There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 117: The Liu family that rose up overnight!

   "Want to play with me? Do you deserve it!"

   Lin Nan spoke, with a smile on his face, the sneer of mockery at the corners of his mouth deeply pierced into Qin Yun's heart!

   Not long ago, Qin Yun was still alive, but now he can only kneel there like a dead dog!

   "Please... please forgive me!"

   "Whether you are a cow or a horse! I am willing. From today onwards, I, Qin Yun, will be your servant. Please don't kill me!"

   Qin Yun spoke with difficulty, and his body trembled so much. He didn't want to die. If he died, everything would be gone!


   "Master Qin, how can you!"

   "Master Qin, didn't you say that even if you stand to die, don't live on your knees!"

   "Master Qin, you said that if a man is not born to eat, he is also to cook! Why are you-so low-pitched!"

  The group of big guys in Jiangbei all opened their eyes and couldn't imagine that these words came from Qin Yun.

   Qin Yun seemed to have not heard him, he had already died once, and he didn't want to die again!

   The first time I was lucky, I was reborn with the memory of my previous life. If I die again this time, is there such luck?

   Everyone's eyes gathered on Lin Nan, Lin Nan didn't speak!

Qin Yun's sweat poured out wildly, like a drowning person. He kept kowtow and said, "Forgive me! I am willing to give you the water of the **** spring. Yunshan's villa starts today. , It's yours too! I can even give you the formula of Life Suspension Pill!"

   "There are also tens of billions of property of the Qin family, which can be given to you, just ask you to forgive me!"

   Qin Yun's forehead was pressed to the floor.

   "General Qin!"

   A commander of the military area stood up with an angry expression on his face.

   "With the rank of major general, how can I be so complacent!"

   "Shut up, you old man, it's not you who are going to die now! I am going to die!" Qin Yun raised his head, like a fierce beast, staring at the commander of the military region!

"If it wasn't for me to help you heal the dark diseases in your body, and refine the pill for you to sustain your life for 30 years! Can you stand here and talk to me? Even if I ask for mercy, in my eyes, you too It's just an ant!"

   "What! You—"

The commander of the military region was furious, his chest violently ups and downs, he stretched out his finger to Qin Yun, and said angrily: "Good! Good! Good! Starting today, I will take the title of Major General Qin Yun! Since then, between Qin Yun and the army, It doesn't matter anymore! Humph!"

After    finished speaking, the commander of the military region took his troops and left without looking back!

   The whole lobby is silent!

   "Wife, what do you think I should do with him?" Lin Nan asked with a smile.

   Liu Ruqing looked at Lin Nan obsessively, never expected that his man would have such a great ability!

"I...I think...Well, Yunshan can accept it, isn't the water of the **** spring flowing down from Yunshan? We also accept it. As for Qin Yun, we will keep him and refine it for us. Life Extension Pill, what do you think?" Liu Ruqing said with a smile.

   Lin Nanshen nodded in agreement, and said, "My wife is right!"

   his gaze rolled and fell on Qin Yun.

   "Have you heard everything? Don't thank you!"

   "Thank you, the host, for your kindness, and the hostess, for your kindness!"

   Qin Yun was overjoyed, got up from the ground, scanned the surroundings, and shouted, "I don’t see Mr. Lin immediately!"

   Although he is not Lin Nan's opponent, in front of ordinary people, Qin Yun is still a golden core monk, and his majesty is inviolable!

   He sipped, like a tiger roaring and a dragon chanting, and shook the people present, rumbling in his ears, like running into thunder!

   did not dare to neglect, all the rich and powerful people present all knelt down and bowed!

   For a while, Lin Nan was like an emperor on earth, and the voices of courtesy all around were endless!

   "Chairman of Hanzhong Iron and Steel Group, meet Mr. Lin!"

  " Zhang Lin, President of Welfare Auto, meet Mr. Lin!

  "It's Deng Bingkun of Qingyang Group to meet Mr. Lin!

   "Li Sanshen, the vice chairman of the Li's consortium, on behalf of the chairman, meet Mr. Lin!"

   "The general manager of Eternal Transportation pays a visit to Mr. Lin!"

   "Jinling Chen's Patriarch, meet Mr. Lin!"

   At the beginning, these people were all subdued by Qin Yun, and now they are transferred to Lin Nan!

   Yang Huai'an and Shen Qingwen looked at each other and glanced at each other, and they both saw a strong shock in each other's eyes!

   They were hesitating whether to kneel down too, because the people present, except for the two of them, Qin Ruhai on the side knelt down!

   was about to bend down and bow down, Liu Ruqing grabbed the two of them and said with a smile: "Uncle and aunt are all a family, don't do this!"

   "Ruqing, your aunt blamed you! The man you like is really a dragon among people!"

   Shen Qingwen said, thinking of the things that prevented Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing from being together, she looked ashamed.


   Overnight, the Liu Group has gone from a middle-class family to the first family in the three rivers of Jiangnan, Jiangbei and Jiangdong!

   All of Qin Yun's assets were merged into the Liu Group's name, Yunshan also changed its owner, and Shenquan Water became Liu Ruqing's belongings, including the Master Qin, and became the chief alchemist of the Liu Group!

   Jiangbei Master Qin, fell from the clouds overnight!

   Yannan Villa, deep in the hall of the Liu family.

   "Master, something has happened!" An old servant hurried back.

"what's up?"

After    Liu Anguo retired, he stayed in the villa all day without going out, walking his dog and playing with the birds. The little days were very moist.

   "Tonight, rich people from Jiangnan, Jiangbei and Jiangdong will gather in Zuijiangnan Hotel, Jiangbei Master Qin..."

   The old servant was very excited, and told what happened tonight.


   Liu Anguo suddenly stood up from the recliner with a look of ecstasy!

   "Hahahaha! Sign of Longxing! God bless my Liu family! Hahaha!"

   A burst of hearty laughter came from the Liu family hall!

   The servant in the yard outside Liu's house still finds it strange. What happened to the Patriarch? What's so happy!

   At the same time, the elders of the Liu family, Liu Xinyuan, Liu Haichuan, Liu Shiming, the younger Liu Qianqian, Liu Chen, Liu Rong and others, all got the news!

   "How could it be possible! In one night, Ruqing subdued the rich in the three rivers of the north, south and east of the Yangtze River?" Liu Xinyuan was dumbfounded.

   "Ruqing has such a powerful method? How did she do it? Tell me quickly!" Liu Haichuan's jaw dropped to the ground.

   "Woo hoo! The rise of my Liu family is just around the corner, just around the corner!" Liu Shiming burst into tears.

   On the other side, Liu Qianqian, Liu Chen, and Liu Rong had wonderful expressions when they heard the news!

   Their faces flushed for a while, and their whole bodies were trembling. They were extremely excited about the Liu Family's overnight rise!

   But soon, their faces turned from flushing to pale again. Not long ago, they jointly targeted Liu Ruqing. Now, is there a place for them in the Liu Group?

(End of this chapter)

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