There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 109: Wife's business is my own business


   Qin Ren threw it heavily on the ground and screamed. After he got up, he spat out seven or eight **** teeth.

"Are you OK?"

   Liu Ruqing came over and knelt down to help Liu Feifei who was sitting on the ground!

   Seeing Liu Ruqing and Lin Nan, Liu Feifei cried with joy, as if she had caught the straw!

   "It's you! Save me, save me! I don't want to sleep with someone..."

   Liu Feifei said, shrinking behind Liu Ruqing, and gave Qin Ren a fearful look!

   Obviously, Qin Ren caused a great psychological shadow on her!

   "Well, what happened to you can be said to be caused by us, and we won't ignore you!" Liu Ruqing nodded.

   Lin Nan didn't say anything, everything was silent!

  Since Liu Ruqing said that he would not care, of course he would not care. His wife’s business is his own business, even if the heavenly king comes, he will take care of it!

   "Who is this person?"

   "Even the Qin family dare to fight!"

   Lin Nan's sudden shot, the people in the hotel lobby are also interested, watching the excitement is not too big!

   Qin Ren glared at Lin Nan and said, "You two dare to take care of the Qin family's affairs. Are you impatient? Do you know where this is? This is Yanjing!"

   "Go away! You will become like Qin Ziming again when you appear in front of me!" Lin Nan looked at Qin Ren coldly.

   Qin Ren was taken aback, and Qin Ziming was lying on the hospital bed in his mind. He had seen it several times, it was like a puddle of mud, not having a bone in his whole body is good, so life is better than death!


   Thinking of this, Qin Ren took a breath.

   " dare!"

   "Don't dare? Ha ha, do you think how did Qin Ziming become that look?"

   Lin Nan looked at Qin Ren funny.


   Qin Ren took a breath again, took a dozen steps back, looked at Lin Nan in horror, his teeth were shaking!

   "You, you, you... did you do it?"

   "What's the matter? Why are they all gathered at the door?"

   Suddenly, outside the door of the hotel, there was a heavy voice, a man in a tunic suit walked in.

   Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted to the past!

   After Qin Ren saw this person, his eyes lit up, and he was not afraid anymore. He arched his waist and rushed over like a small shrimp!

   "San Ye! You have to call the shots for me!"

   "San Ye? Who is this person? There seems to be something, very powerful, with the spirit of a superior person, is it a hegemon in the capital?"

   In the lobby, a few people watching the excitement were taken aback.

   "You don't even know Sanye? It's the first time to come to Yanjing!"

   asked a man strangely.

   The few people nodded.

   "San Ye's great name Liu San! Most people respectfully call San Ye when they see him! But he is not a hegemon, nor a rich man, but a slave to Mr. Zhang!"

   "Domestic slaves dare to call the Lord!"

"Hey, otherwise? Who do you think Elder Zhang is? As the descendant of Lord Lin, the influence of the Zhang family in Yanjing is deeply ingrained and belongs to a century-old family! Elder Zhang’s domestic slave has been passed down for three generations. His status is honorable! Who would dare to treat him as a domestic slave?"

   "Even if the ordinary rich man meets him, he must respectfully call Sanye! Don't believe me!"

   The man's time to speak, he saw seven or eight Yanjing local wealthy men, and he leaned forward with a smile on his face, and the three masters kept shouting!

   Liu San just nodded slightly, the amplitude of the nod is almost invisible!

   But those wealthy men smiled openly, as if they had received great honors!

   Qin Ren took advantage of the efforts of a few rich men to say hello to Lin Nan's affairs, adding to the jealousy, and crying with a face, asking Liu San to call him the shots!

   Liu San's gaze shifted and fell on Lin Nan's body. Suddenly he quickened his pace, walked down the steps, and looked up at Lin Nan with a smile on his face!

   "Are you Mr. Lin Nanlin?" Liu San smiled.

"I am!"

   Liu San's smile grew stronger, and he said, "I came here on the order of the old man to see if you have any needs, for fear that the people here will not be able to greet you well!"

   "The old man said that you are his lifesaver. No matter what Mr. Lin you ask for, we will definitely meet! The old man is dealing with some housework tonight, so there is no way to come in person. Tomorrow morning, the old man must come and thank you personally!"

   Lin Nan knew that this Liu San should have been sent by Zhang Fuzhi not long ago!

   As for the other party knows his name, it is not surprising, because Liu Ruqing has called his name!


   Qin Ren was stunned. Lin Nan is the savior of the old man of the Zhang family, and Mr. Zhang will come to thank him in person tomorrow morning?

   My God, what kind of character did I provoke?

  Don't say it's yourself, even the entire Qin family can't provoke the old man of Zhang family!

   That is the true overlord of Yanjing, just a word, you can wipe out the Qin family!

  At this moment, Qin Ren was so scared that he ascended to heaven, and sat down on the ground like a concubine!

   The other rich and powerful men present were even more shocked, looking at Lin Nan!

   This young man in his early twenties turned out to be Zhang’s savior?

   "Lin Nan...come here...come here..." Liu Ruqing beckoned to Lin Nan.

   Lin Nan took away the coldness on his face, and instantly turned into a smile on his face, and walked towards Liu Ruqing.

  In front of Liu Ruqing, Lin Nan’s sunny smile on his face was so brilliant that it seemed to be able to melt away the ice and snow forever!

   Seeing Lin Nan ignored him, Liu San didn't get angry, just stood there, waiting quietly!

   Liu Ruqing whispered a few words.

   Lin Nan nodded slightly before returning to Liu Sandao: "This Liu Feifei is a poor woman! If Mr. Zhang is interested, please help her become a free man!"

   Although Lin Nan can also help Liu Feifei, he can save a lot of trouble, and Lin Nan is also happy!

   "It's a trivial matter, I'll just go and say hello to the Qin Patriarch!" Liu San smiled.

   "Mr. Lin, do you have any more requests?"


   "Manager Ouyang!"

   Liu San shouted.

   I don’t know from which corner, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes jumped out, nodding his head and bowing his waist, "San Ye, please give me an order!"

   "Give them to Mr. Lin and replace them with the presidential suite! All treatments are provided in accordance with the old man's specifications. If there is any improper hospitality, you are the only one to ask!" Liu San said solemnly.

   "San Ye! Don't worry!"

   After the manager Ouyang answered, he took Lin Nan and others to the presidential suite.

   Liu San turned his head and came to Qin Ren's side, knelt down and patted Qin Ren's face lightly.

   Qin Ren finally came back to his senses, after seeing Liu San in front of him, his teeth were shaking!


   "Have you heard what I said just now?"

"heard it……"

   "Just hear it, go back and tell the Qin Patriarch of the things here, that Liu Feifei, you won't bother with her anymore!"

? ? Good morning, little cuties~~~More Xing to send~~^_^



(End of this chapter)

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