Continue west.

The convoy picked up speed slightly.

On the official road passing by, Simon, Luo Anna and the others saw one convoy after another transporting grain.

After asking around, I found out that these convoys came from the large granary in the Magic Research City, which was full of white rice that had been shelled.

Luo Anna even asked the maid to buy a fifty-pound bag of rice at a very low price, and asked the chef to cook a pot and taste the rice.


Pretty good.

Soft, waxy, sweet and fragrant, it tastes much better than dry bread.

Luo Anna ate two big bowls in a row, which was no less than what her follower Simon ate. She couldn't help but blush slightly, feeling embarrassed in front of her younger brother - yes, in her eyes, Simon had already become his follower. Role.

The tall tower building in front is getting taller and taller.

It is less than a hundred miles away from the Magic Research City.

The road conditions on the ground have changed greatly. The main road has turned into a road paved with blue stones, called an "asphalt road". It is wide enough for eight carriages to sit side by side. It is extremely flat, stretches straight forward, and encounters mountains. Climb mountains, build bridges over water, and go all the way to your destination, the Magic Research City.

Occasionally, you can see huge metal mechanical vehicles driving at extremely fast speeds on the asphalt road, transporting supplies equivalent to hundreds of ordinary horned dragon carriages.

Luo Anna and others were so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.


Magic Research City has arrived.

What is in front of you is not tall city walls and castles, but a circle of clear green water, surrounding a green and golden city on a large hexagonal island.

Green is the green plants in the city ahead, mixed with colorful purples and reds, very beautiful, like a garden.

In gold, there are tower-shaped buildings.

Tower-shaped buildings with smooth and reflective surfaces more than 100 meters high are mainly residential buildings, numbering in the thousands.

The giant tower in the middle with a height of more than a thousand meters is the magic tower with a light beam emitting from the top, the core building of the Magic Research City.

And at this moment.

Luo Anna completely threw away the contempt in her heart. The contempt and disdain on her face had long since disappeared, leaving only solemnity.

Although she comes from a magical family, she is not a fool.

The strength of this magic research city was clearly displayed in front of her.

Huge steel machinery.

Huge granary.

A tall magic tower.

The golden rice fields stretch as far as the eye can see.


What was presented to her was something far beyond her common sense and cognition, which forced her to restrain her contempt and create a feeling of incomprehension.

I also thought about the millions of gold coins that I could easily take out.

Countless white grains of food are given to others for free.

It was all beyond her comprehension, and she was in awe.

So after entering the Magic Research City.

I applied for a personal identity card and registered as a junior fire magician and a student in the advanced research class of the Black Hole Magic School.

She sent hundreds of volumes of magic books that had been passed down by her family for thousands of years to the library and received 10,000 contribution points. It was said that these points could be exchanged for many high-value items, so she had to use them sparingly.

Moved into a luxuriously decorated apartment.

Tasted the best food.

Even going to the toilet is a convenience that I have never experienced in my life.

God's place.

It is the place where God lives.

It's countless times better than the family's conditions.

The sense of superiority in her heart was completely destroyed, and she was only endlessly grateful to be here.

the other side.

Simon, who successfully joined the Magic Research City and became a student in the junior magic research class, knew that he was in the right place. He came to a place that was much better than the paradise in his dreams.


In the virtual world library, he found hundreds of books on water magic, all of which can be viewed for free. According to their signatures, there are many complete notes left by some well-known forbidden magicians.

But you can download and browse it for free here.

I could watch it for three days and three nights without any sleep or food, and no one would disturb me.

However, in just two weeks, after reading several notes and books written by well-known great magicians, Simon felt that he had made great progress, and his understanding of water magic had risen to more than two levels.

However, in the public discussion room of the virtual library, there was a person who had just been promoted to an official magician. He openly declared: It is useless to watch those classical magicians, and it will not help you much. The only way is to watch the black hole scientists' association. Only after reading "Microscopic Principles of Magic" did I truly understand the essence of magic, which brought about great improvement like an enlightenment.

