There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 317 Three Articles of Amnesty

A few days later.

The survey fleet rendezvouses with the Biosphere.

The moment they saw the big boss on the news, the billions of people on the Ecosphere heaved a sigh of relief and cheered and applauded.

Three days.

Less than three days after the survey fleet lost contact, the Ecosphere fell into a small panic.

People are panicked and worried.

It was as if the backbone had been taken away.

Fortunately, the big boss's daughter Wei Nuan gave a televised speech and calmed everyone's nervousness with her gentle and healing voice, so there was no trouble.

" my sister?"

Watching the gentle, elegant and approachable woman on TV, listening to those soothing words flowing through my heart like a hot spring.

Wei Mo immediately knew that this woman, who was nicknamed "Princess Nuannuan" among the people and was loved and respected by countless people, contained a magical and powerful power just like her name.

Even if she is just a weak woman.

"When will I be able to reach the same height as her and have a more important role than her?"

Wei Mo had a sense of comparison.

Of course, he also knows that this kind of comparison is meaningless, very naive, and even has no comparability at all, because his current position is "Industry Director" from the sixth to tenth floors, responsible for 70% of the ecological circle. Production tasks of light industrial products.

His actual effect cannot be matched by ten bathroom heaters.

But when it comes to fame and reputation...

And in his rather embarrassing status.


"The production task of 10 billion pairs of socks, the production task of 3 billion tubes of toothpaste, the order of 8 billion pieces of clothing, as well as a large number of pots, pans, and household appliances. A huge amount of orders are placed with me every day. In the first half of the year Sweet chili sauce became so popular that I suddenly placed an order for 100 million cans of sweet chili sauce. Faced with problems such as insufficient raw materials, I was able to supply enough sweet chili sauce within five months.”

"But what about the voices of praise? What about announcing awards?"

"I have completed one production task after another, but few people know that I have contributed."

"At most I can praise you with 'Well done, the sock maker', 'Well done, the clothes maker', 'That toothpaste industry director'... but I can't remember my name."

Wei Mo shook his head.

Those who are down-to-earth and do practical things are unknown.

Those who talk in front of the public will receive countless praises.

There is no way, reality is often like this, and no one can change it.

"I'd better work at the grassroots level for a few more years, do my job well, and then let my father help me adjust my position to take on a position with higher exposure, and then slowly become a well-known role close to the center of the stage. "

After returning to the ecological circle number.

The truth about the mysterious disappearance of the third group of immigrant trains, the dangers of Mobius time and space, as well as the three survivors who committed heinous crimes and related tragedy information-the above important information was packaged and compressed and sent back to the solar system. .

And the next few years.

The topic that has attracted the most discussion and attention on the Ecosystem account, and has aroused people's thinking and discussion, is whether the three criminals Yu Zhixin, Zhang Peng, and Xiaodao should be sentenced to death.

Originally there was no dispute about this issue, and those three people deserved death.

But Professor Luo Bin conducted a large-scale social experiment and conducted a trial of the century. As long as three conditions are met: three criminals plead guilty, the proportion of people voting in favor of the death penalty exceeds 90%, and ten top judges unanimously approve, it can be approved. The death penalty shall be executed immediately.

It stands to reason that it is not difficult to meet these three conditions.

The case was quickly settled by throwing three criminals into space where their blood boiled to death.

But during the debate between the pros and cons, the genius lawyer who defended the three criminals asked three soul questions, which shocked everyone at once.

"If you are also on the immigration train, you are not evil, but the food resources have been exhausted, and you can only survive by eating people. In order to survive, you have to eat the same kind of meat, so you become a demon murderer , should be punished with death?”

“Suppose the colonized planet is about to arrive and there is only one last journey left, but it is found that the supplies are insufficient and 90% of the immigrants need to be sacrificed, then whether to choose 100% of all the immigrants to starve to death, or are you willing to sacrifice yourself and let a small number of elites survive to the end? "

"Suppose you are a devil who eats people, kills, and commits all kinds of evil. You kill all 100,000 immigrants and only one of you survives. But you also bring a population bomb, successfully arrive at the colonial planet, and sow the seeds of humanity The only remaining fire of civilization has become a hero in the eyes of new immigrants. So once the truth is exposed, should you, the 'hero' who has continued the fire of civilization, step down from the altar and be judged, or should you be pardoned... because he saved The only fire of human civilization.”

"This world is cruel. It is never unusual for animals in nature to kill and eat each other. Only humans have evolved morality and law."

"But this universe is even more cruel! The three scenarios I have hypothesized are entirely possible. For your own survival, will you eat human flesh? For the continuation of civilization, will you agree to sacrifice and abandon 90% of the world, including yourself? For the sake of the end The fire of civilization, you turned into a demon and killed countless people. Can you be forgiven for doing this? "

"My defense is not to whitewash or defend sin, but to ask: As long as I embark on a journey of exploring the unknown universe, and face cruel choices at any time, and even have to become a devil, are I willing to accept morality and justice? Under the constraints of the law, even if you become a hero in the hearts of millions of people, you still have to accept the death penalty? "

"If this is the case, and everyone chooses morality and law, civilization and humanity, then there will be many such scenes: in order not to eat their own kind, all the immigrants on the ship starve to death; in order to be fair and moral, the spaceship stays a few kilometers away from the colonial planet. In the last mile, you can no longer move forward; because you don’t want to live alone in shame, you shoot yourself with a gun. The population bomb is not released, and the last spark of civilization is extinguished.”

"Compared with the development and continuation of human civilization, which of the above three situations is more important, we should all hand in an answer sheet."

These words from a genius lawyer.

It triggered great discussion and thinking among the whole people.

Those who agree with him believe that survival is the first priority of civilization.

There are also those who oppose his view, believing that civilization should be given to time, rather than time to civilization.

The two schools of thought went back and forth, arguing fiercely, and the support rate was actually about 50%, evenly divided... According to this result, the conditions for sentencing those three demons to death were not met.

Four of the ten top jurors argued that perhaps those three people should be given a way to survive and be sentenced to life imprisonment... After all, they were just trying to survive.

The case trial has reached an impasse.

Everyone's eyes were on Wei Ming, hoping that he would make the final decision.

"The three of them are not trying to survive, they are just trying to indulge, commit violence, and dominate others. They do not meet any of the three conditions."

Wei Ming said: "Throw them all into space and burn them with lasers. Devils are not qualified to be pardoned."

"Of course, if any of the three conditions mentioned by Lawyer Hao are met, then even if he commits a serious crime, he can be forgiven and pardoned. Survival is important! Living is itself an original sin and a negative impact on other living beings. The original sin, but this is the prevailing rule in this universe, and we have not yet developed to the point where we can easily say 'give time to civilization'."


Everyone nodded, and Wei Ming's solution was approved by everyone.

"Ah!" The fate of the three criminals was determined. After being thrown into space, they were quickly burned to ashes by lasers.

Also starting from this moment.

In the legal system of human civilization, for the development of interstellar colonization, the "Three Special Amnesties Regulations", referred to as the "Three Articles of Amnesty", have continued.

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