There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 183 Strategic Fund

In fact, Yue Weiguo mainly cares about Wei Ming, and everyone else is transparent.

Black Hole Group is the tycoon among the five companies present and has plenty of money.

It's easy to take out three to five hundred billion.

As long as the Black Hole Group agrees to support Blu-ray Company on the platform, it will have unlimited ammunition and will have no pressure to defeat companies such as Sanxin, Hailitu, and Magnesium Crown.

"Isn't it possible to get a loan from a bank?"

Wei Ming frowned and said: "Maybe ask the government for help. Several hundred billion, how can the Black Hole Group get so much?"

"Longyao Company has no money either."

Yu Dazui said: "We will have to find a way to raise money in a while, otherwise the capital chain will not be able to sustain it next year."

Longyao Company, which had been suppressed and restricted for several years, was severely damaged. Now it not only needs to recuperate but also expand. It is impossible to spend money to support Blu-ray Company's counter-cyclical investment.

The situation of Bioti Company is relatively good. The sales volume of Bioti Tang has exploded, bringing in at least 100 billion in profits a year. However, because it purchased too many Phoenix machine tools and high-end 3D printers, the repayment pressure is huge, so the money is Not much.

Not to mention Modu Microelectronics, just ignore him.

"It's not easy to get bank loans now. If you ask the government, the government will definitely help, but it means giving up more shares."

Yue Weiguo shook his head and said.

In the ownership structure of Blu-ray Company, the government has occupied more than 50% of the shares and has a dominant position in the board of directors.

If the shareholding ratio is further expanded, he can basically step aside. Even appointing or removing him as chairman is just a matter of words. No matter how good he does his job, no matter how brilliant the future of Blu-ray Company is, it is just someone else's wedding dress, and the right to dominate has been lost.

Of course, it is understandable that whoever pays more will dominate, but for Yue Weiguo personally, he certainly does not want to face this situation.

"Mr. Wei, the current market value of Blu-ray is about 500 billion yuan. I am considering issuing an additional 300 billion yuan of shares and selling 37.5% of the company's shares to Black Hole Group, making Mr. Wei the second largest shareholder of Blu-ray. In addition, It hopes to obtain another 200 billion in financial support from the strategic fund. For this, Blu-ray is willing to pay an interest of 3.5% per year, which is equivalent to the bank loan interest rate. Through these two methods, it can raise 500 billion in funds. "


Loan interest.

These two things were placed in front of Wei Ming.

By the way, does Wei Ming want to help with this?

First of all, we need to take stock. How much money is currently lying in the general fund account of Black Hole Finance Company?

A few days ago, Wei Ming asked Shen Xiaolei and Wang Yunfang, the heads of the financial company, and they gave a number: 287.341 billion, in cash.

More than 3,000 Phoenix machine tools have been shipped this year, and most customers have chosen to pay in installments over ten years, so more than 130 billion in balances have been confiscated.

The total number of Tyrannosaurus EUV-plus units shipped this year reached 10, but only half of the payment was collected. The remaining balance was paid over three years, with a balance of RMB 6 billion yet to be collected.

And with the money-making efficiency of Black Hole New Materials Company, it is very easy to get 500 billion in cash.

If you really make up your mind to help, you will definitely be able to help Blu-ray Company.


Wei Ming's character is indeed a bit content with being rich, and he likes to live with a huge amount of savings.

He doesn't like to owe money, and he doesn't like other people to owe him money. He is afraid of raising an uncle who owes money.

As for stocks and shares, they can rise several times when they appreciate. When they depreciate, they are worthless. They are too unstable. It is not as safe as holding cash in your hands. Moreover, if you hold too many shares, you will have to participate in other people's companies. Wei Ming really doesn't have that much energy to make decisions and management, pay attention to the company's status and life and death, and even get involved in intrigues and rights disputes.

Besides, the 3.5% interest rate is the same as a bank loan, so just go get a bank loan instead of consuming a limited number of strategic funds.

But as a core member of the strategic alliance, Blu-ray can't do this without helping. It only has a cash reserve of 5 billion. Let alone using the counter-cyclical law to kill others, it will be killed by others using the counter-cyclical law in two or three times.

"Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei!"

Seeing that he was silent, Yue Weiguo shouted twice: "What about my plan?"

"Let me think about it again."

Wei Ming waved his hand and continued to think.

After a while.

About half an hour later.

Wei Ming finally had a general idea.


He cleared his throat and said: "Although Black Hole Group has a certain amount of capital reserves, it is impossible to cover all companies and lend out hundreds of billions at once. Even the money printing machine cannot make up for this consumption."

“To solve the funding problem, all companies must contribute and find a solution together!”

"I have an idea, which is to use the strategic fund as the public fund of all companies in the strategic alliance. First, we should try our best to inject a total of 1 trillion yuan into this public fund pool."

“Each of our five companies will inject part of these funds, attract part from private investment, and part from interest-free loans from the government.”

"Yes, the characteristic of these funds is that they are 'interest-free'. After being deposited into the strategic fund, they do not generate any interest. They are not interest-rate funds similar to bank deposits."

"Because any of the five companies borrows money from the strategic fund with zero interest. There is no strict repayment period. You can repay as much as you borrow. There is no repayment pressure caused by interest."

"For example, if Blu-ray wants to borrow 500 billion, it can borrow 500 billion from the strategic fund. When it makes profits in the future, it can return a lot of the 500 billion to the strategic fund without incurring a penny. of interest.”

"Of course, asset mortgages still need to be carried out. There is no such thing as unsecured loans, and some companies are not allowed to find ways to defraud them of loans even though they are in good operating conditions. If the situation is not extremely urgent, no loans will be given."

"Mr. Wei, your idea is a bit unrealistic."

Yu Dazui shook his head repeatedly and said: "Without a penny of interest, ordinary people will deposit funds? Will the government deposit funds? Except for a very small number of sentimental parties, how many people will buy this kind of product when it is unprofitable? 0 interest funds? Bank deposits are better than this.”

"That's a good question!"

Wei Ming smiled and nodded: "What I'm going to say next is the key point. Although there is no interest for ordinary people to buy strategic funds, it does not mean there is no return! The amount of this return mainly depends on the operating conditions of each company in the strategic alliance. If If the company is in good operating condition and makes a lot of profits every year, then 1% of the company’s net profits will be injected into the strategic fund as an incentive for ordinary investors.”

"If it is poorly managed and is in the strategic expansion or investment period, it does not need to inject profits and can still obtain loans."

"As for the net profits that companies inject into strategic funds, for example, if the profit is 1 billion, then these profits will be distributed first to ordinary investors, followed by the government. We ourselves do not enjoy these profits. If there is any leftover after two distributions, It exists as incremental capital for strategic funds.”

"The upper limit of return rate for ordinary investors is 20%, and the upper limit of return rate for government investment is 10%. We do not obtain returns from it, but we enjoy the convenience of borrowing at 0 interest."

"In this way, with investment returns as incentives, there will definitely be people willing to buy our strategic funds and absorb a large amount of private funds."

Wei Ming said.

"I understand what Mr. Wei means!"

Yue Weiguo stood up and said excitedly: "This design is very clever. The total amount of funds that the strategic fund wants to absorb is 1 trillion, but even if the private funds attracted are only 10 billion, the government funds are only 10 billion, but if each of our companies The profit injected by the company that year was 3 billion, so the return of 2 billion would be allocated to ordinary investors first, that is, a return rate of 20%, and the remaining 1 billion profits would be given to the government, that is, a return of 10%. With such a high rate of return, At least, our pool can attract 20 billion in funds. After all, 1% of the annual profits of our five companies is definitely more than 3 billion!"

"We can also obtain loans from strategic funds at zero interest rates, avoiding interest pressure. Our flexibility is greatly increased and we can take our time."

"Mr. Wei, this plan is very good and a good way to solve the funding problem!"

Wei Ming said: "Currently, there is still 100 billion left in the strategic fund's account. In this way, my Black Hole Group will inject another 200 billion! You can find a way to collect 100 billion, which adds up to a small plate of 400 billion, and then put When this news is released, I don’t believe it. The remaining 600 billion is untouchable!”

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