 50,000 kilowatt hours of electricity.

The reason why the construction speed of this power plant is so fast is that on the one hand it is small in scale and the maximum power generation power of the generator set is only 2500KW. Secondly, the technical route adopted is very simple. After filtering the solid particulate matter, the sulfur dioxide produced during the combustion of garbage is eliminated. , nitrogen dioxide and other toxic and harmful gases, after separation, they do not need to undergo very complicated chemical treatment, they are directly compressed into large cylinders, and then released into the 1,000 cubic meter "waste gas treatment station" at the No. 5 garbage station.

Wei Ming devoured the hundreds of tons of toxic and harmful gases accumulated every week in a matter of seconds.

The toxic solid particles that remain after burning garbage are also dumped into the No. 5 garbage station and are swallowed up together with non-recyclable garbage.

Just such an operation.

The waste incineration power plant saves at least 40% of the cost, and there is no need to deal with the headache of waste gas and waste residue.

The electricity generated every day is sold to the power grid company at an on-grid price of 3 cents per kilowatt hour, and the daily income is more than 6,000 yuan, which is better than nothing.

In the future, this electricity does not have to be sold to the power grid company. Instead, a wire can be pulled to the indoor agricultural center and used by Xu Chuxia's agricultural company for free. This alone can save a lot of operating costs.

There is no money for land.

The main expenses are the construction costs of indoor agricultural facilities, as well as subsequent costs of manpower, water, fertilizer, etc.

"Water, fertilizer, carbon dioxide, and light intensity can be automatically controlled by the computer system according to the needs of the plants at different growth stages, with very little human intervention."

"Some simple and repetitive manual labor can be completed by increasingly intelligent robots, which can reduce more than 80% of manual labor."

"And because the urban agriculture center is in the urban area, close to the consumer market, there is no need for trucks to transport thousands of miles and constant transfers, and the transportation cost is almost zero. The vegetables picked this morning will appear on the tables of the general public at noon, ensuring freshness and Nutritious and healthy, it is definitely not a dish that has been frozen in a cold storage. ”

"Finally, the output is huge. There is no concept of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Production occurs all year round. If the vertical coefficient of one acre of land is 100, it is equivalent to one hundred acres of vegetable land. The production efficiency is multiplied by four, which is equivalent to Multiplied by 400 acres of land and 10,000 kilograms per mu, that means we can produce 4 million kilograms of vegetables a year, creating more than 4 million yuan in economic benefits.”

"If the urban agricultural center covers an area of ​​50 acres, multiplied by the income of 4 million per mu, the total annual income is about 200 million. Even if this is not equivalent to net profit, this number is quite considerable."

Of course, 1 yuan per jin of vegetables is too cheap. The indoor agriculture center can selectively grow some agricultural products with larger yields and higher unit prices. It is best to sell the kind that costs 5,678 yuan per jin. The profit will definitely be more.

In addition, in the agricultural field, the country also adopts tax-free policies and even agricultural subsidies to encourage agricultural production and ensure domestic food security.

Urban agriculture is of course also within the scope of tax exemption and support.

Combine all the above advantages.

Xu Chuxia, who was constantly weighing and calculating in her mind, finally felt her heart move.

Even if the actual annual rate of return is only 10%, it is still worth giving it a try.

"Brother Wei."

She looked at Wei Ming and said, "Your suggestion is very good. I want to give it a try to grow vegetables commercially and on a large scale in big cities, and become the first person in the country to eat crabs."

"You use such precious land to grow vegetables?"

Xu Weihua jumped out and said sadly: "It would be great to use it to build commercial housing. Fifty acres of land and fifty buildings are worth more than 10 billion. If you use it to grow vegetables, how many years will it take to earn 10 billion? You guys This is a waste of money, a waste of resources, and a huge waste!”

"Listen to my advice. There is no future in growing vegetables. Don't regret it in the future."

