There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 270 The Martian?

"Long Laotie is going to fight GG?"

Wei Ming soon learned about this.

He said slightly teasingly in the conference room of Black Hole Universe Development Company.

"This topic has exploded on the Internet, with everyone saying that this is the most tragic loss for all mankind."

Wu Chenwu said: "In the short video, many people cried heartbrokenly, and were more sad than if their own parents died. Some are organizing large-scale fundraising activities, holding a collective mourning for billions of people, and holding the highest-level ceremony." "He will be buried with a ball, so he will be buried in sackcloth and mourning."

"In terms of landing on Mars, his adventurous spirit should be worthy of our admiration and respect."

Chief Engineer Long Tianhao said: "But most of the reasons for his failure in this mission were his own doing, and he killed himself."

"Is it possible that the ascent module engine has not been repaired?"

Wei Ming asked: "As long as the fault is eliminated and the engine ignites smoothly, is there still a possibility of a miracle? It's not the time to despair yet, right?"

Maybe hit the engine with a hammer a few times, and then the fault will be repaired. Now those who are crying and sad are wasting their emotions and tears.


Long Tianhao shook his head: "I watched the landing video of the 'Dragon 4' spacecraft landing module. The landing was very smooth, but I calculated the data and found that more than 2 tons of mass were missing, indicating that there was an oil leak somewhere. As expected, the ascent module leaked, and the remaining fuel could not carry them back to the orbital module. So after discovering this problem, they basically gave up the struggle and returned to the landing module to wait for death. "

Of course, you can also force start the engine and let the ascent module take off.

But after reaching a height of tens of thousands of meters, it will be pulled back by the gravity of Mars and undergo a free accelerated fall.

As for the end, it will definitely be extremely tragic.

It would be better to stay in place and suffocate slowly. At least there is a whole body, and he can send texts and pictures through the communication system to report his condition, so that everyone in Blue Star will know his deeds.

Although he failed as a pioneer, his spirit will last forever. Those who come after him should not be discouraged and give up!

In other words, he has to show off to the last moment in the graphic live broadcast, even if he dies, he has to put on a decent and heroic pose.

Wei Ming was convinced.

He thought to himself: "Long Laotie, do you really want me to double-click 666 for you? Well, you are qualified. I even want to give you a few cruise ships and rockets."

"Mr. Wei!"

At this time, the young scientist Chen Jian stood up and said: "I think we can help a little bit with this matter and lend a little hand to rescue Elon Musk on Mars. Although this man is indeed a bit more publicized, but He was very courageous and capable. No matter what, he could bear the title of 'pioneer' and had a great and glorious side. He died just like that..."

He shook his head: "Out of humanitarianism, I think I should give him a hand."

"There are so many people suffering in this world, why do you want to help him, you know he is a billionaire."

Wei Ming immediately looked at him, tapped his knuckles on the table, and said calmly: "The words humanitarian alone cannot convince me."

In fact, seeing Long Laotie overturned like this, he also had the idea of ​​​​helping him out, but after thinking about it, his current end was all his own step by step. If he can save him this time, he may not be able to save him next time.

He also exposed his identity (although many people already knew it, the majority of the public did not).

It’s really not worth the loss.

Listening to the tapping sound of his knuckles, Chen Jian fell into thinking. Several people next to him gave him looks and told him to stop talking, so as not to annoy the boss.

"I think he is not a typical capitalist, but a true technologist."

Chen Jian added: "The stock market belongs to the stock market, but the electric cars he sells and the rockets he builds are always pursuing one goal: low prices so that ordinary people can afford them. For example, Tesla cars have reduced prices every year and are recyclable. Rockets have indeed lowered the threshold in the aerospace field...To be honest, they have made great contributions to human science and technology. If no strong competitors emerge, they almost represent the hope of mankind. "

"If his flame is extinguished, the cause of human exploration of the universe will be severely damaged. It may be unable to recover and sink for decades. As a result, human attention will return to the ground. This world may become more turbulent and more serious. , even into despair.”

"Of course, these are all my hypothetical alternative futures, but I personally think that Elon Musk deserves respect and saving, and should not die with such regret."

"I don't quite agree."

Another middle-aged expert said: "Even if Elon Musk is a great saint who saves the world from suffering, what does it have to do with us? Mars belongs to our company! If he comes back successfully, won't it attract more countries to come to the company?" What’s the benefit? In addition, the company’s biggest trump card has been exposed. What consequences do you think it will have, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Have you considered this, young man?”

"Don't say that I am cruel and mean. From the perspective of the company's interests, rescuing Musk will not bring any benefits and will only cause trouble! It is better to let him stay on Mars forever as a spiritual symbol. This is a good thing for him. , is a good thing for everyone, the fallen heroes are far more meaningful than the standing heroes.”

"That's right."

"That's true."

"Perhaps when a hero falls, more people will follow suit and be willing to become new heroes. This is actually a good thing."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Chen Jian opened his mouth, but hesitated. He looked at his boss Wei Ming, and wanted to say: But since you clearly have the ability to save a person, but let him die instead, is this really acceptable in terms of conscience?

But he still didn't say it out loud. Such words were too holy, and others wouldn't be able to accept them. He himself felt naive and ridiculous, and would only be severely scolded.

Moral kidnapping is easy!

But everyone can ask themselves: When you see rogue cats, stray dogs, homeless people on the roadside, and people suffering from famine on TV, you must have the ability to help each one, but will you? Do you want to do these good things?

It is far more difficult to be a good person than to be a bad person. At most, you can be a normal human being who is neither good nor bad, and make some donations occasionally.

"Let's adjourn the meeting. Let's discuss this matter."

Wei Ming clapped his hands and announced the adjournment of the meeting.

People left one after another.

"Mr. Wei!"

Suddenly an idea flashed in Chen Jian's mind. He walked towards the figure and said in front of him: "Mr. Wei, I have a better way. I don't need to rescue Elon Musk back to Blue Star, but let him stay there forever." On Mars, you only need to provide them with some food, water, oxygen, some crop seeds, and building materials, so that they can survive on Mars."

"In this way, they are equivalent to the first batch of 'Mars immigrants'. They can help the company explore how to survive on Mars. If they can use the resources you give them to successfully survive, then they can sum up a lot of good experience. , and when used in the subsequent large-scale immigration, it can be regarded as making the best use of materials and talents.”

"We only paid a small amount of materials, and we were able to avoid exposing our trump cards and not harming the company's interests."

"Mr. Wei, what do you think of my method?"

He looked at Wei Mingdao cautiously.

Let Long Laotie be the first pioneer to immigrate to Mars and explore the experience of surviving on Mars?

This idea made Wei Ming's eyes light up.

Other experts who heard about this plan did not raise any objections and thought it was feasible, despite the language barrier.

"You boy."

Wei Ming smiled and patted Chen Jian on the shoulder: "This is a good idea. If Long Laotie can see you alive in the future, he will have to call you his savior."

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