There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 115: I have a Dan, but I can live forever! (Third, I ask for a recommendation ticket)

   "He is Jiangbei's bald strong?"

   Shen Qingwen was taken aback, and after frowning, she stopped talking!

   Jiangbei's shaved head is strong, she has heard of all the people in Jinling City, rape, rape, and do everything!

   "Brother Qiang, it seems that these buns still dare not provoke you!" In the arms of bald-headed Qiang, a charming woman smiled.


   a bald smile with a strong face.

   "I have never met someone who is scared! I have lived for so long, and the only thing I admire is our master Qin in Jiangbei! With these buns, I don't even deserve to carry shoes!"

  The time to speak, his sneaky eyes kept scanning Liu Ruqing's body, staying in some private places of women, and even stretched out a hand and rubbed it in his own compartment!


   Liu Ruqing also noticed the strong bald eyes and movements, and a nausea came!

   Lin Nan's face sank.

   is this action, which brought disaster to the bald head!


   There was a crisp sound, without warning!


   bald screamed, the woman in his arms looked at people in horror, he flew upside down, like a dead dog, lying on the ground, wailing!

   "Broken, broken-my hand is broken!"

   The bald head couldn't help screaming, his whole body was trembling, his face became extremely pale, and the cold sweat on his forehead poured out wildly.

   The arm he just rubbed across was twisted in an extremely terrifying arc, and it seemed to be destroyed!

   The heart-piercing wailing of the bald head attracted the attention of everyone in the hall, and they all looked over!

   "Your eyes, where they shouldn't be seen, waste your eyes!" Lin Nan said coldly.

   As soon as the voice fell, Lin Nan threw the tea cup on the table out, exploded in the air with a bang, and then the fragments of the tea cup pierced into the bald eyes!



   bald head made a strong cry, broken porcelain pieces inserted in his eyes, and his eyes were pierced alive. It is impossible to see a woman in this life!


  The rich and powerful men present took a breath of air and looked at Lin Nan in shock!

   "This is a ruthless man!"

   However, after a brief commotion, the venue returned to calm, the bald head was lifted down, and no one mentioned it again!

   are all people who have seen the world before, and they don’t even blink their murderous eyes, let alone watch the bald-headed Qiang lose his eyes!

   There are only a few rich people in Jiangbei, frowning!

   Although Bald Qiang is unbearable, he is a dog raised by Master Qin. As the saying goes, he beats a dog to see his owner. Now Bald Qiang is abolished, I am afraid that he will not be peaceful tonight!

   After Lin Nan sat back, Yang Huaian and Shen Qingwen looked at Lin Nan in amazement, Qin Ruhai's face turned pale!

   Lin Nan’s method, he has seen it before, the silver flame burns, and even the human soul is annihilated!

   Bald Qiang didn’t die, he just abolished his eyes and broke a hand, he was lucky enough!

   Qin Ruhai will always remember that night of the full moon, Lin Nan is like a ghost!

   Thinking of this, Qin Ruhai looked at Lin Nan with more respect!


   Drunk Jiangnan’s presidential suite.

   "Master Qin, that person is here! According to your request, Bald Qiang tried it out, but he paid a heavy price and was abolished with one hand and one pair of eyes!"

   A middle-aged man walked over and whispered.

   Qin Yun looked calm, and said: "Bring a bald head and come over, I will help him restore his eyes!"

   "What? Can this be restored?"

   The middle-aged man was taken aback.

   He has seen a strong bald head. The broken arm is twisted in an extremely strange arc, the internal bones are all broken, and the eyes of both eyes burst!

   Unless it is a change of eyes, it is impossible to recover!

   "How can you know my method? Bring him up!" Qin Yun said proudly.

   Not long after, the head Qiang was brought over, his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, his painful brain was dizzy, and he knelt at Qin Yun's feet with the support of his hands!

   "Master Qin, please save me..."

   Qin Yun didn't say much, he raised his hand and punched a spirit energy into the strong bald arm!


   The bald head made a scream, the bones of the arm crackled, and then exploded with a bang, turning into a pool of blood!

   "Damn it!"

   Qin Yun cursed angrily. There was an aura in the strong bald arm. Once he tried to repair the strong bald arm, this aura would explode!

   Looking at the bald-headed eyes again, the blood flowed in his eyes, and there was also a light blue aura wandering. If he acted rashly, the bald-headed head would explode!

   "Bald head is strong, you are not saved!" Qin Yun gently shook his head.

   "Don't-don't! Master Qin, help me!"

   Bald Qiang trembled all over, and rushed towards Qin Yun.


   Qin Yun snorted coldly, and when he raised his hand, he directly shot the bald head to death.

   Seeing this scene, everyone in the presidential suite was chilled!


  At this moment, in the lobby of Zui Jiangnan, the auction has begun!

   "Ten bottles of Shenquan water, starting price of one million!"

   Under the bright lights, the host stood on the stage and pointed to a small tray. Each of the glass bottles on it was filled with 80% sacred spring water!

The effect of   shen spring water has long been heard by the rich people present!

   Even, some people have already used Shenquan water through other channels!

   For the billionaires and billionaires, one hundred thousand bottles is really nothing. Sometimes they spend millions in one day!

   A bottle of sacred spring water can keep youthful and glowing, who is not tempted?

   As soon as the host's voice fell, the rich people present rushed into a frenzy, among which women were far more crazy than men!


   "Two million--!"

   "Two million three hundred thousand--"

   A total of 30 groups, 300 bottles of Shenquan water were auctioned, Shen Qingwen did not even withstand the temptation, spent 4 million high price, bought a group of ten bottles!

   Looking at Yang Huaian's darkened face, Liu Ruqing secretly laughed!

   Lin Nan said long ago, this kind of sacred spring water, Lin Nan can provide as much as she wants, and even take a bath!

   Liu Ruqing thought, since Lin Nan said so, when I go back tonight, I must ask him for a big bucket of **** spring water!

   "Okay, let's auction the life-renewing pill below. This pill is made by Master Qin in Jiangbei. An ordinary mortal can live for another 30 years!"

   "The starting price is one pill and one hundred million, please bid!"

   As soon as the host’s voice landed, there was a commotion at the scene, and it was completely boiling!


There are more than a dozen rich people with gray hair and age spots on their faces. They are exhausted and dry. He has a look of excitement, panting for a price, but finds that he can't even speak his words. !

  Because the secretary had already been confessed, the people around me did not hesitate to raise a sign and bid!

   "110 million!"

   "120 million--!"

   "One hundred and fifty million——!!!"

  Lin Nan's memories are sketched out looking at the pill that is in full swing on auction above!

   When he was a little monk, he had a keen interest in alchemy!

   Later, Lin Nan sang all the way on the road of cultivation, swept all the enemies, and finally proved Dao becoming emperor!

   Lin Nan still remembers how coquettish he was when he became the first person to refine alchemy in the immortal world!

   "I have a pill that can wash my muscles and marrow!"

   "I have a Dan, it can be reborn!"

   "I have a pill, and I can become a fairy!"

   "I have a pill, but I can live forever!"

? ? ‘Xiaoyu’ you said I’m slow! !

? Humph! Then I will update another chapter, see what else you have to say! If you have one, you can kill me with a recommendation ticket~~~ La la la~~~



(End of this chapter)

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