There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 311 Millennium Exploration Plan

Prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't even move it.

Prejudice against "artificial beings" is one of the reasons why their opinions are so strong.

In fact, it is the huge interests that are difficult to give up that make them intolerable. They cannot give up the control of the Black Hole Group, let alone 90%, even 1%.

This is human nature.

This is also human nature.

never mind.

Wei Ming was not going to persuade them with earnest words. It was useless. The root of the problem lay with Xu Chuxia. This woman's head was full of outdated feudal dross and superior thinking. All her children were influenced by her. Although Wei Ming Ming often talked about words such as "cosmic perspective" and "long-term vision", but he did not help his children establish a big picture. They always looked at problems from the perspective of one person and one family.

The dregs of "proclaiming the country and establishing the system, emperors, generals and prime ministers" seriously affected them. They often sat in the room with their mother Xu Chuxia, studying the framework of the empire, how many departments should be established, and the official system... Etc., etc.

They also put the plan they had discussed and conceived in front of Wei Ming, hoping that Wei Ming could take a good look at it and refer to it.

"The Superiority of Imperial States"?

Saw this title.

Wei Ming shook his head.

I feel like this is simply retarded!

Although after the average life expectancy exceeds a thousand years, supplemented by advanced technology, the wise emperor will establish a stable rule for hundreds of years. Even if he announces his abdication, will it be impossible to cultivate an excellent successor in hundreds of years?

Compared with the average lifespan of an ancient emperor who was 39 years old, the empire in the future era, with sufficient resources, will definitely be able to maintain a long rule of more than one million years, and will have ways to solve all problems.

"In the final analysis, it's all about the word 'power'."

Money is just a number.

Women and the like are just different in skin. Buy the "999 Dream Lover" virtual cabin produced in Taiwan. What kind of women can't play it? The simulation is close to 100%. It is said that this product can cause sudden death in men. One of the most dangerous items, its sale is banned in many countries.

And for Weidong, who has had three wives in the past thirty years, he has had more than thirty lovers in private. He has all the conditions to play "999 Dream Lover" in reality.

But what should I do if I still feel confused and empty?


"Power", which is almost equal to everything, attracts their attention like a drug.

In addition, Xu Chuxia's subtle and constant influence was exerted.

Gradually, it was incompatible with Wei Ming's ideals, and even came into serious opposition and conflict.

At this moment, facing his wife and children whose positions were almost identical, Wei Ming immediately realized that he had become a "stumbling block". As long as he existed, their fantasies could only be fantasies and could never become reality. day.

The so-called "Black Hole Empire" concept is nothing more than YY.


Wei Ming no longer intends to be an eyesore.

Let the whole field go, and they can play whatever they want.

I will fulfill you and your great dream!

And Wei Ming is not angry.

The universe is so big, why bother worrying about a small solar system? My wives and children want something, they want to realize their dreams, no matter how big it is, just help them realize it, there is no need to quarrel with each other and make it very discordant.

In addition, Wei Ming did have the idea of ​​​​leaving the solar system, walking around outside, and having adventures. Living a peaceful life was very boring, and the universe was very big and dangerous. In the "Immigration Train Plan" more than 20 years ago, that The failure rate as high as 60% was a big blow to Wei Ming.

He wants to go on an adventure trip himself to see what dangers are waiting for him?


Succession plans were cancelled.

Wei Ming announced a new Millennium Exploration Plan.

The main content of the plan is that he plans to form a huge expedition fleet. He plans to build a huge immigration spacecraft that can accommodate 1 billion people within ten years, and then leave the solar system for an interstellar adventure that will last about a thousand years. .

If a better livable planet is found, a group of immigrants will be released, a colony will be established for human civilization, and the seeds of civilization will be sown along the way.

Will he ever return to the solar system and return to the original starting point? Returning to a familiar hometown?

"Who knows?"

Wei Ming spread his hands: "If you want to come back, then no matter what, you will definitely come back."

The plan was thus confirmed.

After the news spreads.

The Martian Circle was shocked.

Blue Star was also shocked.

Then the entire solar system shook.

"The big boss is leaving soon"

"If that person leaves for a thousand years, can we bear it?" 》

"If he leaves, human civilization will surely stagnate and make it difficult to move forward."

"Is there any way to keep him?" 》

"Who forced the big boss to choose to leave?" "Disregarding 20 billion human beings"

"I dislike the big boss very much, but I have to admit, I don't want him to leave"

the other side.

Here in the Mars circle, there is a group of people who are very happy and can be described as ecstatic.

Perfect humans and super humans.

"Great, Big Daddy chooses to be with us!"

"Hahaha, dad cares more about us and is willing to take us to a better place."

"No matter where my father goes, I will always follow his footsteps. Wherever my father goes, I will go too."

"Since Mars does not welcome us and is not our home, then let's go create a better home with Dad."

"Hahaha, I'm satisfied. From the moment dad chose us, everything was worth it. Even if the entire solar system denies us and rejects us, it doesn't matter! As long as dad is willing to be with us 'monsters', everything will be fine." Contented.”

"Let's go, let's all follow dad and conquer this universe together!"

Countless perfect humans cheered.

Countless super humans burst into tears, their hearts filled with warmth.

The "big daddy" who created them did not regard them as useful 'tools', but always recognized them, cared about them, cared about them, and was even willing to take them away to find a place of true happiness.



There is no need to care about all the grievances, discrimination and injustices I have suffered before. As long as I have my father's love and recognition, it is enough.

So they became a sea of ​​cheers.

There was chaos and panic in the Golden Palace.

Xu Chuxia tried her best to get through Wei Ming's phone, pleading and apologizing again and again:

"Husband, we were wrong, we know we were wrong!"

"We support the succession plan. My son, daughter and I all support it. You are the soul of the Black Hole Group and the backbone of everyone. You can't leave, and we can't lose you!"

"We were wrong. Come back. All major matters in the future will be done as you say. We will never interfere and support them all!"


Wei Ming shook his head and said, "I don't want to stop your dreams. Besides, the universe is so big. I really want to take a look."

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