There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 152: Our king, he can't afford it! (Fourth more~)

"Ha ha!"

Liu Ruqing gently shook her head and said, "The base price of Shenquan water is 100,000 yuan a bottle! In the outside market, it is commonplace to fry more than 200,000 yuan. Recently, it has become extremely popular, breaking through the high price of 300,000 yuan!"

"Do you want to get the **** spring water for free? Think too well!"

Liu Ruqing looked cold and arrogant, and didn't give Wang Zhe a good expression!

Wang Zhe smiled and looked at Lin Nan quietly.

"Mr. Lin, my father thinks that Shenquan water is just ordinary spring water flowing out of Yunshan! It is inexhaustible. The number of 300 bottles per month, the Wang family will naturally not take it for nothing! As long as Mr. Lin is willing To provide the king’s family with **** spring water for free, my father said, the market in Southeastern Province will be opened for you!"

"Of course, the sales right of Shenquan Water in Southeastern Province is represented by our Wang family, and the operating profit of the sales is half of our two members!"

"After all, Shenquan water is just ordinary spring water in Yunshan, almost at no cost!"

After speaking, Wang Zhe looked at Lin Nan with a smile, waiting for his answer!

If he really got the right to sell Shenquan Water, how much profit would be distributed to Lin Nan, wouldn't it be a matter of his Wang family? What can he do even if he only gives him a profit?

"It's not impossible to provide **** spring water for free!" Lin Nan nodded gently.

‘Sure enough, I’m still afraid of the power of my royal family! It seems that this so-called Mr. Lin is nothing more than that! No matter how good you are, so what? In front of the Wang family of my century-old family, it is not necessary to be obedient! ’

‘No matter how awesome you are in Jiangnan, you are just a little brother in front of the Wang family! It's Lin Nan who knows current affairs! ’

Thinking of this, the smile in the corner of Wang Zhe's eyes became more obvious, and the look at Lin Nan was also pleasing to his eyes.

"Mr. Lin really has vision!" Wang Zhe said.

At this time, Lin Nan's words turned and smiled: "Let the Wang family come to the shore of Yanhu Lake and kneel for three days and three nights, let alone three hundred bottles of sacred spring water every month, even if you give all of Yunshan to you , It's not impossible!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Zhe's face instantly turned dark!

"Are you talking about dreams foolishly?"

Wang Zhe's eyes twitched lightly, his voice was cold.


Liu Ruqing pursed her lips and said, "Is this talking about yourself? Didn't you say that you want free Shenquan water? I think Lin Nan's conditions are pretty good!"

"My wife is right!"

Lin Nan laughed.


Wang Zhe's face alternated with blue and red, hot, as if being slapped heavily, he snorted coldly, and walked away.

Wang Zhe's car turned around and left, disappearing at the end of the river bank!

Inside the car, Wang Zhe had a gloomy face.

"Master, this Lin Nan is really too much, let the old man kneel on the shore of Yanhu Lake!"

"Yes! Master, we can't just swallow this bad breath like this. We have to find a way to get back to the place! Otherwise, the majesty of our southeast province king's family will become less and less existent in the future!"

The two people in the car were talking weirdly.

Wang Zhe sneered again and again, his eyes were full of fierce light!

"It won’t be long before I will let him sell a bottle of Shenquan Water! Let’s release the news that whoever dares to interact with the Liu Group or have any relationship with Lin Nan, the major families in Jiangnan, Jiangbei, and Jiangdong, It is against the Wang family of my southeast province!"

"I see who dares! Lin Nan, Lin Nan, I will break your hands and feet first, and then play with you slowly, I want to see how you, a little Liu family, fight against the behemoth of my Wang family!"

"Our king, he can't afford it!"


In the afternoon, the rich people in Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei received news from the Wang family. All of a sudden, the entire rich circle caused an uproar!

The Wang family said that any company that has business dealings with the Liu Group is an enemy of the Wang family in Southeastern Province!

Once anyone dares to buy a bottle of Shenquan water from Yunshan, he is also an enemy of the Wang family!

As soon as the news came out, all the rich and powerful men looked at each other.

Many rich and powerful people even gathered together spontaneously for a meeting.

