There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 132: Grandmaster-level reward order! (Fourth more sent, good night everyone~)


   "In this kind of life experience? I thought it was from what origin!"

   "Just because these people can invite Lin Canghai? The family has more than one billion assets, so rich!" Qian Hengtong wanted to cry without tears.

  In Southeast Asian countries, families with billions of assets don't even have the qualifications to meet him!

"My son, your luck is too bad! Your father controls trillions of assets, playing with the economic lifelines of three countries in applause, you will be beaten like this for a few women appearance?"

   "Lin Canghai, Lin Canghai, I have written down this grudge!"

   "And the people on that yacht, don't even want to survive!"

   "Give me a bounty order on the underground forum to kill Lin Canghai, and those people, the bounty, 100 million US dollars!"

   "It just so happened. Recently, on the underground forum, there was some kind of ‘Thunder Master’. Many people gathered in China. I’m afraid there are many big people who are all gathered in China, right?"

   "Hey, Lin Canghai, Lin Nan, you both have the surname Lin, say it's okay to you? Ghosts believe!"

   Qian Hengtong smiled terribly. After a chill, his staff immediately issued a reward order according to Qian Hengtong's request!

   As the saying goes, money can be a master, and no one can avoid it!


   When Lin Canghai and Lin Nan’s offer of rewards was posted on the underground forum, it caused a sensation!

   "One hundred million dollars! My dear, who is such a big deal? Just to kill a grandmaster!"

"Lin Canghai? Let me see. The Grand Master is ranked 36th. Can his head be worth 100 million U.S. dollars? Oh, there is a kid named Lin Nan, this is an ordinary person, who is so rich Is there so much money?"

   "The iP is encrypted, I only know that it is a rich man in Southeast Asia, who can't find out! However, the commission has been transferred to the account of the underground forum. As long as the task is completed, the bonus can be withdrawn!"

Many people responded to   's post about the reward.

   But most of the killers just hunt down a grandmaster with the mentality of having a look? For them, it is really difficult!

  Meanwhile, in a hotel somewhere in Europe.

   "Black Viper! Have you seen the underground forum?"

   A woman walked over from the bathroom, naked, her milky skin, without a trace of blemishes.

   Just after some rain, the black viper was lying on the bed and said weakly: "I haven't seen it yet, what's the matter? Is there news of the ‘Thunder Master’?"

  Black Viper also watched Lin Nan's video about controlling lightning, but he didn't recognize it. The person in the video was Lin Nan!

   "No, there is a rich man in Southeast Asia who issued a reward order. To kill a master, the reward is 100 million US dollars!" The woman laughed.

   With the tablet in her hand, she came to the bed without leaving a trace and sat down!

   Black Viper's face finally got more interest!

   "One hundred million dollars! This is considered to be the highest bonus for this year, except for the "Thunder Master", right? But killing a grandmaster? Forget it! I don't have this strength!"

   The black viper gently shook his head, stretched out a hand, and wandered behind the woman.

"Ha ha--"

The woman smiled and sighed: "Yes! But judging from the video of'Thunder Master', it seems to be the terrain on the other side of China. Many powerful people in the underground world have already entered China. I don’t know if anyone is interested, and killed this hapless master named Lin Canghai by the way..."

   "Shadow Wolf King, Blood Wizard, those guys, I heard that they set off for China the day before yesterday..."

   Hearing the word Lin Canghai, Black Viper suddenly sat up.

   "Who was killed by the reward order?"

   "Lin Canghai? What's the matter?" The woman was taken aback.

   Black Viper robbed the tablet computer from the woman's hand without saying a word. It happened to be a post with a reward order. Photos of Lin Nan and Lin Canghai were on it!

   Black Viper's pupils shrink slightly!

   "Hi, it's the master!"

   "Who? Lin Canghai is your master?"

   "No, this man named Lin Nan, he is my master! But why would anyone want him?"

   Black Viper shook his head, his eyebrows twisted together.

   Thinking of Lin Nan's methods that day, just raising his hand, a person burned with a silver flame, and finally disappeared without a trace!

   Black Viper shuddered deep in his heart!

   The woman laughed, and said: "Why haven't I heard that you still have a master? But this time, your master may be dead!"

   "The guys like the Shadow Wolf King and the Blood Wizard are not vegetarian! One hundred million dollars, the temptation is great!"

   The woman said, sticking out her pink tongue and adding attractive red lips.

   The black viper raised his head and his expression became extremely cold.

   The woman felt that the man who was still in bed with tenderness and sweetness the moment before, made her happily dying, really turned into a poisonous snake at this moment!

   "Black Viper, what are you doing..."

   From the black viper's gaze, he felt a chill.

   "Huh! I don't allow you to insult my master!"

   "Take a step back and say, these people want to kill my master? Ha ha! Don't let it go in time!"


   At this moment, Gala and Lin Canghai also saw the reward order from the underground forum.

   "Do you want to tell the master?"

   "If you want to say, you have to wait until tomorrow morning! The master doesn't want to be interrupted during rest!"

   "Hehe, Lin Canghai, there is your head in this reward order, so you are not afraid at all?" Gala laughed.

   "What are you afraid of? The old man also exists in the gods now!" Lin Canghai said proudly.

   The next morning, Lin Canghai found an opportunity to tell Lin Nan about the reward order!

   Lin Nan frowned slightly and looked at Liu Ruqing, who was playing happily in the distance.

   "I don't want Yuqing to be affected in any way! The task of the two of you is to kill everything in the cradle!"

   Lin Canghai was a little embarrassed, and said: "Master, others are fine to say, but the two guys, the Shadow Wolf King and the Blood Wizard, are the strengths of the gods! Unless you go out in person, I am afraid it will not be difficult to repel!"

   "Since it is not easy to repel, kill it!"

   Lin Nan spoke indifferently.

He flicked his finger lightly, and two golden lights fell on Lin Canghai and Gala. The two of them trembled. They only felt a surge of essence in their bodies, which instantly poured into the limbs and the eight meridians. In!

"this is……"

   "Hi! The peak of the gods!"

  Gala's mouth is so wide that it can fill the heads of adults.

   "Thank you, Master!"

   Without a word, Lin Canghai fell to his knees and banged his head abruptly!

   Last time, Lin Nan casually pushed his strength from the pinnacle of the master to the realm of God!

   Now, with the click of a finger, his cultivation base has been pushed horizontally into the peak of the gods!

   The old witch **** Gala was already shocked and beyond reversal. At the beginning, when Lin Canghai told him all this, Gala didn't believe it!

   Now Gala is completely convinced, with his mid-stage **** realm strength, he has been stuck in the bottleneck for more than 20 years!

   Now Lin Nan flicks his fingers, making him the pinnacle of the gods, and all the meridians in his body are opened!

  This kind of method is not available to gods!

  ‘The master is a real god! No wonder you can control the power of thunder and lightning! ’

   While the two of them were ecstatic, Lin Nan's indifferent voice came:

   "Anyone in the underground world, within a hundred miles of this sea, no matter who it is, kill without mercy! I don't want Ruqing to be disturbed in any way!"

(End of this chapter)

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