There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 338 Ten Thousand Fleet Plan

Macca civilization fell into madness.

Countless Maca fleets, starting from the outermost edge of the Andromeda Galaxy, attack in all directions, sweeping away other weak civilizations.

Hundreds of neutron war stars were launched as sacrificial 'instruments'. Every time they passed by, a shocking tragedy was caused, announcing the end of billions of intelligent beings.

The dark energy resources needed to transform into a Maca.

Even some rebel forces and disobedient forces within the Maca civilization sacrificed them all and no longer chose to tolerate it.

And if you feed war with war and kill them all along the way, even if you penetrate the universe, Macca civilization will not have the problem of scarcity of dark energy, but will get more and more.

After all, the efficiency of the "Soul Resonance Sacrifice Method" is indeed too high.

As long as the moral bottom line is lowered, the Macca civilization may conquer the universe.

The Andromeda Galaxy, which has more than 500 billion stars, will be completely owned by the Macca civilization in up to fifty years.

By then, the Maka civilization, which had obtained the resources of an entire star system, concentrated countless resources, took out a large amount of killer equipment from countless directions, and turned around to launch a crazy attack on the Milky Way.

With the power in Wei Ming's hands, how can he resist?

Although Xiao Hei can devour everything, there is only one in number. Even if he is too busy and exhausted, he cannot cope with all directions.

Therefore, after Wei Ming learned about Maka Civilization's plan, he immediately discussed it and looked for countermeasures.

Strategy meeting.

"The Maka civilization is in chaos and will not affect us."

Some experts said with disapproval: "Interstellar space is not land and ocean. No matter how large the territory it occupies and how wide the scope of its rule, it only controls a very small part of interstellar space. 99.99% is empty space. "

"Interstellar space is three-dimensional and huge. It cannot be blocked or isolated. It is actually a public space."

"So the entire Andromeda galaxy is ruled by the Maca civilization. Part of the planet's resources have been occupied, and the stars remain the same. If we want to recover them, we can clean up the Maca people on the surface of the planet and annihilate the fleets in space. It will easily be covered with our colors. , it will only destroy a few planets, and most of the resources will not disappear. "

"The Milky Way is our home. Facing a full-scale invasion in the future, we must prepare and resist. However, the diameter of the Milky Way is one hundred thousand light-years. No matter how much power we prepare, we cannot stop the invaders from entering. As long as we can defend ourselves nearby and protect our home, with the boss's ability, we can defend a radius of 1,000 light years. After a few years, when we have accumulated enough strength, we can launch a counterattack. Take back the resources that belong to us.”

The expert finished.

"Naive, so naive."

Science official Wei Qi shook his head vigorously and said: "The idea of ​​Maka civilization is not to occupy more resources. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all civilizations and opponents. As long as all opponents are eliminated, Maka civilization will be possessed without any suspense or controversy. everything."

"Extermination is the goal, occupation is definitely not!"

"The Maca people have a rich heritage and a lot of weapons at their disposal. They will definitely not use a more conventional occupation-style war, and the means of attack will be beyond expectations."

"For example, neutron battle stars, in addition to releasing gravitational fluctuations and strong magnetic storms, can also use some special methods, such as letting matter fall into the surface of neutron stars and releasing directional gamma ray bursts. As long as they hit the planet, they can be wiped out in an instant. Except for all life above.”

"What if there are a hundred or a thousand neutron battle stars, arranged in an orderly manner, launching a gamma ray burst attack at the same time, and the boss is not there? I am afraid that even a powerful fleet cannot withstand such an attack."

"Coupled with brainwashing methods such as strong magnetic storms and mental imprints, as well as other trump cards, unless there are ten thousand bosses around us, it will be difficult for us to withstand that crazy attack."

"Where did the Macca people get so many neutron battle stars?"

The expert immediately raised doubts: "Neutron stars are rare. It would be good to have dozens of them. How is it possible to have thousands of them in bulk?"

"The quantity is not enough, just find a way to produce a batch."

Wei Qi said: "The Maka civilization has mastered the neutron star control technology, and it has such a large territory and countless stellar resources. It can just find a few white dwarf stars and piece them together. As long as it is done properly, it can synthesize them one by one. Neutron stars, there is no need to worry about insufficient numbers.”

“In the end, when the Maka civilization wiped out all other civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy, the number of neutron battle stars expanded to more than 100,000, and there were 1 billion giant motherships, plus star explosion bombs, gravity torpedoes, and hundreds of The 'Super Dimensional Warrior' that traveled across light years will give you a fatal blow by surprise."

"In such a situation, even the boss must be careful to avoid being beheaded unless he stays in a water droplet spacecraft with strong defense every day... I think the Maka civilization will definitely adopt such a tactic."

"So we must not defend passively. The best defense is to attack, to strike first, to organize another huge interstellar fleet to confront the Macca fleet head-on, to keep the enemy out of the galaxy, or even to take the initiative to invade. Andromeda Galaxy, do everything possible to eliminate the vitality of Maca Civilization.”

"Assemble a fleet, compete head-on, and destroy your opponents... This is the only feasible strategy!"

"I do have an idea!"

At this time, Wei Mo said: "According to the information we collected from Macca experts, there are a total of 116,000 civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy; there are a total of 9,078 civilizations in the Milky Way...the total survival range, The total population and amount of resources should be similar to the Maca civilization. "

"Considering that with the little power we have, it is impossible to deal with the overwhelming force of the Maka civilization. We might as well launch an alliance and find a way to unite all the forces in the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy to form an 'anti-Katar' Alliance', then we will provide technical support to improve the technological level of all civilizations and break the shackles on them. In addition, we will send 100,000 super-light warships with the ability to open star gate jumps, divided into 10,000 small fleets, and rush to various places. A civilization with potential.”

"Let those small fleets issue a call to find ways to mobilize the war potential of other civilizations and enter a wartime state. Each of them will form a fleet, which will be commanded and controlled by our small fleet, and a large fleet of 10,000 will be launched! "

"Launch an all-out war to eliminate the tyranny of Macca civilization!"

"Although there are many gaps between us in terms of scientific and technological background, quality of star battleships and weapons, etc., as long as people can be pooled, resources can be pooled, and then technology and advantages can be shared, and all intellectual and material resources can be pooled, plus The invincible boss... we will definitely eliminate the tyranny of Maca civilization!"

Ten thousand fleet plan.

Recruit all potential allies.

Build a massive resistance alliance.

It is best to destroy the power of Maka civilization in a head-on war! Let peace be restored to the two galaxies and eliminate the shadow of tyranny that has shrouded it for millions of years.

"Ten thousand fleet plan?"

Wei Ming nodded: "This is a good idea. If we can really pull together so many teams, we can turn a small fleet of 10,000 into a huge fleet of 10,000, like a spark of fire turning into a prairie fire, and expand the strength by more than ten thousand times." , has completed the gathering of troops in advance, then the mere Maka civilization does not have to wait for them to attack, but to attack them preemptively! And let this force be strong enough to end the madness of the Maka civilization!"

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