There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 207 Taking risks

There is a reward of 10 billion.

Two hundred tons of gold are placed in the center of the square.

The Black Hole Group's generosity shocked the whole world and stimulated countless people's desire to make money.

The day after the bounty announcement was released, the number of people visiting the island country from all over the world increased by 50%, and many of them were muscular men.

The island nation suddenly became very nervous. On the one hand, it increased the number of supervisors, and on the other hand, it limited public opinion and hype, deliberately reducing the tone and influence.

But 10 billion soft sister coins are equivalent to 160 billion island coins.

From now on, we will increase the amount by 10 billion every month.

The maximum amount can be increased to 100 billion.

For the average annual income of only 4 million island dollars, and many middle- and lower-class islanders who can only earn a total of 100 million island dollars after a lifetime of hard work, this is a figure that cannot be ignored.

99.9% of islanders will never have that much money.

Although public opinion deliberately lowers the tone and relevant news cannot be found on the Internet, the vast majority of islanders know about the bounty and discuss it every day. Even the patch recently put by the Black Hole Group "Who killed the murderer who caused the death of Pu Weicai's family?" Even if you kill the murderer, you will still get the reward, and the rescue bounty will become a revenge bounty"... They also know everything clearly, and they are keeping up with the latest developments every day.

Now they are no longer excited about the Black Hole Group's theft of technology, but are beginning to worry vaguely about whether someone will be tempted to do something that harms the interests of the country for the sake of money.

On the Internet, there are also many islanders who swear:

"No, the quality of our citizens is the best in the world, and no one will betray the country's interests for money."

"Yes, our unity cannot be corrupted and divided by money."

"The enemy is so hateful that he came up with such a vicious scheme to lure people, but I believe that no one will fall for it."

"In the island country, a traitor will be spurned and despised by everyone. Even if he gets 160 billion, he will not be able to spend a penny. People who are socially dead can only starve to death with huge sums of money. No one would do such a stupid thing.”


"The people of a big country have the righteousness of their family and country in their hearts and will not be bribed by any enemy."

"Yes, there is no soil for traitors to survive in the island country."

Countless people echoed.

But they asked themselves, when 160 billion island currency was placed in front of them, and the price was to betray the country, what choice would he make, he couldn't help but feel guilty, and the impassionedness on the Internet suddenly became unconfident.

Tore City, Shitamachi District.

In a simple and cramped three-square-foot rental house.

After 23-year-old Tsukuda Ryo saw a post on a dark web forum titled "The Prince Hotel was attacked by unknown persons, 3 were killed and 7 were injured," although the authenticity was difficult to determine, he knew that the high-ranking official from the Black Hole Group was The whole family was detained in the Prince Hotel.

He had worked as a waiter at the Prince Hotel for three years, but because he was reported by his colleagues to be a delinquent member of the motorcycle gang, he was immediately fired by his boss. Since then, everything has gone wrong and he has never been able to find a good job. It seems that It has been labeled in a certain way and is often subconsciously rejected by people.

His girlfriend also broke up with him and fell into the arms of the colleague who reported him.

Some time ago, he heard that his colleague was promoted to lobby manager and planned to propose to his ex-girlfriend.


Every time he thought about these things, he would pull the yellow hair on his head hard and wail in pain.

He just likes motorcycles and racing in deserted streets late at night. He has never hindered anyone, so how can he become a bad guy in the eyes of others?

Moreover, he has stopped racing. The motorcycle has been sold. His current hobby is reading anime, light novels and comics. He has not been out of the rented house for half a year... Maybe after a while, the society's prejudice against him will disappear. Now that he exists, he can start a new life.

But is this really possible?

In the island country, anime geeks are a group that has fallen beyond redemption. They are the most despised and disgusted existences. They are even more unpopular than delinquents and are basically equated with criminals.

The bad label prevented him from even finding a formal job. Coupled with the label of being a deadbeat, I'm afraid even hourly convenience store workers would be rejected.

