There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 266 Water Drop No. 3


Used for less than a day.

The ring wind tunnel pipes fell apart due to grass.

Genius expert Cao Jun's method proved not to be very effective.

Of course, the main reason is that the kinetic energy of the complete water droplet crystal, which is slightly larger than a table tennis ball and weighs 15806.4 grams, far exceeded the original imagination and exceeded the maximum endurance, causing it to completely fall apart.

"I came up with a new plan that even eliminates the wind tunnel equipment!"

Cao Jun brought a design drawing and said: "The new plan increases the ring of pipes to eight circles, 800 kilometers long, coiled together like a snake, seven of which are filled with lake water, and are used for high-density Hysteresis deceleration, the last lap is empty, but there is no need to introduce reverse strong winds.”

"Because the water in the seven circles of pipes below will be quickly heated to a steam state and fill the empty pipes above. At that time, a steady stream of steam will be accelerated and ejected at high speed through the small holes, which not only brings out the heat energy, but also It brings out kinetic energy.”

"Just for long-term use, the thickness of the pipe wall must be increased to at least 1 meter. There must be a large number of small holes in the middle and lower parts for water penetration and heat dissipation. In addition, the covering thickness of the water droplet crystal material must be increased, especially the first ring must be the thickest, and the second ring must be the thickest. The eighth layer of the layer is slightly thicker.”

"I estimate that if all the 108-ton 'Type 5 water droplet crystals' synthesized today are used, it will be almost enough."

Cao Jun explained.

"Then my whole day today is equivalent to wasting my work in vain?"

Wei Ming spread his hands: "Do you still have to spend a lot of time getting the second pipeline?"

"It's not in vain, Mr. Wei. After the second set of pipelines is built, it will be able to withstand the impact of the 'type five water droplet crystals'. In the future, there will be a steady stream of water droplet crystals available. Now we must make some productive investments." ”

"Okay, okay, it's too much trouble."

Wei Ming shook his head and had to continue to devote himself to the intense work.


It took ten days to build more than 800 kilometers of super tungsten alloy pipeline.

It took fifteen days to coat the inner wall with a layer of water drop crystal material.

Wait until April 6th.

Boom boom boom!

Only then did the loud noise begin again.

The new pipeline is really powerful. Not only did it withstand the impact of the 'Type Five Water Drop Crystal', but Wei Ming increased the emission frequency to one per second, and it was as stable as an old dog, resisting it hard.

In eight hours today, 28,632 ‘type five water droplet crystals’ with a total weight of 455 tons were recovered.

I got my money back in just one day and made a lot of money.

But Qiandao Reservoir was in bad luck.

Not to mention that one billion tons of lake water have evaporated, the average temperature of the lake water has risen to 50 degrees, and almost all the fish in it have died.

If compensation had not been provided, the fish farmers would have lost all their money.

even so!

Synthesis still has to continue.

At the end of the second day of work, the water level in the reservoir dropped by three meters.

On the third day, the water level continued to drop, and two circles of pipes were exposed to the water. They barely worked normally for a day. Experts measured and found that the speed of water vapor ejected from the vent hole at the end exceeded 100 kilometers per second, and the temperature exceeded 3,000 degrees. The color is no longer white, but azure blue flames, producing more than tens of thousands of tons of reverse thrust.

"If this water vapor can be used to generate electricity, its power generation will not be less than one million megawatts, which is equivalent to the total power generation capacity of the country."

"Isn't our device similar to a simple power generation device?"

"It's a pity that so much energy cannot be used effectively and is wasted. Even if it can be used at 10% or 1%, it is a considerable number." The expert looked regretful.

"The storage capacity of Qiandao Reservoir is only 18 billion cubic meters. More than one billion tons evaporate a day, and it will evaporate completely in a few days! A large amount of living water must be replenished before construction can continue."

"Burning the lakes and boiling the seas, are the stories written in myths and legends really possible in reality? Is this something that humans can do?"

The expert murmured to himself, with a look of admiration on his face, because he witnessed the mythical scene happening before his eyes.

Therefore, under the advice of many experts, Wei Ming stopped working on the fourth day.

