There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 155: Zhang Fuzhi’s kindness (the third one comes~)

Hearing what Wang Annan said, Zhang Fuzhi smiled silently.

Li Cangqiong on the side stood up and said with a smile.

"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know! If it weren't for you to call and tell me, I don't know why Zhang Lao came to Jiangnan!" Wang Annan was panicked.

What he is most worried about now is that his nephew, Wang Zhe, provokes Zhang Fuzhi!

Wang Annan has also heard that there will be some actions in the family recently, it is said that it seems to be a way to stand up against the rich and powerful in Jiangbei, Jiangnan and Jiangdong.

What exactly it is, Wang Annan has never heard of it either!

He has long left his family affairs.

Anyway, letting the juniors in the family make arrangements, it can be regarded as cultivating the ability when taking over for the future!

"Hehe, but this young man keeps saying that he is from the Wang family of Southeastern Province! Just now he called Zhang Lao ‘old guy’ directly, one by one, very arrogant!" Li Cangqiong said with a smile without a smile.


Upon hearing this, Wang Annan was a little dizzy.

"Beast! Roll over and kneel down!"

There was a sudden drink, and Wang Zhe trembled all over. His second grandfather, his majesty at home on weekdays was still very high, and almost no one dared to disobey him!

The faces of the rich and powerful in the conference hall have all changed!

Especially at the very beginning, the rich man who followed Wang Zhe's clamor, his old face was pale, and beads of sweat poured out of his forehead!

"Second Grandpa! I—I didn’t mean it, I don’t know!"

Wang Zhe's horrified defense.


Without saying anything, Wang Annan slapped him with a slap, and landed heavily on Wang Zhe's face, hitting him on the ground!

Wang Zhe's handsome cheeks swelled instantly, and he spit out seven or eight **** teeth!

'hiss! This is really to the death! ’

Many rich and powerful men secretly took a breath.

"Lao Zhang, I really can't help it! The Wang family has no way to teach me. After I return, I must kill this beast!"

Wang Annan's face was solemn.

The hearts of those present shook for a moment. Wouldn't Wang Annan be serious? This is his nephew, not a collateral bloodline!

Is it possible to become this old man, Wang Annan is really ready to beat Wang Zhe alive? Can his brother agree?

Zhang Fuzhi waved his hand, calm and calm.

"That's it! It's just a junior, it's not guilty to breathe for him, it's enough to punish him!"

"Beast! Don't get out yet, and make amends for Zhang Lao!"

Wang Annan said bitterly, looking at Wang Zhe's eyes, full of anger.

Wang Zhe seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw, climbed to Zhang Fuzhi's feet like a dead dog, knocked his head like garlic, and banged the floor!

"Lao Zhang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm obsessed for a while, I damn, I damn!"

Zhang Fuzhi ignored Wang Zhe, gave Wang Annan a faint look, and smiled: "Just forget about this, but this little brother Lin is my savior. When I am in Yanjing, I will not Hope, to hear that someone is bad for his company!"

While waiting for Wang Annan, Zhang Fuzhi had already understood the ins and outs of the matter!

How he didn't know that these rich and powerful men were all coerced by the Wang family, so they broke the contract!

Now as long as you speak yourself, this matter will naturally be solved!

"What? Your savior!"

Wang Annan stayed for a while, then looked at Lin Nan incredulously, facing Lin Nan's direction, bowed and saluted ninety degrees!

"Mr. Lin, since you are the teacher's savior, you will be the guest of the royal family from today! Whoever wants to be your enemy is the enemy of the Southeast Wang family!"

What Wang Annan said so loudly made all the rich and powerful people present look at each other!

Ouyang Shan and others had terminated their contract with the Liu Group at the beginning, and now all their faces were pale, as if collapsed!

Liu Haichuan, Zhou Jiannan, Li Guosheng and other shareholders of the Liu Group are full of ecstasy. In the future, the Liu Group’s business will probably be the green light. No one dares to embarrass them anymore!

Zhang Lin, President of Fuli Auto, Li Sanshen, Vice Chairman of Li's Consortium, Wang Tianniu, General Manager of Eternal Transportation, and seven or eight rich people, stood on the side of Liu Group at the beginning, but after hearing this, they were shocked!

Several people were short of breath, flushed, and old faces were hot.

‘My dear! Mr. Lin's energy is too great! This old Zhang is no ordinary person at first sight! ’

‘I originally thought that being able to fight against the southeast king’s family is already the greatest victory! Unexpectedly, the Wang family directly admitted it! In the future, as long as you follow Mr. Lin and the Liu Group, the whole Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei, who else can compete with us? ’

Thinking of this in their hearts, Zhang Lin and others met and saw a smile in each other's eyes!

The decision I made today is indeed the most correct in my life!

"Girl, how do I handle this? Can I still ask for a meal with you?"

Zhang Fuzhi looked at Liu Ruqing with a smile.

He had already noticed what Zhang Fuzhi was like. Lin Nan seemed to be careless, and he never interfered with the whole process. In fact, in Lin Nan's heart, I am afraid that he has already had a countermeasure!

He came out halfway, just to be a good favor!

And from Lin Nan's eyes, Zhang Fuzhi saw that he attached great importance to Liu Ruqing!

People like Lin Nan are extremely difficult to move, let alone make him owe favors, but if you start with Liu Ruqing, it will be much simpler!

"Lin Nan, what do you think?"

Liu Ruqing asked with a smile.

Lin Nan smiled lightly and scratched Liu Ruqing's nose.

"You have solved the problem, my President, let the cafeteria prepare meals!"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Zhang Fuzhi's face finally showed a smile from the heart!

This matter, if Lin Nan is allowed to take action, it should not be too simple. Kill a hundred people, even if it is the Wang Clan of Southeast Province, Lin Nan can make him surrender!

Why use Zhang Fuzhi's method? It's too much trouble to give both kindness and power!

When Lin Nan and the others left the conference hall, a wailing sound came from behind!

"Mr. Lin, don't give up on us!"

"Mr. Lin, we are all forced, Mr. Lin, I am willing to spend ten times the price and re-sign the contract!"

"Huh! Come, blast this group of people out for me! What the hell, the Liu Group's contract, are you signing it if you want to sign it, or cancel it if you want to cancel it?" Liu Haichuan snorted coldly.

Immediately a group of security guards rushed in and began to clean up!

"Haha, Ouyangshan, do you have today? Didn't I tell you, follow Mr. Lin, you can't be wrong!" Zhang Lin laughed.

Ouyang Shan's face is as gray as death, and his heart is bleeding!

I am afraid that after this time, including him, dozens of rich and powerful people will no longer have a foothold in Jiangnan, Jiangdong, and Jiangbei!

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