Through bank transfer, one million was transferred.

Wei Ming drove back to Hefeng Community.

After meeting Ling Chao today, on the way back, Wei Ming began to think: What should he do next?

He is quite satisfied with the current situation. He earns millions of dollars every day, and it is not very hard. He can get it done by working five or six hours a day.

He has a lot of personal time.

He has also made his first pot of gold.

He can definitely consider starting a new plan.

Which industries are better for Wei Ming to enter?

He can definitely make more money.

He can have better development prospects and space.

After just a little thought, Wei Ming had the answer in his mind.


It is undoubtedly the field of technology!

Especially the field of technology related to chips, which has been a hot spot for investment in the past two years and a new outlet that the country has vigorously supported. In recent years, it has attracted trillions of funds.

And because chips are technology-intensive, capital-intensive, and talent-intensive industries, short-term policy stimulus cannot produce results at all. It is necessary to persist for a long time, get rid of impetuousness, and tolerate failure to achieve certain results.

This can be seen from the fact that the state has given a "ten-year tax exemption" policy to chip-related industries. This is a difficult and protracted battle.

Thinking of "ten-year tax exemption", Wei Ming's eyes lit up slightly.

What does it mean to not pay taxes?

Based on the 25% corporate income tax, if your company earns 100 yuan, 25 yuan of it must be paid, and 75 yuan will be received.

Now that corporate income tax is exempted, if the profit is 100 yuan, the profit is 100 yuan, which is one-third more than the profit of 75 yuan.

In addition, for newly established small and medium-sized chip-related companies, after they make profits, they will be tax-free for two years and halved for three years... This means that during the unprofitable period (whether five or ten years), no tax will be paid, helping companies to overcome the difficult technical breakthrough period.

Among the chip-related industries, the one with the highest technical content, the greatest difficulty and the highest profit is undoubtedly the lithography machine.

Without advanced lithography machines, there will be no high-performance chips.

Only by conquering high-end lithography machine technology can high-end chips be produced.

"It is said that the price of an EUV lithography machine produced by Holland ASMI is as high as 120 million yuan, which is equivalent to 800 million yuan."

"But due to the export ban, Chinese companies can't buy it even if the price is increased to 1 billion or 2 billion, let alone 800 million yuan. Unless we make a breakthrough and break the technological blockade, they will immediately lift the ban and reduce the price significantly."

"If I use Xiao Hei to find a way to manufacture an EUV lithography machine, I should be able to sell it for 1 billion yuan, right?"

"The manufacturing cost of a lithography machine is estimated to be It takes about 200 million, so the difference of 800 million is my profit. "" Because of tax exemption, all 800 million are settled in the bag, and you don't have to take out 2000 million again and pay the national litter to pay taxes. By the net profit of 80 billion yuan. "" Of course, because of the reasons for market competition, it is impossible to make 800 million yuan per unit, but it sells a hundred units and earns 50 billion yuan. Patients make 5 million every day, how many years can they earn 50 billion yuan? Science and technology will always be the first productive forces. There is no doubt about this!

It's done!

The next project is to make high-end lithography machines, and use Xiao Hei's high-precision processing capabilities to take down this technological mountain.

But the idea is there.

But Wei Ming alone cannot make a lithography machine.

He needs to recruit a team of talents.

He needs to rent a factory and purchase a large number of related equipment.

And prepare a large amount of money to maintain various expenses and operations.

Wei Ming is not sure how much it will cost to start a lithography machine manufacturing company from scratch and enable this company to have the ability to produce high-end lithography machines, but one thing is certain:

50 million is definitely not enough!

At least several hundred million is needed to build the basic framework.

"It is said that in order to conquer EUV lithography machines, ASML has spent at least hundreds of millions on research and development. I can't use so much money, but I must invest 300 to 500 million, otherwise the threshold of this industry is too low."

What should I do if I encounter funding problems?

Wei Ming's mind suddenly popped up the figures of rich women such as Sister Fan and Sister Yu.

Their net worth is generally over 500 million or 1 billion, so it is just a matter of a word to ask them to borrow tens of millions.

As long as there are ten rich women to help, the funding problem that Wei Ming is worried about will not be a problem at all.

Thinking of this, Wei Ming immediately shook his head and said like a mantra:

"Rely on yourself, you must rely on your own efforts, and you can't rely on others."

"Otherwise, we can ignore the funding problem for the time being, start the company, recruit the technical team, and build the most basic framework. Until the money is spent and funds are stretched, and the funding problem must be solved, we will then think of ways to solve it. Late."

"This is called taking one step, watching one step, and crossing the river by feeling for the stones."


In a rental house.

Wei Ming wrote a detailed plan on the computer. He was both excited and extremely excited. It could be said that he was eager to try and full of enthusiasm.

"The mission of breaking the blockade of foreign high-end lithography machines may be accomplished by my hands."

"I will spend a month first to recruit a qualified technical team and solve the talent problem first."

"It will take another two months to purchase various equipment and build a workshop for the production, assembly and testing of photolithography machines."

"In the end, it took about nine months to try every means to see if we could produce the first EUV lithography machine within a year."

"Although others have heard that building an EUV lithography machine within one year is simply a fantasy and sensationalizing. It is impossible in five or ten years! But I think I should be able to do it."

"Because, I have Xiao Hei."

Wei Ming murmured to himself, a small black dot suspended in front of him, absorbing the surrounding air.

At this time.

The sound of Didi came.

Someone sent a Penguin message.

"Ming, tomorrow is Sunday. If you have time, can we come out to have a meal together? I'm treating you this time."

Su Tao sent it. She wanted to treat Wei Ming to a meal.

"I'm not free tomorrow. I've been busy lately." Wei Ming said.

"Didn't you say you are free every Sunday? Why are you so busy again? Ming, what's going on with you? You've been so cold to me recently. I invited you to dinner several times and you said you're not free. Are you? Are you looking for excuses to offend me? We are friends after all, why are you treating me like this?"

Going crazy!

Su Tao, who had been holding it in for a long time, finally vented her dissatisfaction. It was really hard for her to accept that Lu Ming, who had always responded to her requests and agreed to help when asked, actually treated her with this attitude, which made it difficult for her to adapt and accept.

She had to ask for a reason.

There will be another update later, please vote for me

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