After the water level recovers naturally and various artificial water replenishment measures are taken, he can start operating again in about a month.

It just so happens that April, May and June are the rainy season with relatively abundant rainfall, so he can come more frequently. Perhaps the natural rainfall can make up for the evaporation rate of the lake water, thereby reaching a balance and synthesizing more water droplet crystals.

The only unlucky thing is the high-quality wild fish in this reservoir. Even if we take the method of drilling into the mud, we have a chance to escape this time, but next time, and the next time, there is still the risk of boiling into fish soup, again and again He suffered a devastating blow and fell from the lake of heaven to living in the lake of hell.

But there was no choice. Although Wei Ming also felt it was a pity, human needs were more important and he could only sacrifice these innocent fish.

"Okay, come back later."

Wei Ming nodded. In the past three days, a total of 82,607 'type five water drop crystals' were synthesized, with a total weight of 1,305 tons. It was close to the combined mass of water drop crystals synthesized in the past, and it was enough to be used for a period of time.

A fraction of them, 2,607 pieces, were sold to the special department for 18 million.

The reason why the price was cut by two million was that more than five billion had to be spent to compensate fish farmers and scenic spot workers near the Qiandao Reservoir. The livelihoods of at least tens of thousands of people were affected, and it was impossible to just slap the butt. Just walked away.

And after getting enough water drop crystals.

Partially meet customer needs.

Part of it is added to the inventory.

Another three hundred tons were taken to the Black Hole Space Development Company for use in the manufacturing of the 'Water Drop 3' spacecraft.

The specific design drawing of Water Drop 3 was completed more than a month ago. After constant minor revisions, it is now more complete.

All the equipment and parts needed inside have been processed and manufactured. Now we are just waiting for the water drop crystal material used for the skeleton to be in place.

Now the materials were brought over by Wei Ming.

And personally participated in the assembly and manufacturing.


It’s April 18th.

In the open-air parking area of ​​the factory, on top of a large multi-wheel truck.

The shape of a ship is like a "gourd", with a small top and a big bottom, a flat bottom that can be erected, and a height of 15 meters. The diameter of the upper afterburner control room is 2 meters, and the diameter of the bottom is 9 meters. However, there is a diameter of 5 meters inside the lower floor. The living space is nearly 20 square meters, big enough to fit a double bed, a few tables and chairs, and a bathroom and shower room - similar to the single-room rentals that most social workers rent in big cities.

The layout and functions of this living space are similar to renting a house, but only more comfortable.

Because this is designed based on the needs put forward by Xu Chuxia, she can be taken to space with her children in the future. The problem of weightlessness can also be easily solved, as long as the water droplet 3 is always given a forward acceleration of 1G.

Of course, considering that Wei Ming has more personal use scenarios, all living facilities are made of super materials and reinforced to withstand an overload of no more than 50G, which means it will not affect functional requirements.

Including the peripheral storage room with an average depth of 3 meters, an average height of 3 meters, and an average circumference of 22 meters, excluding the volume occupied by various equipment, there is still 150 cubic meters of available space.

It can store dozens of tons of water, dozens of tons of compressed air, dozens of tons of food and other supplies.

In addition to hydrogen fuel cells for power generation, there is no need to secretly put in large amounts of fuel, working fluids, etc.

The final sustainable time in space will be enough for a family of four to live in space for at least six months.

Note: If Wei Ming can let go of his mental obsession and is willing to drink recycled water, then there will be no problem in increasing the maintenance time to more than one year.

The above is the basic information of the new ‘Water Drop No. 3’.

He also took into account that the first batch of 20 million tons of materials ejected and floated to Mars will arrive near Mars on April 28, and he will have to go and 'receive the goods' by then.

So after becoming proficient in various operations and filling up ‘Water Drop 3’ with various supplies.

On the night of April 20th.

"go home!"

Wei Ming gave a low shout and drove Shuidi No. 3 to the backyard of Mingxia Villa. Like a magic weapon, it flew out of thin air and landed smoothly.

Immediately, a rather shallow pit was made in the grass. After all, it weighed nearly a thousand tons.

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