There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 245 Abundant Resources

Although extremely excited.

Although Wei Ming has regarded the entire Mars as his own territory.

But he only stayed on Mars for half a day, found three coordinate points with abundant water sources, dug up hundreds of kilograms of soil and rocks, and then embarked on the return journey.

Because he has been wandering in space for five full days.

If we don't go back quickly, the delay will be too long, and some people may panic and worry.

There is no signal on Mars, so I can't call home, and I can't send messages. There has been no news for a week. It would be strange not to worry and panic.

Besides, Mars is so big that it is impossible to escape. Other agencies will not send many probes even if they don’t send people there. Large-scale interstellar colonization is even more unthinkable and unlikely to be possible within twenty years.

This piece of fat cannot escape from Wei Ming's mouth.

August 18th.

At 1 o'clock in the morning.

Mingxia villa.

The Water Drop landed smoothly and landed in a drawn white line frame.

The hatch opens.

Wei Ming, who looked quite tired, landed on the ground and staggered suddenly. After a long period of weightlessness or slight gravity, he felt a little uncomfortable when he returned to the ground.

"You are finally back?"

Xu Chuxia trotted up to him in a hurry: "Where have you been these past few days? The phone can't be reached, no one has responded to my messages, you are worrying me to death!"

She threw herself into the man's arms and beat him on the chest repeatedly: "If something happens to you, what should I and the child do?"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Wei Ming patted her back and said comfortingly: "I just went to Yuexing and Mars. The journey is a bit far and it delayed me a little bit. Why did you feel like the sky is falling? Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? What do you think? Is there any chance that I might have an accident?”

"Moonstar? Mars?"

The woman held back her tears and said with a suspicious look on her face: "You said it was possible to go to Yuexing. Mars is so far away, how could it be possible to go back and forth so quickly?"

"This speed is quite slow."

Wei Ming shook his head and said: "I kind of regret building such a big guy. The maximum acceleration cannot exceed 10G. If we can shrink it a few sizes, we can run back and forth in a day. If we are more radical, we can put on a sealed armor, even with oxygen." The backpack can only last for 5 hours, and I can run back and forth within this time!”

Five hours?

The woman stood frozen for a moment, which was far beyond her imagination.

"Wait a moment, I'll bring that industrial camera over."

Thinking of something, Wei Ming returned to the Water Drop and took out the industrial high-definition camera.

The home theater room on the second floor of the villa.

Wei Ming imported the picture data from the industrial camera into the laser projector and played back the pictures one by one.

These high-definition pictures are exactly what Wei Ming has gained from his travels these days.

Oh, he also brought about 100 kilograms of rocks and soil from Mars. He took out a stone as big as an egg, put it in the woman's hand, and said, "This is a rock from Mars. It's a gift I brought to you."

Xu Chuxia took the stone, put it in front of her and observed and rubbed it.

On the other hand, she looked through the pictures and found that the man did not lie to her, but actually went to Yuexing and Mars.

Previous worries have disappeared

But the anger in my heart not only did not dissipate, but became even more dissatisfied.

"Since the space in your Water Drop is so big, why don't you take me with you? At worst, why not take your son with you? You always look after yourself when it comes to such fun things." She glared at the man and said.

"The space environment is weightless. How do you feed and change diapers in such an environment?"

Wei Ming said: "Dong Dongbao is so restless. What if I accidentally damage the equipment inside? Maybe the whole family will become space junk. We cannot be willful in this kind of thing."

"When both sons fall asleep, can you take me to space for a while?"

Xu Chuxia said: "You can stay for half an hour or an hour. These photos of yours don't look good and your photography skills are too poor. I want to go to space and take photos myself."

"Okay, okay!"

Wei Ming walked towards the bedroom: "I'll take you up there tomorrow to have a good time. I'm so sleepy now, so I went back to the room to sleep." He yawned and lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Xu Chuxia stayed in the home theater room. Although she did not dare to compliment Wei Ming's photography skills, she still looked at those photos several times, with eyes full of yearning and curiosity.

Especially the selfie of a man on Mars with the Water Droplet, and he made a scissor hand gesture, which was so funny that it made people laugh.

The next afternoon.

Black Hole Universe Development Corporation.

Wei Ming took the 100 kilograms of Martian rocks and soil to the elemental analysis laboratory, found the laboratory leader Bai Jinglun, and asked them to study the composition of these materials and calculate the proportions of each element.

As for what elements are inside and how much they are, Wei Ming basically knows what they are by scanning them with Xiaohei, and does not need any instruments to detect them.

He brought these soil rocks here to give them some test questions to test their professional abilities.

"The oxygen content is 50%, the silicon content is 18%, the iron content is 15%, the aluminum content is 4%, 3% magnesium, 4.3% calcium, 3% sulfur, 1.5% titanium..."

After a simple inspection.

Bai Jinglun looked at Wei Ming and asked: "Mr. Wei, where did this soil come from? The composition and content of each element are very similar to the red soil of Mars. Unless it is artificially mixed, this kind of soil cannot exist on the blue planet. I even I mistakenly thought that this was soil brought from Mars.”


Wei Ming coughed twice and said, "Don't ask where it came from. Let me ask you, is this soil valuable? Can it be used as raw material to extract a variety of high-value resources?"

"High! Of course its value is high."

Bai Jinglun said: "Its iron and aluminum content add up to 19%, and the grade is not very high, but in the industrial field, it has the value of being selected and smelted, and has a certain profit margin. The other 1.5% titanium content is definitely considered High-grade titanium ore, the refining value is very high! The soil on the surface of Mars contains tens of billions of tons of titanium. The mineable reserves are more than ten times that of Blue Star. If large-scale mining and refining are carried out, a large amount of cheap titanium can be obtained. titanium."

"You mean, the most common soil on Mars has a certain economic value?"

"That's right!"

Bai Jinglun nodded: "I think the value of Martian soil will not be worse than medium- to high-grade iron ore."

Of course, the greatest value of Mars is not how many metal minerals it contains, such as iron, titanium, and aluminum.

Rather, it is rich in light elements, and the air contains a large amount of carbon dioxide and 2.7% nitrogen. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to directly use Martian soil to grow crops. As long as abundant water resources are found, a large amount of food can be produced.

It may not be impossible to open up a new living space for human beings.

Wei Ming nodded.

Now he basically has an idea in his mind and has a general idea and plan in his mind.

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