Hundreds of meters above the night sky.

A black figure, sometimes heading east, sometimes south, sometimes north, erratic.

Move at extremely fast speeds.

The most exaggerated acceleration was from a certain place to another place a thousand kilometers away in just thirty seconds - the process took ten seconds to accelerate, ten seconds to maintain a constant speed, and another ten seconds to decelerate. Second.

How is this possible?

Doesn't that mean that the acceleration in the acceleration and deceleration section reaches ±707m/s^2.

The weight equivalent to seventy people was imposed on Wei Ming, and the acceleration and deceleration phases lasted for ten seconds.

The maximum overload that super pilots and astronauts can withstand is only about 10G. The overload that Wei Ming endured was seven times that. Not only that it was unbearable for humans, but also the steel would be twisted and deformed.

Is this a joke or bragging?

In fact, Wei Ming can do it.

Even if the acceleration is increased to 100G or even greater, he can withstand it.

Because Xiaohei's gravitational radius has now expanded to about 70 centimeters, or 1.4 meters in diameter.

Within this spherical range with a diameter of 1.4 meters, Wei Ming, who is 1.75 meters tall, bends his legs and waist slightly, and his whole body enters the radius of gravity. Then he turns on acceleration and deceleration, and the acceleration will affect every part of his body. On every cell and every atom, try to achieve "unified acceleration and unified deceleration".

In this way, every cell and atom accelerates and decelerates synchronously. Even if it reaches the speed of light instantly, it will not cause any harm to Wei Ming's body.

"The so-called overload is caused by uneven acceleration and inertial destruction. If uniform acceleration and deceleration are achieved throughout the body, no matter how violent it is, there will be no harm to the body."

But did Wei Ming ignore the sound barrier and thermal barrier during flight?

Flying at a speed of 7070 meters per second, more than twenty times the speed of sound, how did Wei Ming, a mere mortal, survive the fierce atmospheric friction?

In fact, it does not rub against any air.

As Xiao Hei moved forward, he swallowed up all the air in front of him. Not even a single air molecule could rub against him. How could he be burned into a piece of coke?

"In the final analysis, Xiaohei is still awesome. He can solve all the troublesome problems and easily realize the 'teleportation' skill described in Xianxia novels."

What's even more amazing is his mind power (or mental power).

This special power can not only ignore the influence of Blue Star's gravity, but also allow Xiao Hei to fly wherever he wants and move however he wants.

It can also perform the magical operation of "lifting people off the ground by their hair", which makes Newton's coffin board unable to suppress it at all.

“If you think of it, you can do it!”

Wei Ming murmured: "Perhaps the ultimate laws and secrets of this world are actually idealistic, not necessarily materialistic. What we see at the end of science may be intelligent life at a higher latitude, or... God. "

There is no need to delve too deeply into the principles.

In short, the teleportation function was successfully developed in this way.

The problem of the mother's baby noise source has been solved. From now on, no matter where Xu Chuxia goes on a business trip, she can put the baby into her hands within three to five minutes and let herself have a good sleep.

In the future, when commuting to the company, if you feel there is a traffic jam on the road, you can teleport there. I don’t know how much precious time you save. You can consider canceling the security fleet.

If you encounter danger again, even if you can't fight back immediately, you can still escape quickly.

I also remembered the "Pu Weicai Rescue Operation" in March this year. If it were changed now, there would be no need for a titanium fish special operations team. Wei Ming could just go alone and solve the problem within half an hour.

"Tsk, tsk, people really can't be too stereotyped. Xiao Hei is such a magical existence. I should let my mind wander more and give full play to its characteristics and functions. My imagination can't be too poor."

“Gravity, the origin of the universe, may be able to do everything imaginable.”

Wei Ming sighed.

After a while, Xu Chuxia called and said that the child was hungry and crying. She asked him to go home and get a milk powder bottle and warm water. She wanted to feed the child.


Wei Ming spent five minutes bringing what Xu Chuxia wanted to her.

"Get some diapers and two sets of clothes. I want to take the baby to bed at night." Xu Chuxia ordered.


Delivered within five minutes again.

Not long after, Xu Chuxia said she was hungry and asked Wei Ming to make her a midnight snack of dumplings stuffed with crystal shrimp. Because she didn’t want to trouble Uncle Fu, Wei Ming spent ten minutes cooking the dumplings and then packed them for her. hands.

Still warm.

"Since you can send your son and midnight snacks, can you take me directly back home to save me the trouble of traveling tomorrow?"

Xu Chuxia asked while eating dumplings. After getting over the initial surprise, she was now numb. After enjoying the on-call service several times, she suddenly felt that it was quite convenient, which made her eyes light up.

If she needs anything or encounters any trouble in the future, the man will be at her side within a few minutes, faster than calling 110.

What a flash husband.

"You're too heavy."

Wei Ming shook his head and said: "It's hard to carry more than 20 kilograms. For a big living person like you, if you loosen your grip halfway and make some mistakes, it will be completely over. When my arm strength increases, or I have the ability to fight like Iron Man." A, it shouldn’t be a problem to bring you another one.”

"Who did you just say was too heavy?"

The woman glared at him angrily and pinched his arm: "I don't like dumplings anymore. Help me lose 100 grams of fat later."

Pregnant women are prone to gain weight and have a good appetite. For example, she has gained a lot of weight recently.

"You are plump, not fat at all."

Wei Ming said quickly: "Besides, dumplings are for the baby in your belly. You can only get nutrition after eating them. Let's talk about losing weight after you unload the baby. I promise to make you slim and beautiful again."

"Okay, go back and have a rest early. I will take my son home early tomorrow morning."

"Why don't you let me stay here overnight?"

"It's already surprising to have a child out of thin air. If there is another strange man, what do you think the hotel will do?"

"Okay, you and the child have a good rest, I'm going back."

He kissed his sleeping son on the face and hugged the woman.

Wei Ming walked to the balcony and jumped out!



A scream sounded.

A young woman who was working overtime in a building opposite couldn't help but scream when she was about to open the window to get some fresh air.

Someone is jumping off the building!

She subconsciously closed her eyes and didn't dare to look.

However, after opening her eyes, she found that the man not only did not fall from the building, but was suspended in the air, slightly adjusted his direction, and suddenly accelerated, passing over the building where she was, heading south, so fast that he flashed by.


She rubbed her eyes hard, it must be an illusion, it must be because of working too much overtime, she actually saw Superman in the movie...

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