If you practice the right medicine, your meditation efficiency can be increased by ten times even without the help of external objects. If you meet all the conditions for optimal cultivation, it is not impossible to increase your meditation efficiency by twenty, thirty, or fifty times. .

All this nonsense.

Simon was stunned when he heard it, with a look of disbelief on his face. The questioning voices in the discussion room were overwhelming, and few people expressed belief.

"The 'new origin cultivation method' invented by scientists can increase meditation efficiency more than ten times?"

"How can this be?"

"The traditional magic cultivation methods that have been passed down for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years are not as good as the new cultivation methods developed by a group of so-called 'scientists' who have no magic at all. Who wants to believe this?"

"But what if it's true that it's more than ten times? Even if the improvement is not more than ten times, as long as it's three or five times, why not try the new practice method?"

Thinking of this~

Simon abandoned his doubts and denials, and downloaded a book called "Microscopic Principles of Magic" from the virtual library and read it carefully.

But he only read a few pages.

He was shocked.

Easy to understand.

From the simple to the complex!

Strict logic.

Sufficient evidence.

Finally, he deeply recognized it.

After reading the whole book.

I had to sigh: "So, this is the truth of magic, and the truth is so simple."

According to the truth and scientific laws, he took two drugs to calm his mind. On that day, Simon's meditation efficiency really increased by five times. One day was equivalent to five days. It was really surprising.

However, the scientists who wrote the book "Microscopic Principles of Magic" said: So far, we have cracked less than 5% of magic, and can only deduce the advanced rules of the great magician level. If we want to understand the ultimate secrets of magic, we still have a lot of work to do. We have only taken the first step on the road to truth.

These words made Simon smile bitterly.

Is this the humility of scientists?

When all the principles of magic are cracked, as long as we follow the rules, won't everyone have the possibility of becoming a magic saint or a magic god, and can reach the end of magic?

Shaked his head.

That's too scary and exaggerated, and of course it's exciting and yearning.


This day.

A specialty restaurant on the 84th floor of the Magic Tower.

Simon came to see Roanna.

In fact, Simon has been very busy these days. He wants to seize every available time to absorb knowledge related to magic like a sponge, and adopt a new meditation method to enter an efficient state of practice.

And if this trend continues, in about two years, he will have a good chance of becoming a formal magician, releasing the lethal level 3 water magic "Water Sword", and becoming a truly capable and valuable magician.

He calculated every minute and every second carefully and didn't want to waste it.

But Miss Roanna got his contact number, and today she contacted him specifically to invite him to dinner.

Simon had the idea of ​​​​rejecting it, but after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed to the appointment.

The reason is simple. He is just a commoner and dare not offend such a noble lady from a big magic family, let alone the qualifications and capital.

He had to take out half a day to meet Miss Roanna.

In a quiet single room in the restaurant.

A fashionable Roanna was already sitting there waiting.

"Dear Miss Roanna, it's an honor to see you again." Simon put his hand on his chest and gave a gentleman's salute.

"No need to go through this cumbersome etiquette. Everyone is equal in the Magic Research City."

Roanna shook her head and handed him a menu: "Order whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you."

"Thank you!"

Simon took the menu and ordered the cheapest set meal worth 88 contribution points. He didn't dare to order it casually.

In fact, food, clothing, housing and transportation in the Magic Research City are basically all free.

The school has a free cafeteria. You can order as much fish and meat as you want, and you can add as much soup as you want. Two clothing coupons are issued every month, and you can customize clothes of suitable styles. The city's unmanned electric cars around the city will stop as soon as you wave your hand. There are also a large number of leisure and entertainment facilities, which are extremely convenient.

Only in this tall magic tower, you need to pay contribution points for all kinds of high-end consumption.

You can buy the most gorgeous dresses, the top services, and the most high-end cuisine. Every product is absolutely high-end.

The contribution point balance on Simon's personal ID card is 0, so he has never entered the magic tower to consume. Today is the first time he has seen the world.

