"No, what we propose is cooperation, equal cooperation, not allegiance. We will not be loyal to the elven civilization."

Wei Yunfei frowned and said: "Besides, we came here with sincerity, but your civilization treats us like this. This is not the way to treat guests. Can we remove the fleet to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings?"

"This is the highest etiquette of elf civilization. Only the most distinguished guests are qualified to receive such etiquette."

Serali said lightly: "And in the traditional culture of the elf civilization, the highest level of cooperation is to be loyal to the Supreme Queen. You don't have to have too many doubts. Such cooperation is also equal. As long as you respect Her Majesty the Queen enough, you will also receive sufficient attention and equality.”

"Ms. Serali, are you belittling our intelligence?"

Wei Yunfei rolled his eyes: "Before we came to contact the elven civilization, we studied the elven language and culture for more than two years. We learned most of the elven language and also understood your culture. We can't do it 100%. But in terms of etiquette, using warships to surround guests and aiming weapons is not the hospitality culture of elven civilization, but a malicious intention. "

"Ms. Sierra, please tell Her Majesty the Queen that we are here with sincerity and friendliness and hope to be treated friendly. Please withdraw your malicious intentions immediately. We can regard this as a misunderstanding, but it will not be an exception next time. Please release the In our eyes, recognition is an act and signal of friendly purposes.”

"You don't accept this way of greeting me, right?"

Serali had a straight face and said seriously: "The culture of the elf civilization is that whatever the guests think is the best reception, that is the best reception. The Supreme Queen agrees to receive you as the greatest kindness and respect. In order to protect your It is safe and provides such perfect security, but you actually think there is a malicious intention in it? "

"What an outrageous slander!"

She said in a stern tone: "Unless you all disembark collectively, apologize to the Supreme Queen in person, and beg for Her Majesty's forgiveness, otherwise the possibility of cooperation between the two civilizations will be completely lost, and the fault will all be yours!"

"Lady Serali!"

Wei Yunfei also said seriously: "If this is a friendly reception, then we choose not to receive it! We have agreed on a time and place, and each side will send a few representatives to hold consultations. Why cause unnecessary misunderstandings? ? Leading to a meaningless cultural conflict, how about we leave here now and find a remote and safe area to discuss cooperation? "

"Is this holy land of elven civilization a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

Serali crossed her hands and said with a cold face: "Do you want to embarrass the noble Supreme Queen? Since you are eager to cooperate, then follow our arrangements, stay here, disarm, and allow our elf warriors to board the ship , and then pledge allegiance to our Supreme Queen, this misunderstanding will be over, and we are willing to provide assistance to eliminate the Maca civilization, and your mission will be completed. "

"There is no need to worry. Since human civilization is so powerful and needs powerful allies like elven civilization, are several battleships reluctant to part with it? Or is it that you have no sincerity at all and just want to let the elven civilization charge forward for you? Use huge sacrifices in exchange for your human civilization to get the final fruits? "

"We have no intention of cooperating."

Wei Yunfei shook his head and said: "Cooperation is based on equality. Without this foundation, even if there are ten thousand reasons for cooperation, it is impossible to establish normal cooperation. We have no wishful thinking. If you force our allegiance from the beginning, ignore our thoughts and consciousness, and impose wishful thinking on us, then I'm sorry, but we will not accept it."

"Ms. Serali, forgive me for being a bit blunt, but you should be able to understand what I mean. Please respect our demands and wishes. We have come a long way and are not adapted to the customs of the elven civilization, let alone follow your requirements. We will only accept bilaterally negotiated solutions and will not accept unilateral coercion.”

Wei Yunfei opened the skylight and expressed his attitude straightforwardly.

"This is the territory of elven civilization!"

Serali was still tough and said with cold eyes: "I also said that for the safety and interests of the elf civilization, you can't come and leave whenever you want, or leave all your starships behind and then arrange for you to go A suitable place.”

"From now on, the best option you can accept is to be loyal to Her Majesty the Supreme Queen, join the elven civilization, and serve the elven civilization wholeheartedly from now on. Do you understand what I mean? Now that you are here, your destiny , it will be decided by the Supreme Queen.”

What she said was extremely straightforward. She only narrowly missed Mingwei Yunfei and the others, and they had already become prisoners of the elven civilization.

"Ms. Serali, I wonder where you get your courage and confidence?"

At this time, Science Officer Li Tie finally couldn't help it anymore and said to Serali: "You are on our ship now and you have no weapons on you. Why are you so high-profile and public, threatening us face to face? Yes?" What gives you so much confidence?"