"How could this be?"

"Mr. did you offend the Wang Family of Southeastern Province?"

"Oh! Three generals! There are three generals, two are still serving in the military area, and one is retired at home, enjoying ministerial treatment! There are countless students under his name. If you are an enemy of the Wang family, I am afraid you will not be in the circle in the future The way is mixed!"

"What to do? These days, with Mr. Lin, our business is doing well. The Liu Group knows that we can make profit, and everyone has meat! Is it really going to abandon Mr. Lin?"

"A strong man breaks his wrist, although he breaks his arm, his strength is damaged, if he continues, he will suffer from it!

Some of the rich and powerful have made up their minds and are ready to follow the requirements of the Wang Family in Southeastern Province.

There are also some rich and powerful men with weird faces. For example, Zhang Lin, the president of Fuli Auto, Li Sanshen, the vice chairman of the Lee Consortium, and Wang Tianniu, the chief of Eternal Transportation, exchanged glances.

They have seen Lin Nan's ghostly means!

A glance swept over, and Deng Bingkun, the president of the Qingyang Group at the time, turned into a cloud of blood, shocking the dozens of rich and powerful men present!

Now, these dozens of rich and powerful men have long regarded Lin Nan as a god!

Especially on that day, Zhang Lin still remembered everything in the winery in the suburbs of Jiangnan, taking people's souls in a single thought, killing people invisible within a thousand miles!

This method has surpassed ghosts and gods!

"Zhang Lin, Li Sanshen, Wang Tianniu, you guys, why don't you take a stand? Are you really ready to follow Lin Nan with all your heart?" A big man chuckled twice.

Zhang Lin, Li Sanshen, and Wang Tianniu smiled and said nothing.

"Hehe, Brother Zhou, if people want to follow Lin Nan and show their loyalty, let's not force it!" Another rich man laughed hehe.

‘A bunch of idiots, if you dare to betray Mr. Lin, you won’t know how you died then! Zhang Lin is secretly funny.

"A hundred-year-old family? Three generals in one door? so what! In front of the gods, life and death are all within a single thought. When you go to hell, I will take care of your inheritance! ’

Thinking of this, Zhang Lin's mouth also revealed a faint smile!


Yanjing was on a private jet flying to Jiangnan City.

Zhang Fuzhi sat on his seat, and Li Cangqiong, a well-known sword master in the martial arts world, waited by!

"Lao Zhang, if you want the water from the God Spring, just give the order to go to Jiangnan, why do you need to go there yourself?" Li Cangqiong asked in confusion.

Zhang Fuzhi smiled faintly.

"If it's someone else, I'll give you an order! But this **** spring water is Lin Nan's thing. Last time in Yanjing, he walked too fast and he didn't have time to make friends! This time, I personally come to Jiangnan, he always Give me a face!"

In Zhang Fuzhi's heart, he had long felt friendship with Lin Nan.

It's a pity that in Yanjing that day, Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing left too early, and the Qin family happened again. Before they could make friends with Lin Nan, Lin Nan and others returned to Jiangnan!

This time, Zhang Fuzhi went out of Beijing himself, which shows how much he attaches to Lin Nan!

"Lao Zhang, it's just a new upstart. In your capacity, this is too worthy of him!" Li Cangqiong still shook his head.

With his identity as a sword master in the sky, he respects Zhang Fuzhi so much, which shows that Zhang Fuzhi's status is high!

Back then, if it were not for some reason, with Zhang Fuzhi's outstanding military exploits, one of the top ten marshals of China would have his place!

It is a pity that after all he failed to rank among the marshals, this is also a pity that Zhang Fuyi lived!

Although he is not a marshal, but looking at the entire China, who would dare to underestimate Zhang Fuzhi?

"Hehe, the old man has always been very accurate in seeing people, and now it is great to make some good bonds for the Zhang family!"

Zhang Fuzhi laughed, and the words changed.

"By the way, you didn't tell the Jiangnan military about the news of my trip? I don't want it, it will be too sensational by then!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, your whereabouts are kept secret! Your disciples are almost all over the country. If they know that you are here, the generals of those military districts will not all come to see you? At that time, wouldn't it be a mess? Up!"

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