There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 127: Thunder comes to the world-one hit kills! (Third more, please recommend~~)

   Under the embrace of Zhang Lin, Lin Nan was invited into the winery.

   When this happened, even Xiao Haoxuan was interrupted and thrown out. People around him had already started talking!

   "Who is this person? So amazing!" a three-line young model asked in a low voice.

   Even big guys like Zhang Lin nodded and bowed to Lin Nan, Lin Nan couldn’t think of not being followed!

   "Who? Tell me, who has the most prestige in Jiangnan this period of time?"

   "Could it be that Mr. Lin who subdued the Jiangbei Master Qin, so low-key that he hasn't seen him yet?"

   "Count you smart!"

The man next to    stretched out a hand and scratched the woman's nose.

   "I saw Su Ze act on him just now, and the arm was at least two meters away from him, and that arm burst open!"

"Hey, you don't understand this! This is called inner strength! Only real martial artists have it. Picking leaves and hurting people and flying over the walls are all trivial! You thought that martial arts novels were written casually. Such a person!"

   The man held Xiaomi without leaving a trace, and explained with a smile.

   At this time, Lin Nan had entered the center of the venue, and a group of rich and powerful people all came up to show off!

   "Mr. Lin, the party is ready, do you want to start now?"

"let's start!"

   The host on the stage just announced the start of the party, and suddenly the lights in the entire venue dimmed.

   "Huh? What's the matter?"

   "Go to the backstage and have a look, and don't see what the occasion is! There can be such a mistake!" Zhang Lin whispered.

   A man with the appearance of a housekeeper immediately ran towards the backstage.


   The lights flickered suddenly, as if there was a strong aura, interfering with the current in the wires!

"so cold……"

   Everyone felt a chill, and couldn't help but shudder!

   The corner of Lin Nan's mouth showed a faint smile.

   "Unexpectedly, I really dare to come here!"

   Zhang Lin and other big guys were all in a daze and asked subconsciously.


   "Already here!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Suddenly, all the light bulbs in the venue exploded, including the glass windows, and a cold wind poured into the venue.

   In the darkness, there is only a faint moonlight medieval architecture, now it looks very gloomy!

   Some timid female stars began to shrink into the arms of the men next to them. Those men did not shy away, anyway, the black lights were blaming, a lot of oil!

   "Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

   A penetrating sneer came, as if something was thrown in by someone, hitting the ground, and jumping!

   The courageous man took out his phone and turned on the flashlight for a photo!


   "corpse! It's a corpse!"

   After seeing what was thrown in, even a big man was scared to pee.

   The four **** corpses were Xiao Haoxuan, Su Ze and others who had their legs broken not long ago. Their expressions were distorted, and their eyes were full of panic before dying!

   There was a panic in the venue, and Liu Feifei was even a little nervous. She grabbed the corner of Lin Nan's clothes, her palms were full of sweat!

   "Hey! Don't you think that the way you play is really old?"

   Lin Nan sighed.

   Lin Nan's voice just landed, and a figure appeared at the entrance of the venue!

   Under the moonlight, his shadow was stretched very long, his face was pale and scary, his eyes sunken in, his face was very old, like a dry tree bark!

   "Boy, you killed the seven people of my hidden Xiao family. The only people who survived were all scared by you. Do you think that I should give the old man a word!"

   The visitor said with a low voice, but it can be distinguished that he is a human, not a ghost!

   Everyone is relieved!

   "Fuck Nima! Are you trying to scare people to death?"

   After knowing that it is a person or not a ghost, some guys are not afraid, and even speak bad words.


   The visitor turned his eyes, and even in the dark, he instantly found the speaker.

   He stretched out two fingers, pointed at the person, and an arc shot out and landed directly on the person!


   In the blink of an eye, the talkative man was burned into black coal, and there was even a faint smell of meat floating in the air in the venue!


   Seeing this scene, many people were so scared that they fell to the ground, almost frightened!

   Those ladies covered their mouths tightly, not daring to speak out, for fear that they would cry and suffer the same fate!


   Zhang Lin swallowed and spit, and his whole body was cold and sweaty, but Lin Nan was here, and he was somewhat calm.

   "Mr. Lin, what should I do now?"

   "Don't be nervous, come to me!"

   "The little guy is quite calm! Do you know that this world has his own rules, if you kill my hidden person, you are breaking the rules!"

   The old man was not afraid to see Lin Nan, nor did he do anything. He stood there and looked at him quietly.

   "It's interesting! Break into my territory and do something to my women, you hidden people, is that how you reverse black and white?"

   Lin Nan touched his chin.


   The old man laughed wildly, his tone was full of arrogance, and said: "I forgot to tell you that the rules of this world are set by us! Don't reverse the black and white, because I said he is black, he is black!"

   "I said he is white, he is white!"

   "Now the old man gives you two choices. First, kneel down in front of the old man and send both hands to the Yunshan Shenquan! Then the old man will kill you!"

   "Secondly, the old man killed you with one palm now, and then take away the Yunshan Shenquan!"

   "So, I can't escape death anyway?" Lin Nan smiled.

   "Otherwise what do you think?"

   "Actually, I still have a third way to go!"

   "Oh? Let's talk about it, do you want to make a hole in the ground and climb out of here?" The corner of the old man's mouth was full of jokes.

   "If I kill you now, and then slam into the hidden door, and destroy your Xiao family in one breath, do you say that if you do this, will it be done once and for all?" Lin Nan smiled.

   The old man's face suddenly sank, and a majestic aura exploded from his body!

   Flying sand and rocks in the entire venue, like a typhoon passing by!

   "Looking for death!"

   "Thunder come--!"

   The old man yelled and waved his big hand. A dozen chopsticks thunder and lightning, carrying a blue arc, leaped towards Lin Nan!


   The sound of the air being penetrated came.

   The end of that man just now, everyone has seen with their own eyes, if this thunder strikes Lin Nan, I am afraid there is no possibility of survival!

   Of course, this is the wishful thinking of others.

   "Ah, Lin Nan-be careful!"

   In the darkness, I don't know who shouted!

   Seeing those dozen arcs, they were about to hit Lin Nan, and an incredible scene appeared!

   These arcs stopped in the void three meters away from Lin Nan, as if there was an invisible wall there, blocking the arc to move forward!

   In the air, a burnt smell came!

   "What-how is this possible!" The old man was surprised.

   "Excuse me, play Thunder, I am your ancestor!"

   Lin Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.



  Thunder comes to the world-one hit kills!

   A sky thunder appeared out of thin air, with the thickness of a bucket, the old man in the Xiao family was directly chopped into fly ash, and his body was completely turned into powder!

(End of this chapter)

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