Serali smiled, and suddenly, with lightning speed, she came to Wei Yunfei's side and locked his neck with a hook.

Then pinch with your elbow.

The palm of his hand pinched Wei Yunfei's chin, and the other hand suppressed his resistance.


"What are you doing?"

"Let go of the captain!"

Seeing the sudden change, everyone panicked, some pulled out their guns, and some warned!

"do not move!"

Serali stared at the surroundings and said: "I am the best female elf warrior. If you mess with anything, I will kill him! Stop resisting in vain, see the current situation clearly, and be loyal quickly. I will give you the last consideration. Time, if you remain stubborn, you will only become the lowest slave, watering the sacred tree every day and becoming a sacrificial offering... Don't miss the last...ah!"

Not finished yet!

Seralie felt a huge force coming from her, followed by a loud crash, her back made contact with the floor, and the sky was spinning in front of her eyes, and stars appeared.

"You are even more unreasonable than my divorced wife."

Wei Yunfei straightened his clothes, shook his head, and said to the guard on the side: "As a temporary prisoner, take her down. Remember not to abuse her at all!"


Several guards trotted over, controlled Serali and the two female elf guards, and took them to the detention room to sober up.

"How can it be?"

"Why are you so strong?"

"I am a high-level golden elf. The Tree of Life gives me great power. How can you break free from my control? In close combat, I can at least defeat all of you, right?"

Serali looked suspicious of life, and the self-esteem and pride of the golden fruit elf seemed to have been trampled down and smashed to pieces in an instant.

After all, she really couldn't understand how powerful humans could be if their genes were optimized to the extreme. At least they could easily suppress a golden elf like her.

"This is a shame, Captain!"

Li Tie walked to the side and asked: "The encirclement outside is still there. Should we break out by force or rush out?"

"Come out!"

Wei Yunfei said: "Open the protective shield with all your strength. There is no need to attack the opponent. Form a long snake and follow the Feiyun. Even if casualties to the opponent are inevitable, try to minimize the casualties."

"What if we get violently attacked?"

Weapons officer Song Wei asked: "In order to avoid damage, can we carry out a limited counterattack?"

"No need!"

Wei Yunfei waved his hand: "With the capabilities of the fourth-level civilization, they cannot cause us any damage, so there is no need to overestimate them."



The fleet was in the process of breaking through.

The ancient war tree giant ship of the elven civilization released countless fruit bombs, which were no less powerful than large-yield nuclear bombs, as well as high-energy beam attacks emitted by the giant laser eyes, and the fierce attacks of the parasitic starlight vines.

The firepower was very intensive and fierce.

Boom boom boom!

The momentum and scene are extremely spectacular and terrifying, forming beautiful space fireworks.

But for human civilization's "Justice League" class battleship, it was like scratching an itch, without causing any harm.

It can't break through the Justice League-level force field shield and can't cause even a little bit of damage.

Then there’s the “bumper car in space” scene.

The Feiyun's force field shield gently collided with an Ancient War Tree-class warship that was ten times its own size. It increased its thrust and began to wrestle. The Ancient War Tree on the opposite side fully opened its thrust, spraying out countless tree oil, Gas, as well as the plasma engine, an afterburner device that provides additional thrust, provide a huge thrust of trillions of tons in the blazing fire and flames, and the sound is extremely astonishing.

Moreover, the ancient war tree at the back resisted the ancient war tree in front, connected front to back, left to right, and spurted out huge flames at the same time.

It's like a bull-butting contest.

There is only one ship on Wei Yunfei's side, and N ships on the side of Elf Civilization, all of which are sending out huge force at the same time.

However, the power core on the Feiyun can provide hundreds of billions of tons of thrust at full power.

So a shocking scene appeared. During the bull-butting competition, the Feiyun actually had the upper hand and pushed dozens of ancient war trees back. In the end, the structure of the contact surface of the ancient war trees could not withstand the huge pressure. , cracked and collapsed, the central dragon bone was broken, split into two, and shattered like tiles.

Second ship.

The third ship.

About to crash through the pocket array.

"Intensify the attack!"

"Don't hold back, attack with all your strength!"

The elven civilization was furious and ordered a frantic attack. Countless fruit bombs swamped the fleet.

But after the dazzling fire light dissipated.

All ten warships disappeared.

It was not wiped out in a concentrated fire attack.

Instead, after breaking through the encirclement, he used extra force and ran ten light hours away, opening up a sufficient distance.

