There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 306 Interstellar Immigration Train

The resources of the solar system are limited.

Some scientists have calculated using mathematical models and believe that with full utilization of resources, the upper limit of the solar system's population is probably about 1 trillion... Compared with the total number of humans today, which is only 11 billion, there is still a lot of room for growth.

But human existence is not just for survival, but also for a better life.

Everyone should have a villa and live in a big house.

There is more than one private car.

Have the conditions to go to various places for vacation and travel.

The country is extremely rich in food. The per capita annual meat consumption is hundreds of kilograms. Vegetables and fruits are cheap. You can eat as much as you want. The food waste rate even exceeds 30%.

Have good educational resources.

Affordable high-quality medical resources.

There are also rich spiritual and cultural products and so on.

If we want everyone to live a life with these good conditions, the upper limit of the solar system's population is estimated to be only about 100 billion - if we pursue a high-quality life.

And based on today’s human population growth rate.

In as little as two hundred years, as slowly as three hundred years, the total human population is estimated to increase to 100 billion.

Therefore, we must start preparing for the expansion of outer galaxies in advance, take precautions, and expand a larger living space.

The priority option is to focus on all star systems with heavy element planets within 10 light years of the solar system - galaxies dominated by light elements that have not experienced supernova explosions, and will not be considered.

Because heavy elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, silicon, phosphorus, calcium, and sodium are necessary for the human body, only when a massive star undergoes a supernova explosion due to gravitational collapse at the end of its life, will the heavy elements fuse inside it and generate a large amount of heavy elements? Elements constitute the "skeleton" of countless lives.

For example, in the solar system, after the supernova explosion, the nebula and debris reunited, and finally the "second-hand stars" were reborn again.

In "first-hand stars", hydrogen and helium elements account for 99%, and there are very few heavy elements. Unless the technology of synthesizing heavy elements in large quantities is mastered, light element star systems can only be used as fuel supply stations and have no The value of colonization.

After years of observations, astronomers have discovered that among the more than 20 stars within ten light years around the solar system, only 8 have heavy element planets.

Twenty years ago, the China Space Administration launched eight deep space probes in those eight directions. At a speed of nearly one hundred kilometers per second, they will reach the end in about hundreds of thousands of years and capture some interesting images. value photos.

After hundreds of thousands of years, won’t the day lilies be cold?

Fortunately, the Black Hole Group was very powerful, and Wei Ming personally stepped in and accelerated eight detectors larger than a pool table to 0.2 times the speed of light.

Twenty years have passed now. Although they have not yet reached their final destination, they have sent back a lot of high-value image data.

After research, experts from Black Hole Space Development Company believe that five of the star systems have the value of interstellar colonization because a large amount of water has been found in them.

As for habitable planets and the like, finding them is a good thing, and it’s like winning the jackpot.

It doesn't matter if it's not found. As long as there is water, there is value in immigration, and we can start work and colonize humans.


Scientists from the Black Hole Group also conceived a crazy plan called the "Inter-Star Immigration Train Plan."

This plan is very imaginative. It is to put immigrants into a pointed and long immigration spacecraft with a length of 100 kilometers. It has its own nuclear fusion reactor as power and can carry up to 1 million immigrants.

When setting off, high-energy bright light is used to illuminate the umbrella-shaped reflector at the tail to continuously provide thrust acceleration, and the maximum speed can reach 0.1C.

Then rely on the power of the spacecraft itself to accelerate to 0.3C, and then try to maintain a constant speed.

In terms of supply, Weiming will throw a round "supply ball" (or several balls) with a mass of 1 million tons every year, a certain elasticity on the surface, and a speed slightly greater than 0.3C. The immigrant spacecraft will emit a laser to provide guidance. A "supply ball" with a certain power adjustment capability will not deviate from the waterway.

At that time, the immigrant spacecraft can capture the "supply ball" and obtain material sources to survive the long voyage.

When approaching the end, there is enough working fluid for deceleration.

in this way!

The immigration spacecraft, which has an average speed of about 0.3C throughout the entire migration process, can reach a star system 10 light-years away in just over thirty years.

And due to the existence of the time dilation effect, for the millions of immigrants on the spacecraft, it may only take thirty years for them to reach their destination-the new home of mankind.

Thirty years!

Assuming that the average life span of the immigrants on the spaceship is three hundred years, they only consume one-tenth of their life, and they get a blank territory with unlimited potential.

There is no doubt that this is a great deal.

A certain expert even conceived a more extreme "immigration train plan". In order to reduce weight, the diameter of this train is only a little more than ten meters, with one section every 100 meters. Thousands of sections are put together to form a length of 10 meters. kilometers, a super space train carrying a total of 1 million people.

First, it is piece by piece, accelerated to 0.05C using an ultra-long electromagnetic ejection track, and then connected and spliced ​​together.

A "power locomotive" with a nuclear fusion reactor was launched at the front, and thousands of "manned trains" were towed behind it, totaling 1 million immigrants.

Every once in a while, Wei Ming will send a million-ton "supply ball" there, or send several in a short period of time.

When the destination is finally reached, all the "carriage" structures at the back can be put into the reactor at the head and used as a working fluid for deceleration. It is even more crowded, with 1 million people squeezed into the front 20% of the "carriage" , the level of congestion reaches its highest level.

But the immigrants also saw dawn and victory.

The remaining nuclear fusion "power locomotive" and the remaining 20 kilometers long "immigration train" landed on the surface of the heavy element planet with a batch of tools, equipment, robots and other supplies.

It is enough to build a stronghold with simple conditions but capable of maintaining basic survival, allowing them to take root on alien planets and open a sub-base of human civilization.

Under this plan, it is like living on a stuffy train every day. The quality of life of immigrants is indeed very poor, but it can save 80% of material consumption. The maximum speed can reach 0.5C. In terms of time, it will take up to twenty years to reach the end point, just like nature. Labor was average, painful, but short.


In the design drawings drawn by experts, you will find a huge "nuclear powered locomotive" shaped like a bullet, with a slender tail trailing behind it. name, but very vivid and vivid.

Within 10 light-years around the solar system.

5 exploitable star systems.

5 sets of interstellar immigration trains.

Colonial population of 5 million.

It took about 20 years to complete.

The above data constitute the "Immigration Train Plan".

Nowadays, the Black Hole Group lacks nothing but a sufficient population.

Therefore, this plan can only find cooperation with China in order to capture several surrounding colonizable galaxies.

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