There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 156 Morale is over the top

Black Hole Lithography Machine Company.

The parts that Pu Weicai needs help from Wei Ming to process are mainly related to optical lenses.

In particular, the layer of reflective film material coated on the surface of the optical lens requires a purity of more than 8 nines.

However, relevant domestic material companies can only achieve a purity of four nines, which is still four orders of magnitude short.

In order to improve the reflective efficiency, Wei Ming can only use Xiaohei to absorb impurities and purify the material until its purity is infinitely close to 100%.

However, this kind of slow and meticulous work, eliminating impurity molecules one by one, cannot purify much in one day.

Later, scientists came up with an ingenious method, which is to dissolve the reflective film material in a certain organic solution. Most of the impurities cannot be dissolved, so they separated out the impurities, and then heated the special organic solution to precipitate reflective materials with higher purity. Membrane material.

By repeating this operation several times, the purity of the reflective film material can be increased to more than 11 nines, which is three orders of magnitude higher than that of foreign materials. This is why the energy utilization rate of Tyrannosaurus EUV is three times higher. There are many more reasons.

However, after repeated use of the special organic solution, its purity will decrease, which will affect the purity of the reflective film material. The special organic solution must be purified.

This requires making a special molecular sieve with extremely small pores that only allow organic solution molecules to pass through, and no other molecules can pass through. The purity can even reach 100% at the theoretical level.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem of the purity of the reflective film, Wei Ming had to make a batch of organic solution molecular sieves and drill small holes using small black holes.

Since the diameter of the molecular sieve pores is just about 1 nanometer, Weiming needed precise control to drill at most 10 billion pores a day.

But now the range of the horizon is exactly 1 nanometer. All you need to do is turn off the gravitational radius and then drill holes like crazy with your eyes closed. In just ten minutes, 1 trillion holes were drilled.

The efficiency has increased more than ten thousand times.

In just two hours, he produced a sufficient amount of molecular sieves.

This is actually the case for many things done in high-tech fields.

Hundreds of chemical materials are required that are close to 100% pure.

Tens of thousands of parts with errors close to 0 are needed.

The lens curvature change pattern requires the surface to be infinitely close to a certain mathematical formula.

Even the water used to cool the lithography machine must be 100% pure water without any impurities, so that the cooling performance of the lithography machine remains linearly stable and not affected by impurities.

As well as the working environment of certain subsystems, it is best to have an absolute vacuum without a single air molecule... Just in time, the little black that can swallow everything can create an environment closest to a vacuum.

Been busy all day.

After all the backlog issues are cleared.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

"Mr. Wei has worked hard today. This batch of problems has been solved. It won't be a problem if you don't come by the end of the year. You can take care of it for at least half a year."

In the factory cafeteria, Pu Wei, who was sitting together for an overtime meal, raised his head and said.

"Lao Pu, from November last year to now, which is almost half a year, the new Tyrannosaurus EUV has not resumed shipments. Your efficiency is still not good. Some voices on the Internet say that we can no longer continue to ship three Tyrannosaurus. EUV is the last song, and there are many voices that ridicule it," Wei Ming said unhappily.

"Mr. Wei, this month, I promise to ship a batch of two Tyrannosaurus EUVs! All of them will be delivered to Blu-ray Company."

Pu Weicai said: "In June, we will deliver two more units to Blu-ray Company, and then from July to December, at the rate of two units per month, we will deliver them to Longyao Company's chip foundries that have almost been established. , delivered the Tyrannosaurus EUV to achieve timely docking and cooperation.”

"In this way, a total of 16 Tyrannosaurus EUVs can be delivered this year. If the subsequent work efficiency and production capacity increase, it is not impossible to deliver 20 units... Also, many employees complained about the 40% discount price. If it is too cheap, it will cause the bonus to shrink significantly and affect their work enthusiasm. Fortunately, President Wei agreed to increase the sales bonus ratio to 50% and increase the sales volume, so the motivation is still relatively high. "

For example, the number of employees actively applying to work overtime has increased, basically forming two shifts.

"It's good to be motivated."

Wei Ming nodded: "Recently, more and more people want to see jokes on the Internet. They are all looking forward to the failure of the Black Hole Group and making a fool of themselves. There are fewer and fewer voices of encouragement and support, and there are more and more people who are weird and gloating. I don't know where they come from. There are so many idiots and idiots. When life is a little more comfortable, they become so arrogant."

"Fortunately, the morale of the employees seems to be pretty good. In this way, you can announce good news to them tomorrow to boost the morale of the employees. Black Hole Real Estate Company's Building No. 1, with a total of more than 1,200 houses, will be launched next month. It’s about to open. Originally, this property was intended to be used for commercial purposes and sold to social customers who wanted to buy houses at a price of more than 30,000 square meters.”

"But I changed my mind. I plan to sell all these houses to the employees of the Black Hole Group. The price per square meter will not be higher than 15,000, which is more than half cheaper than normal commercial houses! Let them buy them in Hangzhou at a lower cost. Settling in the city! The down payment ratio is 30%, and the company provides 0-interest installment loan service. Outstanding employees in the group who have made outstanding contributions are eligible to apply for home purchase!


Pu Wei was stunned after hearing this.

Mr. Wei’s gesture is too big!

Taking a 100-square-meter house as an example, the average price does not exceed 15,000, which means the total price does not exceed 1.5 million.

The 30% down payment is only 450,000.

The company accepts 0-interest installment payment. Assuming the installment is twenty years, the monthly loan repayment is only 4,375 yuan.

In addition, the average salary of Black Hole Lithography Machine Company is more than 24,000 yuan (excluding various bonuses). The pressure of repaying the loan is simply easy, which is equivalent to no pressure.

If you buy a house at the normal price of 38,000 yuan per square meter, the down payment alone will be more than one million. Including bank interest, the average monthly loan repayment is 16,000 yuan. Even if the monthly income reaches 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, you will still be overwhelmed by the mortgage loan. The quality of life is severely reduced.

In other words, this kind of house slave life is not a life for human beings at all!

Pu Weicai, who has experienced this kind of life for several years, still can't forget the feeling of depression and embarrassment. He haggardly broke a penny in half and spent it. One year, he even gave up his plan to go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year because the cost of favors was too high. .

Listening to Wei Ming say this now, painful memories emerged from his mind, and his nose became sore that he almost shed tears.

"Mr. Wei, I wish I could have met a boss like you a few years ago."

Pu Weicai sighed and said: "Based on the average price of the house you set and the zero-interest loan repayment, I estimate that everyone with more than 5,000 employees in the photolithography machine factory can afford it, even if they borrow hundreds of thousands of usurious loans to buy it! Including high-interest loans No matter what, everyone applies to buy a house!”

"As soon as this news is announced, the morale within the Black Hole Group will definitely explode!"

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