There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 252 What I want is the boss

The accuracy of positioning points is very high.

Once it hits the ground, the error will not exceed three hundred meters.

And based on its mass, even if a small part of it is lost in severe air friction, more than 90% of the mass will be retained.

That is, a mass of at least more than three thousand tons, multiplied by twenty times the speed of sound.

Its power will not be weaker than a nuclear bomb with a yield of 10,000 tons!

Once it falls in a densely populated area, it will cause unimaginable huge casualties.

Therefore, after observing the strange spherical extraterrestrial meteorite and calculating its impact point, space agencies around the world immediately issued the highest level of disaster alert.

Aerospace experts calculated that the probability of impact is 100%.

The location is Dongr City in the island country.

For the sake of humanitarianism, space agencies from various countries have reported the news to the governments of the island countries and recommended that they take immediate response measures, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!


The whole island country is in chaos!

The meteorite suddenly came from nowhere and caught all the islanders off guard.

For a time, people were panicking, talking a lot, and sirens blaring everywhere.

"There are only ten hours left in the countdown to impact!"

"Once it hits the ground, an impact crater with a diameter of one kilometer will be created. If people are not evacuated in time, it may cause heavy casualties of 300,000 people and economic losses of more than 1 trillion island dollars!"

"Where did that meteorite come from? Why wasn't it discovered in advance?"

"That round, standard spherical object with a smooth and reflective surface. Is this really a space meteorite? Why do I think it looks like a man-made object?"

"It should be a meteorite, a single object exceeding 4,000 tons. Human technology has not been able to send it into space!"

"What should we do? Should we evacuate the people immediately or find a way to destroy it? Can conventional missiles destroy it?"

"Missile attacks are useless. Unless it is blown up with a small nuclear bomb, it is difficult for us to change the trajectory of an object of more than 4,000 tons. We can only make it deviate slightly."

"Is this Tianchu?"

"Run! If you are in an area with a high probability of impact, run immediately and escape! There are not many escape windows left."

"In order to avoid being hit by the shock wave, people within a radius of ten kilometers must be evacuated. Considering that the fall location may be biased, it is best for everyone within a radius of 100 kilometers to evacuate or take refuge in underground shelters."

"Within a hundred kilometers range, doesn't it mean that the entire city has to be evacuated?"

"Just in case, in short, everyone should run for their lives, as far away as possible, and don't run into that one percent chance!"

Only six hours remain in the countdown to impact.

Get through the initial chaos.

The upper echelons of the island country finally entered the normal discussion process.

How to deal with this crisis from heaven?

Especially for those who are really in power, everyone knows the reasons for this crisis, but they just dare not say it openly.

No one dares to stand up and take responsibility.

Since the responsible person cannot be found, or everyone is responsible, then the responsibility is gone, perfect.

But there is no use pretending to be an ostrich now!

The strange appearance of an extraterrestrial meteorite, the impact of a 10,000-ton nuclear bomb, which may cause hundreds of thousands of casualties and economic losses of trillions of island coins, is now in front of them!

“Even if the casualties can be reduced to less than a thousand people after evacuation, the economic losses, the blow to national confidence, concerns about future prospects, and the chaos caused by the evacuation of tens of millions of residents in core cities are likely to make our country The order of the country has completely collapsed.”

"And for such a mysterious meteorite, since there is the first one, there may be a second one and a third one... The super user loses 4,100 tons of steel each time, and our losses will be too great to be tolerated. Imagine.”

"I have to admit that we have angered people who should not be angered. For the future of the G family, someone must take responsibility for this and be presented to him as a hero and make sacrifices for all the people. This is very worthy and glorious. I hope someone can come forward."

A big boss pulled out his neck buried in the sand and had to speak clearly.

But everyone present is a big boss. Who would "step forward" for this matter? Isn't it nice to live?

After another two hours of discussion.

One of the lowest-level officials was scapegoated and told, "We will take care of your wife and mother." Then, as the "culprit," he was sent to the place where he was interrogated and tried as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Wei, we used a lie detector test. That person was just a little guy who was thrown out to take the blame." Lin Xianfeihui reported.

"Oh, you want to make me a fool again!"

However, at this time, the extraterrestrial meteorite had just been dragged to a new positioning point 36,000 kilometers away, and the crisis clock was set back to countdown to twenty-four hours.

"Continue to send a message and ask them to send someone with weight over here! There is still one chance to make corrections."


Nearly ten hours later.

"Mr. Wei, the second person has been sent over. He is a slightly higher level, but he is only at the level of a small boss. He is still chosen to take the blame."

Lin Xianfei said.

"I want the boss!"

Wei Ming roared and said: "There are three hours left for the impact, and I only give them two hours! If we don't send a big guy over, not only will the impact be unavoidable, but the terminal speed of the meteorite will increase ten times! The accuracy is higher, let them see Let’s do it!”


He's been fooled enough.

He is tired.

His patience had run out and he no longer wanted to play like a housewife.

Send a big guy over.

Or withstand the impact of an extraterrestrial meteorite with an equivalent of one million tons.

Make your choice now!

"Yes, Mr. Wei!"

Lin Xianfei said loudly, and then picked up the phone with murderous intent.

Half an hour later.

An hour and a half later.

Only 10 minutes left.

Only 5 minutes left.

With only 2 minutes left, Wei Ming put on protective clothing and prepared to enter "Water Drop 2".

"Mr. Wei!"

Lin Xianfei called: "They agreed. The package has been packed and put on the plane. It will be delivered soon."

"We'll wait until the person arrives."

So I waited for nearly an hour.

After the plane transporting the big boss entered Hua G's airspace, Wei Ming controlled the 'Water Drop 2' and caught up with the 'Outer Space Meteorite' in the last five seconds before the impact with extremely terrifying acceleration. Instantly swallow it with Xiao Hei.

All the people who couldn't help but close their eyes did not hear the loud roar, but saw the peaceful scene in the clear sky. Tears of excitement filled their eyes, and they clasped their hands in prayer.

The world is at peace again.

As for the fate of the big boss and the two trash fishes, needless to say, anyway, it was recorded in a video, and after being seen by other big guys in the island country, they all had nightmares for many years.

Even mentioning the existence of a certain person made me shiver like a reflex, with deep fear in my eyes...

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