There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 179 Zhang Haitao’s job-hopping story

It's sunny today.

Shanghai, a high-tech park.

Huaxin International, the first chip foundry.

Recently, there is a restless atmosphere in the clean room of the factory.

Anyone with a slightly keen sense of smell can smell it.

Zhang Haitao, a senior engineer who has worked in this factory for eleven years, also smelled it. He has heard a lot of rumors like "XXX resigned" in the past few days.

Including the 24-person photolithography process group managed by him, 6 people resigned, causing his workload to increase a lot.

The cycle of training a group of new people is at least six months. Zhang Haitao, who has to complete production tasks and is responsible for training new people, feels that his head is bigger.

He is 33 years old this year. He has never changed his job since he graduated from university at the age of 22 and joined Huaxin International. He has been working hard until now and has been as persistent as iron.

He is handsome and looks good, but he is still single.

It's not that he doesn't want to date! He had a few people for a short time before, but all ended in breakups.

The production task is urgent, and the production line cannot stop for 24 hours, so he is needed.

The company organizes technical backbones to carry out technical research, so he is needed.

The newcomer has just joined and needs training, so he is needed.

Since he is so important to the company, how much is Zhang Haitao's salary?


After this and that deduction, only 28,000 yuan is left.

Of course, there is also a year-end bonus of two months' salary every year, as well as the outstanding employee award for eight consecutive years and the major contribution award for six times... Adding up everything, he can get about 500,000 yuan a year.

Is this income level high?

It seems to be quite high.

Compared with those third- and fourth-tier cities with low income levels, this income can make people drool.

But in the Magic City with extremely high consumption levels and urban housing prices of 50,000+, this can only be regarded as a medium-income level, because many undergraduate positions in this city have starting salaries of more than 16K and 18K.

There are many people with three years of work experience and salaries rising to more than 30K.

And don't forget that Zhang Haitao has been engaged in the hottest chip foundry industry in recent years, and countless hot money has poured in. Even a rookie who barely has a certain working ability and has only been in the industry for one year can get a salary of 30K after changing jobs.

This is not an exaggerated rumor. Among the hundreds of apprentices that Zhang Haitao has brought out, many have privately sent messages to show off to him.

"Master, my salary increased this month to 38K, and I can get full salary for 16 months a year."

"Master, you can also come to my side. My salary is 40K and I have 30 people. With your ability, you can at least get 80K and lead 300 people."

"Longyao poached me. I'm sorry, Master. I can't refuse a salary of 60K, and I will get a house after working for five years." The apprentice who has been with him for five years said.

"Master, you should also come to Longyao. This is the most suitable place for your development. Only here can you realize your dream."


These messages made Zhang Haitao very depressed and irritable, but he didn't envy.

Can job-hopping improve the technical level of China's chip foundry?

Can the technical gap be filled immediately by high wages?

If we don't work hard on research and development and complete the seemingly simple but actually tedious work at hand, when will China catch up with the world's strongest in the chip field?

Zhang Haitao is a man with dreams!

When he was in high school, he noticed that China's chips were far behind, and a seed was planted in his heart. When he went to college, he resolutely applied for the microelectronics science and engineering major, which was considered "promising" at the time. He achieved excellent results in all professional courses. As soon as he graduated from college, he couldn't wait to join Huaxin International, which he thought was the most promising domestic chip foundry company.

He worked for eleven years!

If it was for money, he would have received a satisfactory high salary long ago. Why did he stick to a company for so long?

Some jobs and industries must be persisted for a long time to bear fruitful results. In his opinion, those who hopped from job to job were digging a pit here and a pit there, and they would never dig out well water. They were doing useless work of reinventing the wheel.

Of course, Longyao, which the apprentices mentioned many times, is indeed an eye-catching alternative. It does not follow the normal rules at all. It has entered the chip foundry field for only four or five years and has achieved shocking results.

It even surpassed Huaxin International in conquering the 5-nanometer chip manufacturing process - Huaxin International will not be able to master it until the end of this year.

Previously, Zhang Haitao, as a technical assistance staff, had stayed in Longyao's foundry for more than two months. The combat effectiveness of the "sleeping bag iron army" really impressed him, and even made you shudder from the soul.

If there were such a group of wolf-like employees in Huaxin International's factory, what technical problems could not be overcome?

However, Zhang Haitao touched his hairline, which was a bit dangerous, and he felt that he might not be able to fight to that level.

Besides, he has worked here for eleven years. His superiors, factory directors, and managers all value him very much. If he leaves...



It was more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Haitao, who was in a very bad mood, got off work.

The few newcomers he brought today, who were recruited from some unknown school, really made him angry.

It's okay if he's stupid, he can teach him slowly, but he has a particularly bad temper. One of them, who was severely criticized by him, actually said to his face, "I just came here to learn technology, and I will switch to Longyao after I learn the technology." He was so angry that he wanted to find his superior and fire the newcomer.

But he still held back and didn't ruin his future. Nowadays, there are still not many university graduates who have majored in microelectronics science and engineering. Excessive criticism will cause him to switch jobs. If he leaves this industry and spreads negative comments everywhere, causing even fewer people to enter this industry, then it will be his fault.


He felt exhausted physically and mentally.

For the first time, he had serious doubts about the future path.

"Newcomers come in waves, and few stay for a long time. Isn't my current job just reinventing the wheel?"

"I spend more and more time training newcomers, and less and less time participating in technical breakthroughs."

"Is it really the right choice to stay in this company?"

He fell into deep confusion.

"Zhang Haitao!"

A female voice came from behind.

Zhang Haitao stopped and turned around.

A young lady in a skirt suit, with peach blossom eyes, flaming lips, a hot upper body and a slim lower body, walked over with her eye-catching slender waist.

"How do you know my name?" Zhang Haitao looked at her and said.

"I've been following you for many days."

The slender-waisted young lady walked to his side, put her hand on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "It must be hard to hold on until now? Meager salary, unstable team, indifferent leader, short-sighted shareholders... I am very surprised that you can hold on until now, I am very interested in you."

She licked her red lips and blew a hot breath into his earlobe.

"You are a Longyao business staff!"

Zhang Haitao jumped back vigilantly: "How did you track me? The company issued a notice, and I called the police immediately when I saw you!"

"Haha, do we need to track us to recruit people? We know your every move, and someone has already reported it clearly." The slender-waisted young lady said with disdain.

"Is there a ghost in the factory?" Zhang Haitao was extremely surprised.

"Come with me, Zhang Haitao. Now, in this factory, the only people worth poaching are you and your photolithography team. We have also dealt with your subordinates. We will officially close the net tonight, including you."

"You can't do this!"

"With an annual salary of five million, you will join the core R\u0026D team, and you will be given a house and a car after working for three years. Most importantly, you can realize your dream by going to Longyao, instead of wasting your youth here. Think about those leaders and shareholders who have forgotten the pain after the scars have healed. They withdrew from the promising strategic alliance and joined the sharing alliance that can only be dogs for the West. You must have a lot of opinions about this, right? Do you think that with such a group of people sitting on it, there is hope for Huaxin International?"


Zhang Haitao's face turned red, but he could hardly refute it.

"Okay! If you don't leave today, you will be the only one left in the photolithography team tomorrow. What can you do alone?"

The slender-waisted lady approached forcefully, looking at him with a disdainful look.

"I... I still need a girlfriend!"

Zhang Haitao, who had no choice, could only say this.

"Hahahahahaha!" The slender-waisted girl was shaking with laughter. This guy was really funny.

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