There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 268 Receive express delivery

Except it's tricky.

Wei Ming also had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

It seemed that Huang Di was not asking him, but himself.

Then there was a cry of "Holy shit," this guy is really good at playing. He can even do it to an intern and school girl who is 13 years younger. He stepped on the two boats with confidence.

Think about yourself again, not to mention that the age gap has been widened, his little moves are not cheating at all, at most they are just rubbing. Even if a long-legged girl takes the initiative to make little moves and deliberately makes the rubbing harder, she is not afraid of the pain. But Wei Ming still withdrew, not having the courage to break through the last level.

At this moment, he was compared with the scumbag Huang Di.

Wei Ming felt like a pure novice, and his insistence on principle seemed a bit stupid and idiotic.

No matter how big of a deal it is, Huang Diyi was caught and raped in bed by female fan Lin. It didn't matter. He didn't mention breaking up at all. He just beat the intern girl to death. It can be seen that when women encounter this kind of problem, most of the time they still point the finger. Pointing at similar people often sanely avoids the source of the problem.


"Choose the school girl."

Wei Ming said, "I think it's a good choice to choose a school girl."

"Uh, why did you choose a school girl? Is it okay to choose like this?" Huang Diyi asked in surprise.

"There may be too many people choosing the first one. The answer is relatively fixed. I think it would be interesting to choose the second one." Wei Ming said.


Huang First smiled bitterly.

Please! Actually, just for fun, Mr. Wei asked him to choose a junior high school girl. He and Fan Lin had been dating for half a year, and he and the junior school girl were just for fun. Although some real feelings developed, it was just a momentary impulse. , now that he has returned to his senses, he still thinks that Bai Fumei Fan Lin is better. Although the school girl is a bit miserable, if she is given more compensation, she will find better happiness in the future.

"Hey, didn't you ask me to help you choose?"

Seeing that he was showing signs of regret, Wei Ming said with a straight face: "It's settled, don't regret it! I'm going to marry the intern girl. She was beaten to a fifth-level serious injury because of you. How dare you abandon her in the hospital bed? Do you really want to?" Get fired for being such a scumbag! The Black Hole Group doesn’t want people with bad morals! Listen to me, buy a diamond ring, go to the hospital to see your schoolgirl, and propose to her at the bedside, her recovery will definitely be accelerated.”


Huang First blushed and said, "Yes, Mr. Wei!"

It’s over, the tickets for the rich and beautiful lady are gone.

He now felt like shooting himself in the foot.

But he didn't dare to offend Mr. Wei, so he had no choice but to follow what Wei Ming said and bought a diamond ring and a rose that day, went to the hospital, came to the bedside of the school girl who was still unrecognizable, knelt down on one knee, proposed to her, and Break up with Fan Lin decisively and make a clean break.

"I do!"

The intern girl yelled and passed out happily.

Fan Lin was not willing to make a big fuss, so she posted the matter on the Internet, and the trolls went crazy and set the pace, hoping to ruin Huang Yi's reputation!

Immediately afterwards, the matter quickly became a hot search topic, fermented on the Internet, and triggered extensive discussions. However, surprisingly, after learning the full story of the whole matter, the Internet public opinion changed from the one-sided "die to the scumbag" at the beginning. The majority of people support the man and the school girl.

Among male netizens, 60% support Huang No. 1’s approach.

Among female netizens, as many as 80% support Huang No. 1, and there are even many words of praise.

"Yes, a kind and righteous man."

"Although he is a bit of a playboy and a scumbag, he still did some human work later on."

"The school girl was beaten like that. If she is abandoned again, she will be a real scumbag."

"Fan Lin, please stop calling Huang the first scumbag. You are a well-known fashion designer. You are rich and famous. Are you afraid that you can't find a better man? As an independent woman, you have to hang yourself from a crooked tree." Since you are a scumbag, you should stay away, why are you still stalking me like a shrew?"

"At thirty years old, it's time to control your princess temper, otherwise no one will be able to stand you."

"That is, if you are gentle, considerate, kind and virtuous, how could you be taken advantage of by your schoolmates? In the final analysis, you are not good enough, so you can't blame others."

"People can't be too arrogant. Everyone is equal. No one is doting on anyone. Besides, since you know he is a scumbag, you should let him go immediately. Why kill a school girl? It is illegal to cause serious injury! If you are really capable, give Huang Di a beating, why bother women?"

Look at the miraculous reversal of online public opinion.

Ha ha.


Huang Diyi, who originally thought that he had been ruined and criticized by thousands of people, was equivalent to "social death", smiled.

It was a laugh out loud.

Amazing, so amazing.

He admired Mr. Wei even more.

"Mr. Wei made the right choice for me! Not only did I get rid of that violent woman and control freak, but I can also be with a cute and well-behaved school girl from now on. Although Fan Lin wanted me to be ruined, she didn't expect it to be like this. Many netizens supported me, and I suddenly became a responsible and good man.”

"This is all the credit of Mr. Wei, or it can be said that Mr. Wei is very good at predicting things. He has already predicted that things will develop in a direction that is beneficial to me, and he knows that the junior school girl is the right choice."

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced, Mr. Wei. If there are any problems in this area in the future, I'll do whatever you tell me to do. I'm absolutely right to listen to you!"


He couldn't help laughing again.

Of course, most female netizens almost unanimously support Huang Diyi to marry the school girl. Some people pointed out that most female netizens support Huang Diyi not because they forgive his scumbag, but because they see some kind of "hope" from the injured school girl.

The hope of getting promoted smoothly.

Now the competition among women for high-quality men has become fierce, but most high-quality men just want to play around. They are very realistic now. No matter how young and beautiful you are, they can only "rent" the value of your youth and will not hold it for a long time. After all, women start to depreciate after they are over 30 years old.

If you want to get married, you will definitely find someone who is well-matched and can bring benefits and promotion to both parties. If you are young and beautiful, it is better. If you are not young and not very beautiful, but as long as you can bring help and promotion, there will still be a lot of high-quality men who want to marry.

Therefore, in the marriage market, the probability of winning for the rich, famous and beautiful Fan Lin is greater than 99%.

Unexpectedly, the school girl won miraculously.

Although she was beaten up.

But if such success can be replicated.

I believe that most girls are willing to be beaten up like this.

As long as a good man can give her a diamond ring and roses by her bedside, no matter how much suffering and pain she has, it is worth it.

So of course they support this "hope". Could it be that they support the "white, rich and beautiful" Fan Lin who already has everything?


Of course.

At this moment, Wei Ming, who is controlling the "Water Drop No. 3" to come to Mars and is receiving and transporting one "express delivery" after another, will definitely not care about the gossips and trivial matters on the Blue Star network.

He is fighting alone for the future of all mankind!

He first dug a big pit in a place with relatively rich groundwater in the middle latitude of the northern hemisphere of Mars, leveled the ground, and then dragged the container assembly that arrived near Mars in space one by one, accelerating, decelerating, and lowering the altitude.

Finally, the boxes were neatly placed in the big pit.

When the materials stored at the coordinate point reached 10 million tons, it was enough to build a small immigration base.

Then go to another place with rich groundwater, dig a pit next to it, and store 10 million tons of materials in it.

Return to Blue Star for a day of rest every other day.

Later, Wei Ming felt that the efficiency was too slow and he didn't want to run back to Blue Star to rest frequently, so he greatly accelerated the progress and ran to farther places to actively pick up goods.

He was busy until May 28, and finally received all the "express deliveries" without missing a single one.

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