There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 325 Death Marble Storm

The solution proposed by the genius girl is also related to a material technology breakthrough made by scientists last year.

Strong interaction materials.

Mainly composed of hadrons and quarks.

The surface density is extremely high.

A new material that is several levels stronger than the water drop crystal material.

Even in the face of particle impacts close to the speed of light, strong interaction materials will not be shaken by half, referred to as "strong materials".

Scientists found a way to synthesize it.

Of course, it was the powerful gravity created by Xiao Hei that was close to the critical point of the event horizon that allowed hadrons and quarks to be tightly combined and arranged together without any gaps.

The density of the material reaches an astonishing 10 to the 18th power of kilograms per cubic meter.

A glass ball the size of a glass ball weighs millions of tons - ten orders of magnitude more dense than a water droplet crystal.

The melting point is over one billion degrees.

Extremely hard.

As long as you give it a faster speed, you can be invincible!

Even entering the interior of a star with high temperature and pressure, no changes will occur.

The shells of starburst bombs made by god-level civilizations are most likely made of "powerful materials."

Since such powerful materials exist.

High-energy lasers, giant particle cannons, super-yield nuclear bombs, and even expensive antimatter bombs all appear to be large, useless, and ineffective.

If the surface of a water droplet crystal with a diameter of 1 cm is wrapped with a film of "strong material", "death marbles" with a mass of 100 tons can be made.

The attack process does not need to be too exaggerated.

Accelerate to 100,000 kilometers/second.

Depending on the level of the incoming threat, the injection density of marbles can range from ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or one million per second.

In addition, 100,000 spherical "space bumper balls" with a diameter of ten meters and a weight of one million tons are prepared. They carry their own power and have a maximum speed of 10,000 kilometers per second, but the collision momentum is terrifyingly powerful.

Finally, there are 10,000 spherical "marble mother ships" with a diameter of one kilometer and a weight of 100 billion tons. They have a billion-megawatt nuclear fusion reactor inside to provide energy and a maximum speed of 500 kilometers per second. As a missile The mother-of-pearl ship can not only launch a large number of small death marbles, but also carry ten powerful "space bumper balls". At the most critical moment on the battlefield, it can also launch a "mother ship charge" with a mass of hundreds of billions of tons. , have a head-to-head confrontation with the enemy.

Ten thousand "marble mother ships" are scattered on tens of thousands of gaseous planets to obtain nearly unlimited fuel supplies.

And besides firing "death marbles".

It can also launch a 100-kilogram nuclear bomb with a yield of 10,000 tons at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per second. It will explode as long as it hits the collision.

……Etc., etc.

A complete pinball striking system was designed.

Supplemented by conventional weapon systems such as star battleships, laser cannons, and high-energy particle cannons - if these forces cannot be defeated, they can also hide behind the gaseous planet and resist layer by layer.

The super blue star is located at the innermost side only 0.3 astronomical units away from the red dwarf. At 0.6, 1.1, 1.6, 2.1, 2.6, and 3.1 astronomical units outside, a total of five layers of defenses have been set up, laying out very tight "death marbles" Formation".

Unless the gaseous planets with a mass equivalent to 27.25 blue stars are completely destroyed, it is unlikely to penetrate the core area.

"A god-level civilization may not be able to break through the death marble defense formation."

Expert Chen Jian said: "We assume that the god-level civilization has mastered the force field shield technology and can superimpose the repulsion shield, electromagnetic shield, and electric field shield in front of the interstellar battleship. The surface of the battleship is made of 100% reflective materials. , physical strikes and energy attacks have no effect, and large-yield nuclear explosions can be easily withstood. "

"Theoretically, even if you maximize the energy at the atomic level, you will still face a one-sided massacre."

"However, in the face of death marbles wrapped in 'powerful materials', the fleet of a god-level civilization should not even think that this is a small trick."

"The repulsion shield can produce a great repulsive effect on protons and neutrons, but it cannot be compared with the strong force. There is a gap of hundreds of times between the atomic bonding force and the strong force. The repulsive shield cannot produce 'strong materials' obvious effect."

"Besides, strong materials are not charged or carry a magnetic field, and electromagnetic shields and electric field shields cannot prevent the penetration of strong materials."

"The most likely result is that the death marble passes through the repulsion shield at 0.33 times the speed of light, weakens it slightly, and then hits the alien battleship. If the surface is not very solid, the result will be a hole. Huge destructive force is generated inside; even if the surface is very strong, it cannot withstand multiple impacts.”

"If it doesn't work, once the distance is closed, let the space bumper ball launch a collision charge!"

"The marble mothership is the last means of attack. With a mass of 100 billion tons and a speed of 500 kilometers per second, this momentum can destroy even a super blue star. Let alone an alien god-level battleship, it is impossible to do this. The marble mothership survived the impact and was able to launch the next round of collisions after replenishing fuel. "

"Five layers of defense front, three types of marble attacks, large, medium and small, plus other defensive forces."

"I feel that even if a god-level civilization sends a powerful fleet of 100,000 ships, facing such a defense system, it is estimated that the entire army will be annihilated. It will be difficult to capture and destroy this galaxy, unless the god-level civilization becomes angry and does not hesitate to fight at any cost. Tens of thousands of star-blasting bombs were used to destroy tens of thousands of gaseous planets, disintegrate the defense system, and massacre our immigrants. "

"But whether this is cost-effective or not, it depends on the character of the high-level decision-makers of the god-level civilization, whether they are more rational or more emotional... If they are determined to destroy the Super Blue Star, can they do it? It's arrived."

"In the final analysis, our strategy is still a poison pill. It's poisonous if you swallow it, but you can still eat it while holding back the discomfort."

“It’s pretty good to have achieved this level.”

Expert Long Tianhao said: "The explosive development of our technology has only taken two to three hundred years in total. God-level civilization has probably developed for at least millions or tens of millions of years. We have nothing to compare with, but we have grown into A poison pill that made them feel uncomfortable. This is quite an achievement. In addition to the previous one, it swallowed up the entire Vega in eleven days... Our potential is definitely better than that of those who have the ability to mine white dwarfs and build buildings. The civilization of the Dyson Sphere is much larger.”

"If they choose to eliminate us at all costs, then they must consider the consequences: offending a new civilization whose development speed is rapidly approaching theirs, angering an opponent with great potential, whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages... They must have Think carefully and make careful decisions, knowing that we are a threat to their existence."

"That's right."

Wei Ming nodded: "Let's see if they gamble! Anyway, I'm already prepared. If I really choose to fight to the death, then I hope they come over, and maybe I can get some high-value seizures."


With Xiao Hei in hand, no matter what kind of god-level civilization or demon-level civilization, as long as they dare to face Gang, Wei Ming will be confident to take them away.

The master of this universe will never be the so-called god-level civilization.

Take the Milky Way as an example. Without the god-level civilization, everything is running normally; without the Sagittarius A black hole with a mass of 4 million times that of the sun in the center of the Milky Way, the Milky Way will immediately collapse.

And Wei Ming happens to have mastered the huge potential of a group of stars that may collapse the star system.

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