There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 243: Strolling in Space

August 10th.

After a few days of familiarization and hands-on operation.

That afternoon.

The supply vehicle filled the "Water Drop" with ten tons of fresh water, ten tons of compressed air, two tons of space food and one ton of self-purchased conventional food, such as compressed biscuits, military dry food and cans, and self-heating hot pot. , snail noodles, etc. These foods cannot be eaten in the weightless environment of space, but on the surface of Mars, under an environment that is about one-third of the gravity of Blue Star, he can shoot several videos of eating and broadcasting on alien planets.

A total of 18 tons of fuel and working fluid were added.

There are also eight sets of intravehicular activity suits, three sets of intravehicular space suits, and two sets of extravehicular activity spacesuits with oxygen backpacks, which can support up to three hours of extravehicular activity.


Space toilet.

Small fitness equipment.

Sleeping bag and razor.

Once everything is ready, you can go on a walk-and-go trip.

Wei Ming is naturally the kind of man who does whatever he thinks of.

Let the factory workers park the Water Drop in an open space.

That night.

Wei Ming opened the hatch and got in. After a while, the Water Drop levitated out of thin air, rose to a height of a hundred meters, and then suddenly accelerated toward the southwest.

If anyone sees this scene, their jaws will drop.

Do not misunderstand.

Wei Ming did not rush to Mars, but went back home before doing so.

Let the "Water Drop" descend slowly and stop on the grass in the back yard.

This process was silent, but it still alerted the security guards in the villa. After a sharp whistle, eight female security guards with wary faces surrounded the "Water Drop", holding stun guns, and their palms were sweating.

The other four female security guards came to the hostess Xu Chuxia and proposed an immediate transfer. There might be danger.

"It should be my husband who is back."

Xu Chuxia did not panic, and said very calmly: "He sent me a message, saying that he was going to bring a big guy home. It seems that he is back. I'll go and have a look."

"Madam, don't let your guard down!" Wei Shan said anxiously.

"It's me, what are you doing around me?"

Wei Ming's familiar voice sounded, and he emerged from the circular hatch. With a dark face, he shouted to the security guards: "Put these guys away. They are all making such a fuss. They have never seen the world."

"Close the team!"

"The alarm has been cleared, madam, Mr. Wei is back." Wei Shan said with a sigh of relief.

"I knew it was him."

Xu Chuxia handed the second son in her hand to the nanny Wu Ma on the side, put on a shawl, walked towards the backyard grass, and came to this cute device that was shaped like a silkworm cocoon.

However, when she saw that the grass under her feet was obviously depressed, and the rose garden she usually planted was completely suppressed, she suddenly frowned and said: "Can't you find a better place to park? It has crushed all the flowers I planted. ”

"It was too dark to notice."

Wei Ming chuckled and said, "Find someone to fix it tomorrow, and then use white lines to draw a more conspicuous frame so that it won't be pressed down again next time."

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing the man in a tight-fitting white sportswear, Xu Chuxia asked curiously: "Is it because of this thing that you have been busy and talking about these days? What is this, a submarine swimming in the sea? What are you planning to travel to the bottom of the sea for?"

Women are like curious babies, asking a lot of questions.

He also reached out to touch it and looked at it carefully.

"This is the water droplet spacecraft."

Wei Ming explained: "It's not a submarine. I plan to drive the Water Drop to go for a walk in space. Of course, it can also go to the bottom of the sea. There are not many places it can't go."

Going for a walk in space?

Xu Chuxia's eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly asked: "Can you drive it to space? Go to a place far away from the blue star, and go to the outer space to observe the blue star we live in?"

"Roughly the same."

Wei Ming nodded: "It's not interesting to play on the surface of Blue Star. This time I plan to go farther away, to visit places like the moon and Mars."

"Take me there!"

Xu Chuxia said excitedly: "I want to see it too, husband, please take me with you."

There were stars in her eyes. She was not someone who had never seen big scenes, but she had never been to space. This time she really wanted to go with her to see the world.

Go and see the dazzling sea of ​​stars that cannot be obscured by clouds.

Go take a look at the mother star Blue Star under your feet.

Next to him is his lover.

How romantic would that be?

Her emotional G-spot is relatively high. Unlike those girls who are so moved when they receive 99 roses or 520 red envelopes, she is not cold to these.

But going to space and getting closer to the stars in the sky really made countless pink bubbles pop up in her mind, and she was filled with great expectations.

"You take care of the kids at home."

Wei Ming, a straight man, said: "The first test flight is a bit risky and may not be very reliable. Please don't take risks with me. Next time, I will take you with me."

"No! I want to go with you now."

The woman pouted, her temper suddenly rising. She had just had a beautiful fantasy in her head, but the man gave her a 'next time'?

"Don't make trouble. Little Mango needs to be fed milk every four hours. He also has to feed Dongdongbao milk powder and change diapers. He cries whenever he sees you are not around. Do you think you can take off your clothes? Next time, next time I will definitely take you with me.”

Wei Ming could only say.


The woman suddenly shriveled up and felt extremely aggrieved: "I hate having children so much. I have to take them with me every day. My freedom is gone. What I hate the most is you. You never take me with you when you have fun, and you add so much baggage to me." ”

Wei Ming coaxed her for a while before she reluctantly went back to the villa to sleep.


Wei Ming got into the "Water Drop" again and closed the super titanium alloy hatch.

Turn on the driving system, and a 57-inch screen divided into four parts lights up in front of you. Then the video images taken by the sensor in all directions are displayed on the screen. There is also a small screen that displays the coordinates, altitude, and Speed ​​and other information.


Wei Ming put a VR display helmet on his head - this helmet is the technology used in fifth-generation fighter jets. As long as you put on this helmet, you can connect to the sensors all over the spacecraft, and you can see 360 ​​degrees without blind spots. You can see everything without any blind spots without a transparent windshield.

It can even turn on the infrared viewing angle and radar viewing angle, and has powerful night vision and perspective capabilities.

However, Wei Ming usually uses a conventional perspective.

Control Xiao Hei, approach a slightly raised area on the upper surface of the "Water Drop", and then turn on the gravitational radius!

Hundreds of tons of pulling force suddenly occurred.

The Water Drop escaped from the gravitational constraints of the Blue Star and slowly accelerated into the sky.

The pulling force is increased to one thousand tons!

With an acceleration of less than 2G (the Shuidi's full load weight is about 360 tons), Wei Ming said it was very easy.

The pulling force is increased to two thousand tons!

The acceleration of 4.5G is a little uncomfortable, but it is still bearable.

This accelerated state was maintained for about one hundred seconds.

Wei Ming stopped accelerating.

Because at this time, the Water Droplet was already in space 300 kilometers away from the surface of Blue Star.

He turned around and looked around:

In the VR field of vision, the dark background of the universe is like a sea of ​​stars, quiet and deep; the nebulae are magnificent and endless.

The yellow moon star not far away, as a satellite, creates opportunities for the birth of life on the blue star, and has prevented countless disasters, as evidenced by its pitted surface.

The blue mother star below is full of vitality and is the cradle of human civilization, which makes people sigh.

Wei Ming couldn't help but waved his hand.

Hello world

Hello universe.

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