There's a black hole inside me

Chapter 340 Return to the Mother Planet

On the 10th, the fleet set off.

Flying Cloud.

This is Wei Yunfei's ship and the command ship of the 7998th Squadron.

Bridge control room.

Wei Yunfei, wearing a silver commander's uniform, stood in front of the console, looking at the small fleet entering the interstellar highway in front of him, and then at the Violet Star not far away, thinking of the real and certain battle that was about to usher. Challenging and dangerous tasks.

Perhaps after leaving, it will be impossible to return and become a sacrificial martyr in the future.

He fell into deep thought.

"What's wrong? Are you reluctant to leave your family?"

A voice sounded next to him.

The science officer with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Li Tie, asked with concern: "I heard that you divorced your wife again, but you still love her very much, right? Although there are often some conflicts, I believe that she still loves her in her heart. She is worried about you."

"No, I no longer have any love for her."

Wei Yunfei shook his head: "It's all over this time. The only thing I'm worried about is the children. They are all young. The youngest has just entered college. Wei Sha is very willful. She only thinks about herself no matter what. Once I leave, they will You can only find a way to take care of yourself.”

"Children will eventually grow up and leave their parents. Your wife will still be with you for a long time in the future."

Li Tie said: "There is still a chance now. You can apply to let Wei Sha come on the ship together. She is also an excellent captain and can be your best partner. As long as you ask, she will definitely nod. "Don't you often say that she is a tsundere?"

"I told you, I'm done with her!"

Wei Yunfei looked at him and said emphatically: "Whether she is arrogant or proud, we will never be together again. I can't coddle her anymore. This is definitely the last time. Don't say more!"

"How can this be?"

Li Tie shook his head vigorously: "You have been divorced eight times and married eight times. No matter how big the conflicts or misunderstandings are, you will end up together. It is impossible for you to break up. It won't be long before you can get back together. This is the conclusion and consensus reached by everyone.”

"Then there will be no ninth marriage!"

Wei Yunfei resolutely vowed: "If I remarry her again, I will die a happy death without a burial place! This time... is really the last time! Even if I am with a man, I will not Think about Weisha again!”


Li Tie was startled and couldn't help but take two steps back, with panic and horror on his face.

Could it be... could the rumors be true?

The captain was interested in him and his sexual orientation had changed a little, so he was determined to break up with Wei Sha. There was no possibility of getting back together.

He also thought that out of the eight divorces between the captain and Wei Sha, three of them were because he, as a scientific officer, and the captain had too good a tacit understanding. Wei Sha was so jealous that she actually got divorced.

As a result, he, a scientific officer, has been nicknamed "the best scientific officer" and "the tacit understanding has led to his wife getting divorced three times."

Now that the captain is determined to make a clean break and there is no possibility of remarriage, Li Tie feels extremely nervous, which can be said to be tight.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Noticing the unspeakable expression on his face, Wei Yunfei glared with a straight face.

"No, it's nothing!"

Li Tie waved his hand quickly and did not forget to explain: "Captain, I have a wife. As long as the husband and wife can talk things through, there is no conflict that cannot be resolved."

"Okay, the passage is empty, sit back in your seat, we are about to set off."



Led by the 'Flying Cloud', ten Justice-class warships entered the fixed ring star gate one after another and left Taoyuan Star.

Ten minutes later.

Hundreds of light years away.

solar system.

The cradle of human civilization.

When I was 7 years old, I reluctantly left, but still retained some important and beautiful memories in my mind.

The 167-year-old Wei Yunfei is back again now, returning to the first hometown of all human beings.

A century and a half has passed.

Speaking of which, what changes have taken place in the solar system? How is it developing? Is it a big change? Are those friends from the past still there?

Wei Yunfei had a lot of questions in his heart, and suddenly felt the urge to find someone to talk to.

The fleet completed its deceleration.

Slowly anchored in a temporary space port.

At the same time, a document package on the changes in the solar system over more than a century and a half was also sent to each warship to facilitate understanding of all aspects of the home planet of human civilization.

One hundred and sixty years.

Tell me whether it will last long or not.

But it's not too short to say short.

The stability period of many ancient dynasties only lasted for more than a hundred years.

