There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 158: Black Viper, have seen the owner!

After leaving the airport, everyone came to the hotel. It was already seven o'clock in the evening. Two people shared a presidential suite. The extravagance was extreme!

After a day's flight, everyone is tired, ready to take a good rest at night, and go to play again tomorrow morning!

Outside the room of Liu Feifei and Wang Yuxuan.

"Boom boom boom!"

A middle-aged white man who looked like a housekeeper was knocking on the door, and two young white women followed behind him.


Liu Feifei opened the door to take a look.

"Hello, madam!" The middle-aged white man smiled slightly, speaking fluent Mandarin.

Liu Feifei was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "Is there anything wrong with you?"

"Oh, is your companion here?" The middle-aged white man laughed.

Liu Feifei nodded lightly and said, "You are talking about Yuxuan. In it, I will call him!"

Soon, Wang Yuxuan was yelled out and stood at the door of the presidential suite. The middle-aged white man nodded slightly. The woman the master said was that this person was right!

"Hello, my name is Terence, and I am the butler of the Young Duke of Baptiste! Today, the host specially held a party in the hotel for you. Many of Paris’s dignitaries are all present. The host said, please be sure Please enjoy your face and participate!" The middle-aged white man smiled.

Wang Yuxuan was taken aback.

Terence explained with a smile: "My host, you should have met at the airport in the afternoon!"

Liu Feifei and Wang Yuxuan just remembered that the white man this afternoon seemed to be Baptiste!

"Sorry, thank your master for your kindness, I am a little tired and want to rest!" Wang Yuxuan gently shook her head.

"Ha ha!"

Terence's smile froze, and said: "Madam, my host invites others to the ball, but no one can refuse it. Are you sure you don't think about it?"

"no need!"

Wang Yuxuan turned and left, and Liu Feifei was about to close the door.

Terence's face sank, and he gently raised his hand. The two white women behind him rushed in decisively, pushed Liu Feifei away, and left with Wang Yuxuan!

Liu Feifei's face turned pale, she didn't expect to encounter such a thing in the hotel!

She was so confused, she had to come outside Lin Nan's room.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin!"

"what's up?"

"No, Yu Xuan was forcibly taken away!"

The door was opened, Lin Nan stood at the door, frowning and said, "What's the matter?"

Liu Feifei said exactly what happened just now, Lin Nan nodded slightly, looked back at Liu Ruqing who was already asleep, gently raised his hand, set up a small circle, and walked out of the presidential suite.

"Where did the people go?"

"It seems to be going to the lobby. The butler named Terence said that his host specially held a party in the hotel and invited Yu Xuan to participate. If Yu Xuan did not go, she was forcibly taken away!"

Liu Feifei's pretty face was full of anxious expressions.

Lin Nan said nothing, and walked towards the hotel lobby!

Several waiters stood there and saw Lin Nan approaching, smiling forward, "Sir, can I help you?"

"Where is Baptiste holding the party?" Lin Nan asked coldly.

The waiters looked at each other. The Young Duke Baptiste had already explained that if there are a few Chinese people inquiring, they must not tell them, and they must keep them secret!

"Sir, this is the private party of the Young Duke Baptiste, and we can't tell you!" One of the waiters smiled slightly.

Lin Nan stretched out his hand, squeezed this person's throat, and lifted him directly like a chicken!


The waiter trembled all over, and only felt a terrifying killing intent, covering him firmly!

"Ahem! Twenty-first floor!"


The prom was very lively, with more than one hundred people, all of Paris nobles and celebrities!

Wang Yuxuan had been put on a gorgeous evening gown, sitting on the sofa, Baptiste was by the side, and poured a glass of red wine for her!

"Don't be nervous, I'm not malicious, I just want to get to know you!"

Baptiste smiled, behaving very gentlemanly, and didn't make any extraordinary moves!

Wang Yuxuan calmed down, forced a smile, and said: "Mr. Baptiste, I still have friends waiting for me. If they don't go back now, they will be worried. Would you please let me go?"

"Yu Xuan, this is my private dance party for you, okay to be my woman?"

"You don't know how many women in Paris want to climb onto my Baptiste's bed! It's a pity that their identities and the blood in their bodies are too humble!"

"Only you are worthy of me!"

"Be my young duchess?" Baptiste smiled confidently.

As he said, he also stretched out a hand and placed it gently on Wang Yuxuan's white shoulder.


At this moment, the door of the prom was kicked open, and Lin Nan and Liu Feifei walked in!

Everyone at the dance party looked at the entrance door in surprise!

"Lin Nan——!"

Wang Yuxuan was pleasantly surprised, but she didn't expect Lin Nan to come here to rescue her. She burst into tears and wanted to run over!

Baptiste's face sank and stopped Wang Yuxuan!

"Let her go!"

Baptiste sneered: "Do you know where this is? Dare to come to my prom to make trouble, not to die?"

"The same thing, I won't say the third time, let her go!"

"Break his leg and throw it out! The yellow pig dared to run wild in Europe!"

As Baptiste's voice landed, a dozen muscular men rushed up, and everyone was taller than 1.8 meters!

The Parisian nobles and celebrities present stood quietly on the side, with a joke on the corners of their mouths, waiting for this troublemaker to be knocked to the ground!

The incredible scene appeared!

While a dozen muscular men rushed up, Lin Nan just gently raised his hand and slapped it over!


More than a dozen muscular men, like sandbags, flew upside down and fell into the crowd. There were wailing sounds!

Black Viper rushed to the dance party with her female companion. Due to the traffic jam on the road, he arrived half an hour late!

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the dance party, the black viper, as a killer, felt that there was a fight in the venue!

The black viper quickened his pace and rushed into the venue, only to see a man with his back facing him, his friend Battits, standing there with a look of horror!

After seeing the black viper, Battits's face flashed with joy!

"Black Viper, help me get rid of this person, I will give you ten million dollars!"

Battits laughed.

At this moment, Lin Nan turned his head and looked at the black viper with a smile.

"Black Viper, long time no see!"

"You--! Hiss! Black Viper, I've seen the master!"

The black viper's pupils shrank suddenly, and after taking a deep breath, he knelt on the ground without hesitation!

The whole venue fell into a dead silence!

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