There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 247 Sunny Tower

Thursday, August 21st.

Black Hole Properties.

Sand table conference room.

Wei Ming made a special trip here today.

In addition, Xiao Fangru, aunt Xu Shuhua, architect Huang Yiyi and others are all standing in front of a high-tech sand table with three-dimensional projection function. Everyone wears a pair of special glasses on their faces.

Wei Ming looked at the three-dimensional real estate and listened to their explanations.

"Our 'Sunny Town' covers an area of ​​1,500 acres. It was demolished and renovated on the basis of an old industrial area. It is only 25 kilometers away from the center of Hangzhou and can be said to be within the city limits."

"This is how we planned it. In the center of Qingtian Town, we set aside ten acres of land to build a Qingtian Tower designed by Huang Designer. The tower is 245 stories and 999 meters tall, with an internal construction area of ​​1.87 million square meters. Mi is also a high-tech tower with comprehensive functions, including office areas, hospitals, schools, dining areas, shopping areas, high-end hotels... It can be said to be a small 'technology tower', which can accommodate up to One hundred thousand people work and spend money there.”

"And as the Sky Tower will be a landmark building in downtown Hangzhou in the future, we will open its sightseeing function and allow tens of thousands of people to climb to the top every day to watch. If each ticket charges 100 yuan, the daily ticket revenue will be millions of yuan. , Moreover, tourists can not only sightsee on the top floor, but also shop inside the tower and generate sales revenue.”


"In Sunny Town, we have used one-third of the 500-acre land to build 1,665 three-story townhouses and sell them to wealthy people from the upper class. It belongs to a wealthy community and anyone with money can buy it. ”

"On the other two-thirds of the 1,000 acres of land, we will build 500 seven-story high-end garden houses, all of which are high-end luxury apartments. Each building has 28 houses. There will be a total of 14,000 high-end boutique garages in Sunny Town. , specifically for the middle class.”

"As long as you live in this community, except for a few needs that the Sky Tower cannot meet, the owner's work, children's schooling, illness treatment, daily consumption and entertainment can all be solved in the Sky Tower, creating a comfortable, In a convenient and safe 1-kilometer radius living circle, you can get complete and high-quality infrastructure services without leaving the community.”

"Coupled with the advantage of being close to the city, once this property is launched, I believe it will be welcomed by home buyers and every unit will be sold."

Xiao Fangru spent more than half an hour introducing various features of Qingtian Town.


Wei Ming nodded.

This sunny town has many highlights and features. Except for the slightly smaller Sunny Tower, it is not inferior to the Black Hole Town in all aspects.

Moreover, it is located in the urban area and is very convenient, which is very attractive to people who like city life.

In addition, it is open and inclusive. If you have money, you can buy the houses inside, and tourists can enter and visit by buying tickets. Compared with the closed, private, and narrow black hole town, everyone is treated fairly and equally, with open arms, everyone Treat everyone equally.

From this point of view, the mentality is much higher than that of Black Hole Town.

"How about the house prices in Sunny Town?"

Thinking that Black Hole Town would be beaten in all aspects, Wei Ming asked curiously: "With more than 15,000 houses, the housing prices here shouldn't be too high, right?"

"not tall."

Xiao Fangru said with a smile: "The villa is 100,000 per square meter and the bungalow is 80,000 per square meter. They are both quite real prices."

"Cough cough cough~"

Wei Ming coughed twice and smiled awkwardly: "Haha, it doesn't seem to be very expensive, right?"

It’s just that most ordinary people have to say ‘excuse me’.

"Mr. Wei, I'm telling the truth. The price is really not expensive."

Xiao Fangru explained: “There is no shared space in our house, every square meter is a real area, and buying the house inside means buying the best education for our children, because we will spend money to hire the best Teachers; it is equivalent to buying the best medical services for their parents and themselves, because we will invite the best community doctors; it is equivalent to eating the most reliable water and food, because we will strictly control this aspect... They can all Get these services at discounted prices.”

“In addition, the Skytree can bring more than 5,000 jobs to the residents of the town, so they can go to work with peace of mind at home. The benefits and profits generated by the Skytree every year can not only offset their property fees, but also Part of the education and medical costs, and even if the profits are large, dividends will be paid to every household in the town... A 'productive' town like this will greatly save the residents' various costs, rather than purely A consumption-oriented community.”

"Tell me about a small town like this. Is the house price of 100,000 or 80,000 per square meter really expensive?"

Xu Shuhua on the side also said: "Xiao Wei, take the school as an example. Many private aristocratic schools have annual tuition fees of hundreds of thousands. We also hire the best teachers, but the tuition can be reduced to less than 10,000. Various trainings Classes can also allow parents with special skills to take charge... Think about it, over just this one item, over ten years, parents can save millions without feeling anxious, because we have formed an internal cycle that greatly compresses Costs in all aspects.”

“We are confident that every single one of the houses in Sunny Town will be sold, and I will also buy one of the villas there.”


Wei Ming finally understood.

This is equivalent to a stud!

Although the pressure is a bit high at the beginning, you can enjoy a lot of convenience later, and it can also provide thousands of jobs and avoid the harvest of education, medical and other industries. It not only reduces costs in the internal cycle, but also gains profits through the external cycle. Profits outside the system.

This model is indeed feasible.

very good!

It's just that the cost of getting on the train is relatively high. For some leeks, it's equivalent to cutting off all the roots.

Even so, Wei Ming believes that the houses in Qingtian Town should be sold out. After all, it has great advantages, even if the average price per square meter is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan more.

In addition, we have Sunny Town as a reference.

Wei Ming also had a rough idea of ​​how much each square meter of the 12,000 villas in Black Hole Town would be priced at the end of this year.

"The house price in my Black Hole Town is set at 50,000 yuan per square meter, which basically offsets the entire construction cost, so we don't lose money or make a profit."

he muttered.


Xiao Fangru, who was drinking water, almost squirted out.

Aunt Xu Shuhua also looked at him like a fool, shook her head and murmured: "Silly, stupid, you don't even make any money."

Huang Yize's eyes were filled with gleaming eyes. He came to Wei Ming's side and said, "Mr. Wei, I have saved some money. Can you give me a purchase quota?"

"we'll talk about it then."

Wei Ming said calmly.

Of course, Wei Ming still has to repay the favor he owed Sister Xiao.

The construction requirements of the Sky Tower are low and do not require expensive construction materials. Black Hole New Materials Company provides 300,000 tons of super aluminum alloy as the skeleton. The original processing fee per ton is 50,000, but here Wei Ming only charges 20000.

In order to speed up the construction progress, Wei Ming agreed to hoist a total of 245 floors, one floor at a time, in a total of 245 times. This did not delay him too much time, and three floors were hoisted every night. However, It's only been more than two months, and because Huang Yiyi adopted a simpler slot-type modular design, the delay will not exceed an hour at a time.

Wei Ming does not charge Sister Xiao a penny for the lifting fee.

Therefore, this favor is enough to repay the favor.

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