Coupled with the development of science and technology, productivity continues to improve.

On Blue Star's side, there have been tremendous changes.

The population has skyrocketed from more than 30 billion to more than 300 billion. The surface of Blue Star has long been full, and most of the population lives in hundreds of thousands of space cities.

In terms of technological level, to be honest, the progress is not very big, and most of the technical information is packaged and sent by Ecosphere, including quantum communications, fifth-generation artificial sun, artificial synthesis of water droplet crystals, various medical technologies, etc. Wait... The Ecosystem that left the solar system has become a major contributor to the advancement of science and technology in human civilization.

The level of artificial intelligence is also limited to Lv38. As long as it is improved online, viruses created by cyber terrorists may lead to rounds of "robot riots" and "Skynet crises", with the cumulative death toll exceeding 100 100 million.

If the "Glorious Empire", which uses different computer architectures, had not come to the rescue several times, human civilization might have been completely reduced to history in the riot of artificial intelligence.

You can only limit the level of intelligence afterwards, which is equivalent to adding a self-limiting lock, and you have no courage to let go of the restrictions, because there are always some groups within human civilization that always deny and destroy all human civilization.


Speaking of which, where did the "Glorious Empire" come from? Why is this vocabulary so unfamiliar?

The "Glorious Empire" on Mars is actually a new type of imperial country reorganized from the remaining Black Hole Group.

The empire currently has a total population of 10.5 billion.

The technology is more advanced than that of Blue Star, and it is very wealthy. The per capita GDP is ten times that of Blue Star.

What’s more, it implements a model of intensive cultivation for all and elites for all. A strict education system has been established since childhood, advocating “the principle of strength”. 99% of the citizens have undergone genetic optimization, and all those who fail are eliminated and returned to the Blue Star. Or be exiled to a remote space city and no longer enjoy most of the benefits of normal Imperial citizens.

A very unkind elimination.

Only the elite can thrive and have a high quality of life.

That is to implement national elitism and an orderly and differentiated society.

In addition, they have developed an arrogant culture similar to that of city dwellers. They look down on Blue Star in various ways, calling them "country bumpkins" and "unqualified". They have a very strong sense of superiority and like to belittle others and praise themselves.

Only some time ago, when the Black Hole Group's super-light fleets were transiting through the solar system one after another and recruiting a group of qualified crew members, the public opinion in the Radiant Empire became a little more modest, and they treated them very cordially, completely treating them as "one of their own" people", "own fleet".

Even the FTL fleet went to Blue Star to recruit people in large numbers, which aroused great opinions. They believed that priority must be given to recruiting people in the "Glorious Empire" instead of giving precious places to the poor people on Blue Star. Ghost redneck.

The problem is that there are ten thousand FTL fleets.

There is still a shortage of 9 billion people.

The total number of citizens of the Glorious Empire is only over 10 billion. Is it possible to achieve an astonishing recruitment ratio of 90%?

This is obviously impossible and unrealistic.

In addition to living a prosperous and comfortable life, the willingness to join the army is generally not high, and there are only more than 10 million applicants.

What about Blue Star?

But many people signed up enthusiastically.

There has even been a wave of "leaving home" and "retiring from gaming". Countless pale-faced stay-at-home men and virtual online game players walked out of their homes one after another and looked at the starry sky above their heads, which was covered by tall buildings. They suddenly had a collective awakening. As usual, I plan to make a name for myself in the real universe, prove myself with real materials, and no longer indulge in false data drugs, wasting my youth like falling into a black hole.

It’s a virtual game, so don’t play it!

It is better to participate in the war to eliminate Maca civilization and contribute to the peace of the galaxy.

This is something that has real meaning.

He Xinfan, male, a 38-year-old otaku and a professional gamer.

You can tell from his name what kind of people his parents are and what kind of family he grew up in.

His body is very thin, as if he could be knocked down by a gust of wind. He has the physical strength of Zhan Wuzha and the physical fitness of a fish, and he will be out of breath after walking a few dozen meters.

Only a pair of radiant eyes gives people the impression that this person is unique.


He Xinfan is very famous.

In the virtual online game "Universe", as a non-Krypton gold player, he built a huge fleet and defeated countless powerful and difficult opponents in battle after battle.

