There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 214 Shui Qingyun

What kind of place is the Imperial Capital?

It is synonymous with ancient palaces, the Great Wall, Hutongs, Quanjude Roast Duck, etc.

It is also the place where grand events such as the Great Hall, the Grand Military Parade, and the Olympic Games are held.

It is also a capital of science and technology, with highly developed technology.

It has both rich historical and cultural heritage and fashionable and modern high-rise buildings... It is a glorious city where the past and the future blend together.

When his eldest brother Wei Guoliang was taking the civil service examination in the capital of China, Wei Ming had the idea of ​​traveling here. The place he stayed was his eldest brother's home, and he could be his guide and take him to some interesting places.

Turns out he was a bit wishful.

On the one hand, Wei Guoliang said that he was too busy with work and had no time to entertain; after the two entered the society, Wei Ming also worked in 996 for several years, so he had free time to travel.

Now Wei Ming has come by himself.

There is no need to think of taking refuge in anyone.

Book the presidential suite in the most expensive five-star hotel and have a brand-new bulletproof vehicle delivered to you.

Therefore, after arriving in the Imperial Capital, there is no need to think about any work matters for the first three days, just eat, drink and have fun.

For example, go climb the Great Wall.

Go to the parade gate to take photos and check in.

Eat roast duck at Quanju.

Visit some museums, memorials, etc.

Like most ordinary people, he went to places with high reputations and paid a lot of IQ tax. He also avoided almost all the pitfalls that first-time tourists should avoid, and he didn't behave like a business tycoon. .

But the gap between people is actually not that big.

The boss is also a mortal body. He often eats carrots and greens and changes his children's diapers. He does not only eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, but does not eat whole grains. Apart from occasionally doing things that are beyond the imagination of poor people, the boss's behavior The pattern is similar to that of ordinary people.

When he was in a good mood while sitting in the car, Wei Ming would occasionally turn into a chatterbox and ask some weird and embarrassing questions.

The female driver Wei Shan couldn't stand his dick problem.

"Xiao Wei, I see you are not young anymore. Are you just going to be a driver and bodyguard? Should you consider finding someone to marry and start a family?"

"We have no plans for this at the moment, Mr. Wei."

Wei Shan said: "My first priority is to protect your safety and not to be distracted by other things."

"Isn't this a bachelor for the country?"

Wei Ming said: "If the way to serve the country is to become an old bachelor without even a partner, then who is willing to serve the country? Which parents are willing to send their children to the army? And if something unexpected happens, you If you are an only child, then you will not be able to succeed. It is said that in ancient times, those who were married and had children were given priority, and those with more brothers were given priority. This is a backup mentality. "

"But I also saw on the Internet that the state has also arranged many blind dates for you. It's not that we didn't take this need into consideration. Xiao Wei, was it that you didn't sign up for those blind dates? Or was it because of the nature of your work that you didn't sign up? Allow you to find a partner?”

"Mr. Wei, can you please stop asking these questions?"

Wei Shan said irritably: "Whether I have a partner or not is none of your business, just stop meddling in other people's business, okay?"

"Don't I care about you?"

Wei Ming smiled coquettishly: "If this job delays you in finding your partner, isn't it my fault?"

Wei Shan drove with a cold face and ignored him.

"Bailifei, Yang Chao, have you found a girlfriend?"

Wei Ming had no choice but to target the bodyguards Baili Fei and Yang Chao next to him.


"We're looking for it, it should be soon."

The two bodyguards said quickly.

"Did you really find it?"

Wei Ming looked suspicious, and seeing both of them nodding, he said: "Even if you have found it, do you have a house? Do you have a car? If you meet a girl from the Imperial Capital later, you will buy a house in the Imperial Capital in the future. What about if you have children but have too many tasks, can you ensure that you can stay at home with your wife and children for three months every year instead of living in two places for a long time? "

Wei Ming shook his head: "In this profession, you have made too many sacrifices. You are carrying the burden for everyone, but no matter how you carry the burden forward, you cannot stay like this for the rest of your life. You have to think about yourself and the future. Change A job that is more promising and can take care of your family, such as being a security guard at Black Hole Security Company. Not only does it pay well, it also gives you more choices and freedom... If you fall in love with a girl from the Imperial City later, you don't have to Don’t be timid, but boldly pursue it because you can afford a house here.”

"Cough cough cough~"

Yang Chao kept coughing.

"Mr. Wei, I really have a girlfriend. I have a house in my hometown. I just need to prepare a gift of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan." Baili Fei said.


Wei Ming chuckled and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Baili, you and I are both from Gan Province. I believe in gifts of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan from other places. Gan Province... why not admit that you are single? I don't know how to laugh. your."


It sounded like a heartbreaking sound.

Baili Feijun coldly twitched the corner of his mouth, and for some reason he wanted to hit someone.

The female driver Wei Shan had already put a Bluetooth headset on her ear.

We spent half a day playing near People's Square.

Wei Ming really got it right about something.

Baili Fei met his luck.

He helped a local girl and subdued a sleazy and groping man. He immediately won the girl's favor. The girl, who was 70% beautiful, not only thanked him repeatedly, but also wanted to add each other as WeChat friends and communicate frequently in the future.

But Baili Fei refused. The local girl pestered him all the way and said she wanted to make friends with him.

"He can't afford a house in the capital." Wei Ming had to help him out.

"My family has three houses!" said the local girl.

"He is a soldier on a special mission and can't go home many times a year."

"At worst, I will go to the barracks to find him. Besides, I admire soldiers the most. This must be the fate arranged by God for me!" The local girl clapped her hands in surprise.

"Brother Baili! I surrender. Aren't you single? Fate is rare. Add friends quickly!"

Wei Ming was a little envious and jealous. In this damn world where looks matter, a handsome face with 30% expressionless and 70% coldness can win the imperial city girl who has three houses at home. It's really dog ​​shit luck. Only a fool would not add friends.

But Baili Fei escaped, just like his name, and left the local girl squatting on the ground crying.

Wei Ming could only shake his head.


At night.

Wei Ming did not go back to the five-star hotel to rest.

Under the escort of the security team, he entered a courtyard community with strict security, and with some gifts in his hand, he entered a courtyard house with the house number 3.

The boss behind the scenes has called for three consecutive nights, inviting Wei Ming to visit his home and stay for a while. Considering that he is his father-in-law, he really can't refuse today.

"Xiao Wei, you came at the right time, dinner is just ready."

The boss behind the scenes came out of the kitchen with dishes, wiped his hands with a towel, and said in a amiable and smiling manner: "Put the things aside, sit down and eat, let's have a good chat."

"Yes... Dad." Wei Ming said uncomfortably.

"This is Shui Baimeng, you can just call her aunt."

"This is my son... you can just call him Xiaotao."

The boss behind the scenes introduced his wife and son.

"Hello, auntie, hello, Xiaotao."

Wei Ming greeted them. He knew this aunt Shui, a famous pianist with many famous works.

"Aunt, uncle, are there any guests today?"

At this time, a beautiful and outstanding woman wearing a retro floral dress, with waist-length hair and air bangs, walked in from the wing room. Seeing that there was one more person at the table, she was stunned and asked in a silver bell-like voice.

"Xiao Wei, let me introduce you, this is Shui Qingyun, my wife's niece, 23 years old this year, you can just call her Xiaoyun..."

The boss behind the scenes stood up and introduced them kindly.

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