As for how to obtain contribution points, there is no doubt that only those who have made contributions to the Magic Research City can be rewarded with contribution points, and the value of contribution points is very high, and the items that can be exchanged are also diverse and varied.

Even a pure gold coin can be exchanged for one contribution point.

In other words, the meal that Miss Roanna invited him to eat was worth at least 88 gold coins, which was his income for nearly five years, which was simply astonishing.

But after the meal was served on the table and he tasted the very unique and unparalleled taste.

Simon felt that the 88 contribution points were worth it, and he left a delicious memory that he would never forget in his life.

"Thank you very much for Miss Roanna's invitation. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely invite Miss Roanna back."

When he was almost done eating, Simon patted his belly to express his gratitude.

"No need. I'm inviting you to dinner because I have something to discuss with you." Luo Anna said. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her hand, and she took out a stack of A4 papers bound together and handed it to him, saying, "This is the plan I wrote. Take a look at the contents." "Space ring?" Simon was surprised at first and couldn't help asking, "Miss Luo Anna, can you tell me, did you buy this space ring with contribution points, or how did you get it?" "It's just a ring with a capacity of only 1 cubic meter given by the academy. The top 100 best magic graduate students can get it."

Luo Anna raised her chin slightly and said in a light tone, completely unable to hide her pretentiousness: "You should read the plan first. This plan is more important to us."


Simon said with a respectful look.

Then start immersing yourself in reading the contents of the plan.

He read very quickly, and he finished it in just ten minutes.

Looking up at Luo Anna opposite, she said: "Miss Luo Anna, you said you wanted to set up a 'club' to recruit a group of potential students to join, share resources, and make progress together. After you get the qualifications to take risks in the future, you can take over Get the desired contribution points from the tasks issued by some colleges?”

"That's right."

Luo Anna nodded: "I have already thought of the name of the club. It will be called the 'Fire Emblem' Club. We will try to attract twenty students to join the club within one year and become a more popular and cohesive student organization."

"But isn't it a little too soon?"

Simon said helplessly: "The magic school has just been established less than two months ago. Currently, there are less than a thousand formal students. There are not even enough teachers to attend classes. Most of the students are usually busy studying and practicing. I'm afraid they won't be able to get the results." Spend too much time participating in so-called club activities.”

"I know."

Luo Anna said: "Because there are not many students now, we have to take precautions and prepare in advance, and it is not too early to prepare now. I heard a teacher said that according to the current trend, and the college's free admission, With the "teach without distinction" style, in about one year, the number of students in the school will exceed 10,000. "

"In three years, the number of students will exceed 100,000."

"Ten years from now, the number of students at the school may exceed one million, making it a huge magic city and a holy place for magic learners."

"If we prepare a day earlier, we will have more advantages in the future, our influence will be greater, and we will gain a lot more benefits."

"So I hope you can become my right-hand man and lay a foundation for the current society, the future powerful guild and even the well-known team of magicians, and create our own legend and glory."

After listening to Luo Anna's confident declaration.

Simon looked at her in great surprise and stared into her eyes for a long time.


Or ambition, arrogant fantasies, admirable insight and courage, etc.

The eldest lady of the magic family seems to really want to do something big, and even treats a small person like him to win over her.

And establishing such a society can indeed bring a lot of benefits, especially in the magical world where the strong are respected. Having more people can avoid being bullied, and having more people equals the strength not to offend.

In addition, the combination of different legal systems and the grouping and cooperation of many different magicians can exert a combat effectiveness of 1+1 that is far greater than 1.

They can also share their cultivation experiences, exchange resources, promote mutual improvement, etc.

The benefits are more than just a little bit.

It is definitely much better than fighting alone.

Think of this.

Simon nodded and said: "Okay, Miss Luo Anna, I have joined this club! I will help recruit some members to make it grow and develop."

"Thank you, Simon. With your help, I feel much more confident."

Luo Anna looked at him happily, her eyes were as gentle as water, and said: "Besides, since we are in the same club, you don't need to call me Miss Luo Anna anymore. Just call me Anna from now on."

"Yes, Miss Anna."

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