There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 277 Nanorobots

"I can't tell, you're already a matchmaker for others."

Xu Chuxia said teasingly with a smile.

The story of cooking Xishi has been spreading in the town in the past few days, and it has also reached Xu Chuxia's ears through the nanny. Therefore, she looked at Wei Ming with strange eyes and couldn't help but purse her lips and smile.

"It's just a word of help. I haven't done much. What kind of matchmaking will I do there?"

Wei Ming shook his head.

"For a person of your level, many problems can only be solved with one sentence. This is the principle of the ancient kings' "Export becomes a constitution". Without your words, it would be impossible for Xishi to get on the bus in the black hole town, and it would not be very easy. There may be single employees who take the initiative to express their feelings to her.”

Xu Chuxia said: "The employees of Black Hole Group are very picky. It is said that many rich girls with a wealth of over 100 million are not only willing to marry employees who have a contribution value of more than 3, but they also dare not lose their temper and act like a princess after marriage. Similarly, many rich girls The second generation is also willing to marry a female employee of the Black Hole Group, and there is no shortage of high-quality boys to pursue.”

"Compared with these options, cooking Xishi really has no competitive advantage, and I am still a bit older."

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven!

Precisely because of the existence of Wei Ming, even ordinary employees of Black Hole Group can become popular meat and potatoes, even if they are given to billionaires, their loyalty to the company is extremely high. If hostile forces want to instigate rebellion from within, , even if you lay out 50 million in cash, you may not be tempted. Not only is the cost extremely high, but you may also be reported back, resulting in heavy losses.

The worst one, not only did his 50 million funds disappear, but he also quickly turned into a 500,000 bonus - the rules of the Black Hole Group are "you can bully villains again and again" and "you don't have to say anything about credit". That's right.

As for the whistleblower who made a meritorious service, he not only collected 50.5 million yuan, but also attracted countless people to try it, including actively fishing on the Internet. Such actions had to be banned in the future.

All these kinds of things.

The unique black hole group always makes anyone with bad intentions helpless.

Coupled with the unimaginably good welfare benefits, it is common sense to be sought after.

"Hey, Black Hole Group is just an ordinary company, not a high-profile group. There is really no need to be so exaggerated."

Wei Ming held his hands and shook his head.

Xu Chuxia rolled her eyes.

After officially settling in Black Hole Town.

Xu Chuxia was very satisfied.

She found that the conditions in all aspects were indeed much better than the Mingxia Villa.

Materials are abundant, there are hundreds of high-quality merchants, shopping is convenient, and inspections are strict, so there is no need to worry about quality problems.

There are neighbors nearby who can visit each other, chat, occasionally have salon afternoon tea, and often move around to form a circle.

Each family can share with each other what is delicious, drinkable and useful, and what good souvenirs there are, and help each other if there are difficulties.

Slowly you will find that the upper class is actually a society of acquaintances, which is particularly humane. As long as you can stay in this class, you will gradually feel that such a circle is perfect, in line with traditional culture and morality, sharing advantages and complementing shortcomings, and can improve you. With overall quality, you can slowly become richer than three generations.

On the other hand, the middle and lower classes are becoming more and more indifferent to people and reality, their morals are gone, and their rituals and music have collapsed! If I don't work hard, I will blame everyone all day long, saying that I am being cut off, my class is solidified, and all kinds of weird things and deformities appear, which is simply frowning.

In addition, the eldest son Weidong, who is about to turn 3 years old, can be sent to kindergarten in the first half of next year. The teacher has been found in advance. He is a kindergarten teacher who graduated from Beijing University and has a doctorate. She is proficient in child psychology and nutrition. She has her own set of ideas and is married to an employee of the Black Hole Group. She can be responsible for Dong Dongbao's enlightenment education, so she can rest assured.

the other side.

After November, Wei Ming once again adjusted his work and life arrangements.

He no longer uses "week" as a cycle, but "month" as a whole to arrange, thus allowing greater flexibility.

Based on thirty days per month, the specific arrangements are as follows:

1st to 5th: Go to work at Black Hole New Materials Company, process materials, or synthesize water droplet crystals and follow-up processing.

No. 6: Process the garbage from Black Hole Garbage Recycling Company (maximum delay of ten minutes).

No. 7: Rest.

8th to 10th: Inspect various subsidiaries, hold meetings, and handle some important matters.

11th to 13th: On the 202nd floor of the Technology Tower in Black Hole Town...the new location of the Lime Club, providing beauty services to ladies.

14th to 20th: Black Hole Biomedical Company is busy on the 94th to 98th floors of the Technology Tower, accelerating the completion of the "Immortality Plan".

Ten days left: free to arrange.

From the above new time schedule, we can see where Wei Ming's main energy has been turned.


Use scientific and technological means to achieve human immortality!

Among the top ten core medical technologies, Black Hole Biomedical Company has tens of thousands of related technical personnel, almost all of whom are working on key problems. They are distributed on five floors of the Technology Tower, with a laboratory area of ​​nearly 100,000 square meters.

Wei Ming will help solve any technical problems encountered. The purpose is to hope that the G family can make as many breakthroughs as possible first and take the lead, instead of being led by others and falling into a passive situation.

Therefore, Wei Ming now only provides unlimited support in his own company, Black Hole Biomedical Company. The G family can no longer directly ask him for help. They can only deepen their cooperation with Black Hole Biomedical Company and share the latest information from both parties. As a result of technological achievements, the probability of 'keeping a secret' has been greatly reduced.

this day.

Black Hole Biomedical Company, in the laboratory on the 98th floor.

"Judging from the equipment, medicines and materials provided to us by the "Longevity Project" project team, their overall progress is about three years faster than ours."

Jiao Chengyue, the person in charge in a white coat, said: "Even with your help, Mr. Wei, it will take us more than a year to catch up with their progress. Of course, the premise is that they do not make any new major breakthroughs, otherwise the gap will remain. , even if they lend me their homework to copy, they won’t be able to catch up quickly.”

"Why are they so far ahead?" Wei Ming asked in confusion.

"Maybe it's due to some urgent need."

Jiao Chengyue said: "Especially in the area of ​​life extension technology, I heard that the "Longevity Plan" project team has temporarily placed 'reviving the body' and 'detoxification' as a secondary priority, and will solve the 'life extension' technology first."

"I even heard that they recruited tens of thousands of elderly people over 90 years old from various places. After feeling more confident, they began to conduct experiments on human subjects. They have already entered the third phase. It is said that the probability of success exceeds 97% %, repairing cell DNA telomeres, theoretically extending the life span of those elderly people to more than 150 years, but how long they can live requires long-term follow-up observation, but I think they should be successful in this. "

"150 years old, this is a major breakthrough. The average life span required by the "Immortality Plan" is only 150 years old. Could it be that in just two or three years, the "Immortality Plan" will come true?"

"It's not that fast. It only prolongs lifespan without restoring physical vitality. Instead, it will increase the burden on society."

Jiao Chengyue said: "Unless the body can return to its youthful vitality, it can be considered a success of 20% at most."

"In addition, we are not without a leading position, Mr. Wei. Recently, we have achieved a major breakthrough in nanorobots. We are 100% sure that we can achieve mass production of nanorobots and will soon defeat more than 99% of the world's diseases. In In the field of health, create an unprecedented achievement! ”


Wei Ming's eyes lit up.

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