There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 153 Turn your elbows outward

"Ask him to leave the metal body to me for safekeeping?"

Xu Chuxia shook her head and said with an embarrassed look: "Dad, how could Brother Wei leave such an important thing to me for safekeeping? That's not a house, a deposit of hundreds of thousands, it's not an ordinary thing."

"Why can't I leave it to you for safekeeping?"

The boss behind the scenes said angrily: "You will be her wife immediately, a wife in the legal sense, and the property should be owned jointly. In Chinese families, women generally manage money and finances. It is only natural that the metal body is left to you for safekeeping. This is the consciousness and virtue we should have. What’s the problem with making this request?”


Xu Chuxia could only say: "Put yourself in his shoes, if you were Brother Wei, would you hand over your metal body for marriage?"

"Hand it in! Of course I will hand it in."

The boss behind the scenes said: "As long as you truly love a woman, you will definitely hand over everything you have to your wife. This is the real good man."


Xu Chuxia found it funny. Other men are qualified to say this. Don't be too generous. Back then, my mother was pregnant and she had made an oath with you to get the certificate as soon as possible. But she didn't expect that she would make a decisive choice for a better future. He fell in love with another woman and ruthlessly abandoned his mother.

My mother died young, largely because she could not bear the blow of betrayal.

At this moment, he was actually talking too much, popularizing the standards of a good man, and saying that he could do it.

She really couldn't bear to listen, for fear that she would not be able to resist the sarcasm.

Because he is the least qualified to speak on this matter.

"If you tell him this, just say it's what I mean. If you want to get married and get a certificate, the metal body must be handed over to you for safekeeping! This is much safer than locking the metal body in his company's safe. You are his wife, right? Are there two ordinary security guards more trustworthy?”

The boss behind the scenes said: "That's it. If you can't open your mouth, I will tell him personally! My baby daughter, you are not an ordinary woman who can be obtained casually. If you want to marry her, you must show sincerity! This Not negotiable at all.”

"Dad, can you please just stay out of the business between us?"

Xu Chuxia finally couldn't help but burst out: "We already have children, so we don't need to test our sincerity anymore. Can I wait until we get married to decide whether to keep the metal body? And I will discuss this matter with Brother Wei. Can you please stop interfering?"

Seeing her being so resistant.

"My good daughter, daddy is afraid that you will suffer~"

The big boss behind the scenes could only say: "I have told you a dozen times, don't hand yourself over early before getting married. It's fine now. That kid has figured it out and all the chips are gone. I suspect that kid is It was intentional. He planned it from the beginning. Unexpectedly, a country boy with an ordinary education would trick us and take advantage of us! "

The big boss behind the scenes gritted his teeth in hatred and looked ferocious.

In fact, there is another way. As long as the daughter cooperates, she can sue the boy for rape! Get it in first, then cook it carefully.

Of course, this is an unspeakable harm, and you can only think about it in your heart.

But if that boy dares to bully his daughter, and dares to start chaos and end up abandoning her, he will definitely suffer bad consequences!

"Dad, let's not discuss this topic anymore. Since we have come to this point, let's not talk about taking advantage or suffering losses. This kind of thing cannot be calculated clearly. The more you care about it, the more it will hurt your feelings. When there is no need to care about it at all, I think Without me asking, Brother Wei will leave his most precious things to me for safekeeping."

Xu Chuxia stroked her belly. After receiving the certificate and the birth of the child, and trust had accumulated to a certain level, what else could not be discussed?

With enough trust, maybe one day he casually said, "Would you like to keep the metal body for me?", and the man would nod and agree.

Trust achieves goals far better than calculation.

"Okay, okay, you can't help it. Even before you get married, you've already started to fall in love with your man."

The boss behind the scenes was helpless. He felt that the daughter was a little out of his control. He added: "But if you want to marry my daughter, the boy has to come up with enough betrothal gifts! In this way, on his Black Hole Group enterprise equity certificate, Add your name, and you and your wife are half of the Black Hole Group.”

"My request is not too much!"

The boss behind the scenes explained: "As long as you get married, each spouse will have half of the company's assets. This is a legal requirement! In addition, the Black Hole Group has developed to this extent. Don't take it for granted. Without me to protect him, he would have been arrested now. Go in."

"There are also some projects he has done. The recent ten underground cities were also planned by me and then let him operate them. He easily made 100 billion. The processing prices of super iron, super titanium and other materials are also I helped him insist on a high price... My help behind the scenes was far more than that. He didn't want to take anything for granted."

"There is no compromise on this. You must be given half of the Black Hole Group's shares, so that you and your children will be protected after marriage. You can't let that kid take all the advantages!"

The boss behind the scenes said angrily.

"Dad, I'm starting my own business. It's not like I can't make money?"

Xu Chuxia said: "Brother Wei gave me three pieces of land, the electricity from the waste incineration power plant, and sponsored 3 billion in funds. When my urban agriculture company started, I made money through my own efforts. , If you can support yourself and your children, why should you focus on the shares of his company? "

"If you have that ability, why would you rely on charity from others?"

"Besides, he built his company from scratch. I have never done anything, so why should I ask for half of the shares right away? Do you think such a request is really reasonable?"

"Why is it unreasonable?"

The boss behind the scenes said with a stern face: "The Xu family and I provided him with shelter and introduced business. Does he think he can get away with this level of protection? Can he really develop to the scale he is now on his own?"

"Without the protection of the Xu family and you, with Brother Wei's ability, even if it wouldn't develop to its current scale, it wouldn't be too different, right?"

"Xu Chuxia, why are you speaking for him like this? I'm your dad, and you can't turn your elbows outward!"

The boss behind the scenes was angry and realized that something was wrong. His obedient and sensible daughter had changed. Not only did she not follow him, but she completely took the position of an outsider. He slapped the table angrily: "I am helping you fight for your interests! Silly daughter, you were brainwashed by that kid!"

The two argued for a while and eventually broke up.

"Dad, I have not been brainwashed by anyone, I am very conscious."

Xu Chuxia murmured to herself.

He lowered his head again and stroked his belly.

She knew that her father was right in some aspects. He was fighting for her interests. He had good intentions and was indeed for her own good.


For the sake of her children, she didn't dare to gamble.

No matter what, even if she gives up some benefits, she will not let her children make the same mistakes as she did.

She will definitely give her child a complete home.

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