After this contact.

Wei Yunfei and the others can be said to have learned deeply about the arrogant, arrogant, self-righteous, and extremely self-centered characteristics of the elf civilization.

If the strength of the elven civilization was stronger and their justice level was weaker, I am afraid they would be left behind forever and face the fate of being driven like slaves in the future.

"How about we give the elven civilization a hard lesson, capture their supreme queen, and force them to surrender by force."

Some people have suggested that tough measures should be taken to promote cooperation.

"It's useless. Doing this will only make the elven civilization stand on the opposite side of us and become an unrelenting enemy. Not only will the mission of attracting allies be completely failed, but there will be one more enemy."

Wei Yunfei shook his head and said: "Let's try peaceful methods again. Although I don't know if the elf civilization will take soft things, but it will definitely not take hard things."

"Release Ms. Serali, and I will do some ideological work for her, and let her act as an intermediary to contact their Supreme Queen and have a good talk."

Seeing Serali again.

This female elf has obviously become much more honest, no longer as arrogant and arrogant as before.

He also agreed to help spread the word to eliminate this misunderstanding and re-establish mutual trust.

And this process lasted for another three months.

Because they had shown strong strength before, the attitude of the Elf Civilization was indeed much better. Even if they lost a few ancient war ships and suffered a few casualties, they would not go to the point of declaring war madly and fighting to the death.

And after Wei Yunfei repeatedly reasoned with him.

Explain the many benefits of alliance and the many disadvantages of non-alignment.

The elven civilization gradually recognized these views and expressed its agreement. The Supreme Queen replied:

"We can form an alliance of equals, send a fleet, and destroy the Macca civilization that is waging a war crazily."

"We have put past the previous misunderstandings and reached a reconciliation."

"Respect each other's cultural customs, and after full communication, we will not do anything that causes misunderstanding."

"However... in order to establish cooperation, we need to see sincerity and need you to agree to a small condition."

"What conditions?" Wei Yunfei asked.

"You, captain of the guard, as a representative, come to the Supreme Bright Sacred Tree in person to meet with the most noble queen to discuss cooperation matters and sign a contract... instead of going to a deserted place. Since you have come to the Elf Civilization, you must get If you show some respect to the Queen instead of asking the Queen to respect you, then you cannot explain it to all the subjects. Is this understandable?" Serali said on her behalf.

"Yes, I am willing to see the queen and discuss cooperation in person." Wei Yunfei nodded.


Li Tie on the side quickly reminded: "Be careful of fraud!"

"I know."

Wei Yunfei said: "If you want to complete the mission, you must take some risks. Don't worry, they don't dare to do anything to me. The threat of Maka civilization and the potential of human civilization are beyond their ability to challenge. If they don't want to go to a desperate situation and Destruction, they will not do anything willful."

"They might do it!"

Li Tie shook his head and said: "They don't talk about reason at all. They are just a group of arrogant women who can't listen to what we say. This time, if you take the bait, they will definitely try their best to get you. This is another obvious thing." The trap!”

"I know!"

Wei Yunfei said: "But even if it is a trap, I have to break through it, otherwise I will not be able to find a good breakthrough and it will be impossible to complete the mission."

"Besides, I have already agreed. There is no need to persuade me. If I fail and the Elf Queen orders me to be killed, you will be the new commander. The fleet will be under your command. Whether you want to avenge me or destroy the Elf civilization, it is up to you. Decide."


Despite the objections of almost everyone.

Wei Yunfei boarded the small patrol ship.

Following the female elf Serali and the two elf guards, after several days of flying, they entered the core area of ​​the elf civilization and saw a huge tree emitting white light - the Supreme Bright Holy Tree.

Under the protection of a large number of female elf warriors, they entered the golden temple and met the Supreme Queen.




Like an unattainable goddess.

This was Wei Yunfei's first impression of the Supreme Queen.

After seeing him, the queen on the throne suddenly stood up, walked down from the throne, walked up to him, and suddenly whispered seductively in his ear: "Am I beautiful?"


Wei Yunfei felt in a trance and nodded subconsciously: "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, no, goddess."

"Well, for the sake of my beauty, stay loyal to me forever and stay by my side forever."

"Uh... ok, no!"

Wei Yunfei shook his head vigorously and woke up immediately.

But looking at the supreme queen who was smiling in front of her as if she had a colorful halo around her.

And the surrounding female elf warriors with meaningful smiles on their lips.

He suddenly realized that a severe test was about to hit him!

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