There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 1446: This... who are you? (Second more)

"You really mean this person?"

The ancestor of the ancient family glanced at Gu Rufeng, and asked in a cold voice, apparently there was a trace of discomfort in his words.

"Yes, ancestor! He is Lin Nan, who killed all the golden elders of the ancient family!"

At this time, Gu Rufeng quickly stood up and said, pointing to Lin Nan.

Standing next to the ancestor of the ancient fairy king, he felt a lot of peace in his heart as if he had grasped the last straw.

"Hahaha, Lin Nan, you are dead now, this is our ancient ancestor of the fairy king, under his hand, you can't even do a trick!"

Gu Rufeng looked at Lin Nan, venting the fear in his heart, and laughed wildly.

At this time, there were still some ancient ancestors who didn't believe it, but at this time, seeing the appearance of Gu Rufeng, he believed in five points.

However, he was still a little puzzled, the other party's breath was only in the early stage of True Immortal, could it be possible that the other party could hide his breath so that he could not be aware of the power of the immortal king realm!

This is really incredible.

"Old ancestor, behead this officer to avenge the dead Jinxian elder of our ancient family!"

Gu Rufeng pleaded to the ancient ancestors.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked indifferent. He swept across the ancient ancestors with divine thoughts and found that the opponent was just a monk in the early stage of the Immortal King, and he seemed to have suffered dark injuries, and he failed in the middle stage of the immortal king.

Such a monk, Lin Nan can pinch to death at will, it is not worth mentioning.

"Boy, since you dare to kill someone from my ancient family, let alone the elder Jinxian, even if you are an ordinary tribe, you have to pay the price of your life!"

The ancient ancestor stepped forward and stood up, looking at Lin Nan, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

The ancient family is aloof, even ordinary people, compared with other monks, their lives are much more expensive.

And now, Lin Nan actually killed all the elders of their ancient family, this is undoubtedly dead.

"A few ants are just squeezed to death. You are a monk in the early days of the Immortal King. If you want to avenge them, I don't mind [笔趣阁] intending to pinch you to death!"

Lin Nan said lightly.

As if in his eyes, there is no difference between pinching a strong immortal king and squeezing a golden monk.



Hearing Lin Nan's words, both the ancient Rufeng and the ancient ancestors were shocked.

Ants? Still pinched to death?

Is this what people say!

A mere cultivator in the early stage of the true immortal, he was so embarrassed in front of him, the powerhouse of the immortal king realm, that this is simply looking for death!

"Since you are looking for death like this, the ancestor will fulfill you!"

The ancestor of the ancient family was also furious at this time, suddenly shouted, and patted Lin Nan with a palm.


A huge palm print rose up in the void, with a terrifying aura, countless powerful Taoist mansions, surrounded by the palm print, as if to tear the void, sweeping towards Lin Nan.

"The ancestor is really strong, Lin Nan, you are dead!"

Seeing that the ancient ancestor's blow was so powerful, Gu Rufeng on the side was also amazed. At the same time, he looked at Lin Nan as if he was watching a dead person.

Obviously, in the eyes of Gu Rufeng, Lin Nan will definitely die if the ancestor of the fairy king takes action.

At this time, Lin Nan still looked calm and calm, and did not pay attention to the opponent's attack.


Almost instantly, the huge palm print had hit Lin Nan, but it was blocked by a light green light shield in front of him, making a loud noise.

Then, the huge palm prints immediately dissipated, and the light shield in front of Lin Nan didn't even appear to be a ripple.


Seeing this scene, the ancestor of the ancient family also gave a surprise, feeling a little unbelievable.

Even though the palm of his hand just now was just a casual shot, at least 70% of the mana was used.

I thought that the man in front of me who only had the early breath of the true immortal could be easily beheaded, but I didn't expect that even the opponent's defensive shield could not be broken, which is really incredible.

And Gu Rufeng, who was bragging on the side, seemed to have eaten a dead child, and he choked and couldn't speak.

The ancestor of the Immortal King made a move, but he was unfavorable and was blocked by the opponent.

"Boy, it seems that my ancestor underestimated you just now, but this time, you will definitely die!"

The ancestor of the ancient family was also serious, and his expression became solemn.

Then, he flipped his hand, and there was another immortal treasure in his hand, which was shining with a palpable and powerful aura, surrounded by countless rules and regulations, which was dizzying.


Seeing the immortal treasure in the hands of the ancestors, Gu Rufeng also took a breath. This is the king-pin immortal treasure of the ancient family, extremely powerful.

"Boy, you are dead this time! The ancestor used the immortal king's realm to display the king product immortal treasure. In the entire Star City, no cultivator can resist it!"

That Gu Rufeng was also very excited, suddenly shouting again and again, looking at Lin Nan, proud.


The ancestor of the ancient family finally made a move. With a direct wave of the Wang Pin Xianbao in his hand, a terrifying light curtain suddenly appeared, as if torn the earth and swept away towards Lin Nan.

However, Lin Nan still looked like an old **** was there, and he didn't panic at all. He didn't even look at the other party.

Lin Nan slowly raised a finger until the huge light curtain was less than three meters away from him.


A white light shot out sharply from Lin Nan's fingers, and instantly faced the huge light curtain.


Afterwards, the white light blasted from Lin Nan's fingers collided with the huge light curtain, making a loud noise.

Then, I saw the originally terrifying light curtain, instantly bursting apart like glass shards, turning into a mass of debris, and dissipating in the air.

"This, how is this possible!"

At this moment, seeing this scene, Gu Rufeng's proud expression just now, suddenly froze there, as if eating a bunch of dead flies, unable to speak a word.

The powerful attack of the ancestor of the fairy king was defeated by the opponent's finger, which has subverted Gu Rufeng's imagination.

At this moment, he even felt that all this was an illusion.

Otherwise, how could there be such a powerful person.

And the ancestor of the ancient family was shocked at this time.

He stared at Lin Nan in a daze, and a pair of dull old eyes also showed a long-awaited horror.

"This, this, this... who are you?"

After a few breaths, the ancestor of the ancient family was relieved and vomited a few words.

At this time, he was already in a state of confusion, and felt that he was puzzled like Monk Zhang Er.

The strength of the man in front of him was beyond his expectation, making his head unable to turn.

As a strong immortal king, he has experienced countless life and death battles in his life, but compared with the scene before him, everything he has encountered before is like a child's play.

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