Lu Xiujing, a student in J language class at Hangcheng Foreign Languages ​​College, is 19 years old.

She missed two professional classes today and came to the door of Zhenqi Beauty Salon with her boyfriend Song Bin. Among the crowd, they also gave out their strong shouts.

In fact, she had heard about this beauty salon and the beauty master in the store for a long time in school and had heard various rumors.

In order to confirm the rumors, she went to the flight attendant class several times. After seeing with her own eyes the dozen or so girls with extremely good looks who made her feel ashamed, she felt a strong unwillingness and yearning in her heart.

Because the girls in the flight attendant class were not that good-looking originally, it was all the result of acquired transformation.

And her own foundation is not bad, her figure and height are no worse than any other girls, but her face looks a bit ordinary, but there is no way to improve it.

The soulful hands of a beauty master can make her undergo earth-shaking changes!

As long as she loses a few ounces of fat on her face, removes the extra moles, opens up the corners of her eyes a little, and shaves off a little bit of bone in her chin, she will be a brand new self.

The total cost is only about 180,000.

Her hometown has a registered permanent residence in a rural area. Both her parents are farmers. They occasionally work part-time jobs and cannot save so much money. 180,000 yuan is an astronomical figure for the family and it is impossible to spend it.

Most of her expenses at school, including clothes and cosmetics, transformed from a rural girl into a gregarious fashion girl. Naturally, her boyfriend Song Bin borne this part of the cost. Anyone who doesn't want to spend money in a relationship is undoubtedly a scumbag. Man, she will never let a scumbag deceive her body and mind.

It was only 180,000. Even if Song Bin's family conditions were acceptable, it would be impossible for him to pay so much money, and his parents would not be able to agree.

"Break up if you don't give me money! I don't want to live with a loser for the rest of my life. Besides, this money is an investment. It can bring returns several times or dozens of times in the future. When I go out to find a job, my salary can be thousands more than others. There is no limit." How can I be with you if you don’t even have this long-term vision for a bright future?”

Lu Xiujing folded her hands and said coldly, with contempt in her eyes.

"Xiujing... please give me a few more days, I will definitely think of a solution."

Song Bin swallowed his throat. The thought of breaking up flashed through his mind for a moment, but when he thought that he had spent tens of thousands on her, but only opened a few rooms, the huge sacrifice had such a result. , the parents who originally thought that their daughter-in-law was settled, might have to scold themselves.

After thinking about it, he could only bite the bullet and figure out how to raise the money.

Unknowingly, he has become a loser.

And Lu Xiujing would ask once a day "Has the money been raised?" and gave an ultimatum, saying that she was ready to agree to Zhou Liang's pursuit from the management team. 180,000 was just a small number, and Zhou Liang could easily get it. The reason why she hadn't agreed yet was because of her. She didn't want to be so desperate, she also wanted to give their relationship a chance.

"Three days, I will definitely raise the money within three days!"

At this time, Song Bin thought of many ways, such as selling blood, selling kidneys, cashing out credit cards, loan sharking, etc. As long as he was willing to spend it, 180,000 was not a difficult task.

Fortunately, he didn't go that far.

As the influence of the popular online post "A Cloud of Beauties from a University in Hangzhou" has grown, the school's "seven fairies" have received millions of commercial endorsements for their outstanding looks. The value of plastic surgery has been reflected. You can see After a clear return.

Song Bin used the "Seven Fairies" as an example to brainwash his parents, saying that he hoped that his family would spend 200,000 to give him plastic surgery, which would not only make it easier to find a job in the future, but also give him more opportunities.

That's right, he said he wanted plastic surgery for himself, but he didn't dare say it was for his girlfriend.

Soon, his parents transferred the money, which was their savings from decades of hard work. It was originally prepared for his marriage. After the two hundred thousand was spent, there would be no money left.

After the money problem was solved, Lu Xiujing turned from anger to happiness. She checked into a room with him that night and acted very positively and enthusiastically. Their relationship quickly heated up to its best state.

But asking a beauty guru to help with surgery does not require you to have money.

There are only 10 ordinary places every day, and the competition has already reached a fierce level. In the lottery system, thousands of people are competing for it every day, and the probability of winning is only 1%.

Song Bin participated in the lottery for three consecutive days, but failed to become a lucky winner. Instead, he saw that the number of people participating in the lottery increased by more than 100 people every day, and the probability of winning continued to decrease.

Of course, there is another way to recharge 200,000 yuan at a time and become a member customer of Zhenqi Beauty Salon, but this way has proved to be unworkable.

Because the number of members is also limited, the upper limit is only 150, and it has already been filled.

Even if there is an opportunity to increase the quota, due to the "internal member recommendation system", it is equivalent to forming a kind of monopoly. If ordinary customers want to become beautiful, they can only fight for the precious ten quotas with thousands of troops. .

The customer system design of Zhenqi Beauty Shop is like a microcosm of this society, leaving very limited opportunities for ordinary people.

Although Lu Xiujing and Song Bin were very dissatisfied, they had no choice but to queue up and wait for the opportunity to come that day.

In addition, including them, the entire students of Hangcheng Foreign Languages ​​College have maintained an invisible tacit understanding, that is, they will never disclose the existence of the "Zhenqi Beauty Parlor" to the outside world. Whenever there are legends about "Beauty Masters" popping up there , they would subconsciously refute the rumors, saying that it was just a rumor, and they must not be deceived. They unified their caliber. Anyone who leaked the secret would be unanimously targeted by the entire school.

But "Seven Fairies" successfully signed a contract with an entertainment giant company, and the package signing fee was as high as 350 million. After this explosive news spread.

The students in the entire college couldn't sit still!

Everyone has become impetuous and no longer wants to wait slowly. Instead, they want to get the opportunity to change their destiny immediately, and they cannot wait for even a quarter of an hour.

Although they all know that the service efficiency of the beauty master is limited and can only meet the needs of dozens of people every day, and there is no way to handle hundreds of people at one time.

But they don't care!

They do not require immediate access to beauty services, but at least a promise and guarantee that the beauty master will promise to meet the needs of hundreds of them and guarantee that everyone will become beautiful.

Waiting for 1% uncertainty every day, they no longer accept it!

"Beauty master, give me a chance to realize my dream!" Lu Xiujing shouted from the crowd.

"If it doesn't work out, I'll tie up the beauty master! We'll have plastic surgery for a few years at most." Song Bin gritted his teeth and came up with a crazy idea.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Looking at the surging crowd outside the store, receptionist Guo Caiyan said with a pale face.

"Call the police, otherwise you won't even be able to get out."

Wei Ming shook his head. He had never expected the situation before him. He was caught off guard and shocked.

I even started to have doubts: Is it a good idea to use Xiaohei to enter the beauty industry?

five minutes later.

The police arrived at the scene, dispersed the crowd after shouting, and contacted the school to ask teachers to take away the students who did not want to leave.

Wei Ming asked Guo Caiyan to close the store and announced that it would suspend business today.

After hiding in the store for several hours to confirm that there were no suspicious persons, and standing guard near the store door, Wei Ming changed his clothes, put on a mask and a hat, and hurriedly left the store with his head lowered under the cover of two store clerks. .

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