He tried his best to stop it, his heart was bleeding.

Instead of wasting such precious land, why not leave it to him for development?

"Uncle Liu, please calm down."

Xu Chuxia glanced at him coldly and said: "No matter whether the agricultural company makes money or not, I guarantee that I will hand over 10 million yuan a year for family expenses. If the agricultural company makes money, I will hand over more profits to the family. If the agricultural company loses money, , the 10 million given to the family is still not less, and the family will not bear any investment risk. "

"I make this guarantee, you should be able to rest assured, right?"

"Don't worry, of course you can!"

"In early summer, we fully support your urban agriculture project."

"I have no objection either."

Xu Shuhua and others asked one after another, what opinions could they have? Ten million is just the profit from Wei Ming's small amount of time spent processing 100 tons of super iron. The agricultural company has suffered huge losses. With Wei Ming taking care of the situation, it is impossible for the Xu family to lose a penny.

"Why don't you try to persuade me? Ten billion."

Xu Weihua spread his hands and looked at everyone with a heartbroken expression, but he was ignored and left alone.


In the boudoir.

"Take it easy, ah——"

"Slower, gentler."

Nearly two hours later.

Without any resistance, Wei Ming, who had his third outburst, contentedly hugged the woman's smooth and smooth body and fell asleep.

After 28 years, the transformation from boy to man is finally complete.

After experiencing the pain of a mild tear, she also transformed from a girl into a woman.

Today is indeed a good day. Everything seems to fall into place. Not only is the atmosphere just right, but the woman is also in a relatively safe period. In addition, the engagement has been decided early and the relationship has been cultivated to a certain extent, so there is no need to worry too much.

"I've given everything to you."

Her body was tired and painful, and she couldn't move a finger, but the woman still said: "You must cherish me and never abandon me~"

"What are you worried about?"

Wei Ming was amused: "We've come this far, do you think I'm the kind of scumbag who always gives up and never recognizes others when he lifts his pants? Don't think too much."

"This is not necessarily the case. You men, before you take the food into your mouth, you are the most precious and cherished to women. But once you get it, you immediately change your attitude. You start to be lukewarm, even disgusted and disgusted, just like treating A piece of goods that keeps depreciating.”

"I will always cherish you, I promise."

Wei Ming hugged the women tightly and said softly: "You are not depreciated goods, but a treasure that is getting more and more valuable. Don't have any insecurities. I am not the kind of scum who only values ​​women's bodies. You are the most precious." It’s the inner temperament and soul.”

It is said that women at this stage are generally very sensitive and uneasy, so Wei Ming can only comfort him as much as possible.

"I know, so I decided to give myself to you, and..."

Xu Chuxia suddenly smiled: "I don't dare to be a scumbag even if I give you ten courages. Think about the consequences of abandoning me, can you bear it?"


Wei Ming was stunned for a moment.

The woman was right. If he dared to start chaos and give up, the consequences would be unimaginable.

First of all, the big boss behind the scenes would never let him go, and he would definitely want to tear him into pieces.

Secondly, the power of the Xu family may also be completely offended, and the Xu family's energy is not small.

And the support from the Lime Club will be lost. No one will support someone who breaks his word and does not keep his promise.

In the end, those forces that have been offended directly or indirectly may also pounce together and launch a hunt.

Unless the fish is dead and the net is broken, there is almost no place for them in the country.

Since I am on a certain country's sanctions list, I cannot go abroad unless I keep my name anonymous and drastically change my appearance.

It was as if the whole world suddenly became the enemy.

His relationship with Xu Chuxia has become the key to maintaining world peace.

Thinking of this, he jokingly said to the woman: "It's definitely a bit false to say that I won't marry you unless I marry you, but for the sake of world peace, I have to marry you. Our union is related to the safety of the entire Blue Star."

"You can brag as much as you want~"

Xu Chuxia Cong pointed at his chest, making him giggle.

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