Unless he leaves the city far away. he willing to leave?

He always thinks of his colleague Kaga’s mocking smile at him, the scene when his girlfriend Mikako proposed breaking up, and the people around him pointing fingers at him...


He smashed the laptop on the small table with one punch.

He stood up unsteadily, picked up his cell phone, and dialed a few numbers:

"Dongshan Jun, this is Liang, are you free these two days? I want to discuss something with you..."



The people Tsukuda Ryo contacted were his former friends in the berserker group. Some of them had quit the group, and some were still in the group, but except for a few of them, most of them were not doing very well.

Two days later.

Under the bridge of a certain river.

Tsukuda Ryo, Higashiyama Taro, Nakamura Tomoya, Tsuchiya Yuta... four members of the Bosozoku clan gathered together today.

Although there were only three people summoned, Tsukuda Liang believed that four people were completely enough for the next plan. As long as the plan is proper, it will definitely succeed!

"Liang, are you really going to do this?"

"There are at least 300 security personnel at the Prince Hotel. Can you really sneak in with your method?"

"Liang, if we fail, our lives will only be spent in prison."

The three friends still have doubts and are not very confident in the plan mentioned by Tsukuda Ryo.


Tsukuda Ryo faced the river aside, his eyes far away, and said calmly: "I have had enough of such a failed life that is easily denied by others."

"The layout of the hotel is deeply engraved in my mind. I know the layout of the sewers under the hotel. I know the location of the mechanical and electrical room, the location of the locker room, and the route into each room through the ventilation ducts. I I have worked in this hotel for three years and have done all kinds of jobs..."

"This is an opportunity given to me by God. Each of us can share 40 billion of the 160 billion island currency. In a few days, in March, the money we will receive will be doubled... What is there to hesitate? Failure without hope. Don’t you live enough in life? Even if you may not be able to enjoy it, you can still give money to your family. Dongshan-kun, doesn’t your daughter Airi need a lot of money to treat congenital heart disease? heart."

"Gentlemen, I carry a knife with me. If the plan fails, I will choose to commit suicide. You can just say that I am the mastermind. If my heart can be used, I will donate it to Dongshan Jun's daughter... This time, if it fails, it will be broken. , the name of Bosozoku Tsukuda Ryo must be remembered by everyone!”

He clenched his fists in front of his chest, eyes burning with fire.

The three friends listened with excitement.

"Tsukuda-kun! What a brave man!"

"Liang, I'll do it with you!"

"Airi, there is nothing we can do about it. Dad is willing to give everything for you."

The action began quickly.

First enter the hotel through the sewer.

Find the dressing room, put on the waiter uniform and pretend to be a service worker.

The main gate of the electromechanical room was closed, and the hotel that lost power suddenly became chaotic.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for maintenance, we quickly found the room where the four people were detained, opened a ceiling, and rescued them one by one, and took them out of the hotel.

Tsukuda Ryo was at the end and was responsible for the break.

Just as he was about to walk out of the back door of the hotel, the lights suddenly turned on, and a familiar voice sounded from behind: "Who are you? Say your name and job number."

"Kaga-kun, have you forgotten me so quickly?"

Tsukuda Ryo turned around and approached him.


A sharp object was pierced into his heart, and his hand pressed down hard until it reached the handle of the knife, and hot liquid splashed all over his face.



A shrill scream rang out, and the man named Kaga fell to the ground and rolled wildly.

At this time, the hotel was in chaos, and the sound of "the target was missing" was heard everywhere. However, the screams in the back hall of the hotel were too loud, attracting two security personnel, one of whom pointed a gun at Tsukuda Ryo.

"Don't move, raise your hands! Squat next to the wall!"


The security guard collapsed in a pool of blood in disbelief.

Hirofumi Arai, who was next to him, fired, then pointed the gun at Tsukuda and said, "Don't expect you to take the bounty alone. Take me to find those four people. Let's go! I must have a share of the bounty."

It turns out that he had long wanted to be a mole.

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