In the end, his territory grew larger and larger, and even in the battle between multiple overlords, he seized the opportunity to annihilate all the forces in one fell swoop and unify the entire server.

It caused a huge response and sensation.

Not only did she receive attention and admiration, she also gained both fame and fortune in reality, and even received welcome and active pursuit from a large number of beautiful members of the opposite sex.

That period of time was the most glorious moment in He Xinfan's life.

But back to reality, the life cycle of a popular virtual online game is only 8 to 10 years. In addition, in order to make money, there are fewer and fewer games that highlight fairness. They are just a playground for the rich and non-Kryptonians. The living situation is getting more and more difficult.

Several girlfriends I made online who often rented rooms in OX games left him one after another after discovering that the money he could provide was getting less and less.

The wonderful life with high gloss gradually becomes dim.

It took He Xinfan several years to adjust his mentality, but it is hard to get back to the glory. Unless he spends money to regain his krypton, no matter what kind of game he is playing, no matter how superb his gaming talents and skills are, how much time and energy he has spent. , they are only ranked in the middle and upper levels, and it is difficult to stand out.

If you force yourself to come forward, you will end up being hunted down to level zero and have to exit the server.

It's getting more and more boring, the fun of the game is gone, only torture and suffering.

At this time~

All major media in the solar system are frantically reporting that the super-light fleets dispatched by the Black Hole Group have returned one after another, preparing to recruit 9 billion crew members to start a huge intergalactic war that will determine the fate of everyone.

He Xinfan was immediately attracted.

When the 1st Squadron arrived, he couldn't wait to sign up, hoping to be selected and hoping that there wouldn't be too many competitors.

A full 30 billion people have signed up!

The acceptance rate is only three out of 100,000.

The best of the best were selected and eliminated at multiple levels. He Xinfan, who was stuck at the physical level, was naturally defeated without any suspense.

The 2nd Squadron also came soon, continued to sign up, but failed.

The 2000th Squadron came and continued to sign up, but failed.

The 7000th Squadron...lost.

Until this day.

The 7998th Squadron arrived in the solar system and began recruiting crew members.

But now the good seedlings and high-quality sailors have basically been recruited by the thousands of small fleets ahead.

The rest are all crooked melons and cracked dates.

There are actually not just one otaku like He Xinfan, but a large group of them, who have stamina, severe muscle atrophy, and no good results from short-term exercise.

They were all in the game and suffered countless beatings. After being taught how to behave countless times, they suddenly felt that playing games was meaningless. It was better to return to reality and do something valuable and meaningful.

The physical fitness test became the first hurdle in front of them.

Only then did I realize that the game is a reality in which the difficulty has been reduced hundreds of times, and the reality is a game in which the difficulty has been increased thousands of times.

There are many people shouting "Mom, I want to go home."

He Xinfan did not give up and continued to try.

Fortunately, Wei Yunfei, the commander of the 7998th Fleet, found out after investigation what the quality of the remaining applicants was. He would never be able to select good ones. He could only choose the tallest ones from the short ones and select some promising ones before proceeding. Nurture.

Therefore, the physical fitness test, which has a strong dissuading effect, was canceled and replaced with a game test.

In the highly simulated "Interstellar War" strategy online game, the applicants' command and coordination ability, observation ability, overall concept, spatial ability, psychological quality, luck, etc. are tested. Comprehensive tests in all aspects are conducted to ensure that they can truly It reflects the wisdom and potential of each applicant.

There are three rounds of testing: 100 million to 10 million, 10 million to 1 million, and 1 million to 90,000.

All competitions are determined by one battle, with the winner advancing and the loser eliminated.

If you lose the test due to poor performance or other reasons, the result will be elimination... After all, luck is also a part of strength.

The test match is over.

"Oh~ I advanced!"

He Xinfan clenched his fist and waved it excitedly. He won. Strength and luck were on his side. He successfully joined the 7998th Squadron with first place and became a glorious new officer. Warship crew.

"A game is a game after all. From now on, my destiny is in my own hands. What I will gain next depends on my own hard work. Maybe the universe is unfair, but I am willing to fight for this life. Get the most authentic things and get the most generous rewards! ”

"I will work hard to win!"

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